apache / linkis

Apache Linkis builds a computation middleware layer to facilitate connection, governance and orchestration between the upper applications and the underlying data engines.
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[Feature]New configuration management function added to the management console #4842

Closed v-kkhuang closed 9 months ago

v-kkhuang commented 1 year ago


目前运维人员需要修正配置项的一些分类、校验范围时,需要通过手动执行sql 方式来实现,操作起来不便捷,为了方便运维人员更加便捷操作基础数据配置项,linkis新增基础数据配置管理页面,页面可对配置项进行修改、新增、删除等功能


1.页面需展示所有配置项信息 2.图形化界面提供新增、修改、删除、条件查询功能 3.查询功能支持:引擎类型(下拉选择框)、配置key(模糊搜索)类型筛选


前端: 1.展示配置项列表数据 支持数据增删改查功能 2.查询: 引擎类型(下拉选择框)、配置key(模糊搜索)类型筛选 后端: 新增restful接口: 1.查询数据:baseKeyValue接口,请求方式:get 接口支持参数筛选,默认查询所有数据,数据以分页方式返回,提供页码,仅管理员可查询数据 2.删除数据:baseKeyValue接口,请求方式:delete 仅管理员可删除数据 3.保存数据(新增、修改):baseKeyValue接口,请求方式:post 仅管理员可新增数据,保证数据唯一性,新增修改前查询数据是否存在,存在则拒绝新增,修改则使用唯一索引限制重复数据

Requirement background

At present, when operation and maintenance personnel need to modify some classifications and verification ranges of configuration items, they need to manually execute SQL, which is not convenient to operate. In order to facilitate operation and maintenance personnel to operate basic data configuration items more conveniently, Linkis has added a basic data configuration management page, which can modify, add, and delete configuration items


  1. The page should display all configuration item information
  2. The graphical interface provides functions for adding, modifying, deleting, and querying conditions
  3. Query function support: engine type (drop-down selection box), configuration key (fuzzy search) type filtering

    Processing plan

    Front end:

  4. Display configuration item list data supporting data addition, deletion, modification, and query functions
  5. Query: Engine type (drop-down selection box), configuration key (fuzzy search) type filtering Backend: Add restful interface:
  6. Query data: baseKeyValue interface, request method: get The interface supports parameter filtering, and all data is queried by default. The data is returned in a paginated manner, with page numbers provided. Only administrators can query the data
  7. Delete data: baseKeyValue interface, request method: delete Only administrators can delete data
  8. Save data (add, modify): baseKeyValue interface, request method: post Only administrators can add data to ensure data uniqueness. Before adding or modifying, check if the data exists. If it exists, reject the addition. If modified, use a unique index to restrict duplicate data
github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

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