apache / logging-log4j-kotlin

A Kotlin-friendly interface to log against the Log4j API
Apache License 2.0
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Fix JPMS module descriptor #46

Closed ppkarwasz closed 9 months ago

ppkarwasz commented 9 months ago

The JPMS descriptor generated by BND has many issues, e.g. BND does not find JPMS descriptors inside META-INF/versions/9, hence most of the module names are wrong.

The descriptor generated by this PR is:

module org.apache.logging.log4j.kotlin@1.3.0.SNAPSHOT {
  requires java.base;
  requires static kotlin.reflect;
  requires transitive kotlin.stdlib;
  requires static kotlinx.coroutines.core;
  requires transitive org.apache.logging.log4j;
  exports org.apache.logging.log4j.kotlin;

Looking at the code, I am assuming that usage of kotlin.reflect and kotlinx.coroutines.core is optional.