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Should we explore DiskANN for aKNN vector search? #12615

Open mikemccand opened 11 months ago

mikemccand commented 11 months ago


I came across this compelling sounding JVector project which looks to have awesome QPS performance.

It uses DiskANN instead of HNSW (what Lucene uses now).

Maybe we should explore another aKNN Codec implementation using this? It'd also be a good test of the Codec pluggability of our KNN implementation.

benwtrent commented 11 months ago

I do think Lucene's read-only segment based architecture leads itself to support quantization (required for DiskANN).

It would be an interesting experiment to see how indexing times, segment merges, etc. are all handled with DiskANN.

I wonder how much the speed difference is:

robertvanwinkle1138 commented 11 months ago

@benwtrent For merges there is "FreshDiskANN: A Fast and Accurate Graph-Based ANN Index for Streaming Similarity Search" https://arxiv.org/pdf/2105.09613.pdf

DiskANN is known to be slower at indexing than HNSW and the blog post does not compare single threaded index times with Lucene.

benwtrent commented 11 months ago

DiskANN is known to be slower at indexing than HNSW and the blog post does not compare single threaded index times with Lucene.

@robertvanwinkle1138 this is just one of my concerns.

Additionally, I think we would still have the "segment merging problem". I do think we can get HNSW merges down by keeping connections between graphs, I just haven't had cycles myself to dig into that. There is a Lucene issue around making HNSW merges faster somewhere...


jmazanec15 commented 11 months ago

A hybrid disk-memory algorithm would have very strong benefits. I did run a few tests recently that confirmed HNSW does not function very well when memory gets constrained (which I think everyone already knew).

I wonder though, instead of DiskANN, what about a partitioning based approach such as SPANN? I think a partitioning based approach for Lucene would make merging, updating, filtering and indexing a lot easier. Also, it seems it would have better disk-access patterns. In the paper, they do show that in a memory constrained environment, they were able to outperfrom DiskANN.

I guess the tradeoff might be that partitioning based approaches would struggle to achieve really low latency search when in memory compared to graph-based approaches. Additionally, partitioning approaches would require a potentially expensive "training" or "preprocessing" step such as k-Means and performance could degrade if data distribution drifts and the models are not updated. But, if PQ is implemented, the same considerations would need to be taken as well.

benwtrent commented 11 months ago

@jmazanec15 I agree that SPANN seems more attractive. I would argue though we don't need to do clustering (in the paper they do clustering, but with minimal effectiveness), but could maybe get away with randomly selecting a subset of vectors per segment.

robertvanwinkle1138 commented 11 months ago

The SPANN paper does not address efficient filtered queries. For example, Lucene's HNSW calculates the similarity score for every record, regardless of the record matching the filter.

Filtered − DiskANN [1] describes a solution for efficient filtered queries.

QDrant has a filter solution however the methodology described in their blog is opaque.

  1. https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3543507.3583552

As Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search (ANNS)-based dense retrieval becomes ubiquitous for search and recommendation scenarios, efciently answering fltered ANNS queries has become a critical requirement. Filtered ANNS queries ask for the nearest neighbors of a query’s embedding from the points in the index that match the query’s labels such as date, price range, language. There has been little prior work on algorithms that use label metadata associated with vector data to build efcient indices for fltered ANNS queries. Consequently, current indices have high search latency or low recall which is not practical in interactive web-scenarios. We present two algorithms with native support for faster and more accurate fltered ANNS queries: one with streaming support, and another based on batch construction. Central to our algorithms is the construction of a graph-structured index which forms connections not only based on the geometry of the vector data, but also the associated label set. On real-world data with natural labels, both algorithms are an order of magnitude or more efcient for fltered queries than the current state of the art algorithms. The generated indices also be queried from an SSD and support thousands of queries per second at over 90% recall@10.

benwtrent commented 11 months ago

QDrant has a filter solution however the methodology described in their blog is opaque.

QDrant's HNSW filter solution is the exact same as Lucene's. You can look at the code, they don't filter candidate exploration but filer result collection.

You are correct that filtering with SPANN would be different. Though I am not sure its intractable.

It is possible that the candidate postings (gathered via HNSW) don't contain ANY filtered docs. This would require gathering more candidate postings.

But I think we can do that before scoring. So, as candidate posting lists are gathered, ensure they have some candidates.

The SPANN repository supports filtering, and its OSS, so we could always just read what they did.

robertvanwinkle1138 commented 11 months ago

QDrant's HNSW filter solution is the exact same as Lucene's

Interesting thanks.

as candidate posting lists are gathered, ensure they have some candidates

Couldn't that be done with the current Lucene HNSW implementation?

The SPANN repository supports filtering, and its OSS, so we could always just read what they did.

This search with filter method seems to throw an error.


benwtrent commented 11 months ago

This search with filter method seems to throw an error.

LOL, I thought it was supported, I must have read a github issue and made an assumption.

Couldn't that be done with the current Lucene HNSW implementation?

I think so. The tricky thing is making sure enough matching postings are gathered to give an accurate number for recall. Having to go back to the HNSW graph to get more postings list could get expensive if we keep getting to few matches.

mikemccand commented 11 months ago

SPANN is another option?


mikemccand commented 11 months ago

(listening to @jbellis talk at Community over Code).

mikemccand commented 11 months ago

Or perhaps we "just" make a Lucene Codec component (KnnVectorsFormat) that wraps jvector? (https://github.com/jbellis/jvector)

dsmiley commented 10 months ago

What say you @jbellis :-) I recommended a module of Lucene when we spoke at Community-over-Code. A dependency outside is okay for non-core.

jbellis commented 10 months ago

Responding top to bottom,

I wonder how much the speed difference is due to (1) Vectors being out of memory (and if they used PQ for diskann, if they did, we should test PQ with HNSW). (2) Not merging to a single segment and searching multiple segments serially.

(1) 90% of it is the PQ, yes. I assume that storing the vector inline w/ the graph also helps some but I did not test that separately. You could definitely get a big speed up just using PQ on top of HNSW.

(2) Single segment in both cases. (JVector leaves segment management as an exercise for the user.)

jbellis commented 10 months ago

DiskANN is known to be slower at indexing than HNSW

I don't remember the numbers here, maybe 10% slower? It wasn't material enough to make me worry about it. (This is with using an HNSW-style incremental build, not the two-pass build described in the paper.)

and the blog post does not compare single threaded index times with Lucene.

It was about 30% worse several months ago with my concurrent hnsw patch, should be significantly improved now since JVector (1) doesn't need the CompletionTracker to keep the layers consistent, b/c it's single layer, (2) added a DenseIntMap concurrent collection to replace ConcurrentHashMap for the nodes.

jbellis commented 10 months ago

It is possible that the candidate postings (gathered via HNSW) don't contain ANY filtered docs. This would require gathering more candidate postings.

This was a big problem for our initial deployment, we'd filter down to a few valid items and then spend forever searching the graph for them. Had to add a fairly accurate estimate of how many comparisons the index would need, and use that to decide whether to brute-force the comparison instead. (This is in Cassandra, not JVector, specifically VectorMemtableIndex.expectedNodesVisited.) I don't remember seeing code for this in Lucene but I mostly only looked at the HNSW code so I could have missed it.

jbellis commented 10 months ago

Or perhaps we "just" make a Lucene Codec component (KnnVectorsFormat) that wraps jvector? (https://github.com/jbellis/jvector)

I'm happy to support anyone who wants to try this, including modifying JVector to make it a better fit if necessary. I won't have time to tackle this myself in the medium-term, however.

benwtrent commented 10 months ago

So, I replicated the jvector benchmark (the lucene part) using the new int8 quantization.

Note, this is with 0 fan out or extra top-k gathered. Since the benchmark on JVector didn't specify any recall, etc. I just did the absolute baseline of top-100.

I reserved 12GB to heap, thus reducing off-heap memory to at most 20GB. (I only have 32GB of ram)

1 thread over 37 segments:
completed 1000 searches in 18411 ms: 54 QPS CPU time=18231ms
checking results
0.777   18.23   100000000   0   16  100 100 0   1.00    post-filter

Since kNN allows the segments to be searched in parallel, I used 8 threads for the query rewrite

8 threads over 37 segments:
completed 1000 searches in 2996 ms: 333 QPS CPU time=218ms
checking results
0.777    0.22   100000000   0   16  100 100 0   1.00    post-filter

I am currently force-merging to a single segment to see what a single graph gives us.

FYI: the data set would require > 40GB of ram to be held in memory. With int8 quantization, its down to around 10GB.


I force merged down to 8 segments. A single segment here is just huge, I thought it prudent to test something more paletable in segment size. Though, these segments are still fairly large (~8 GB). Still using multiple threads to search so that each segment has its own thread:

completed 1000 searches in 1107 ms: 903 QPS CPU time=71ms
checking results
0.755    0.07   100000000   0   16  100 100 0   1.00    post-filter

But, searching with just a single thread over 8 segment is still not too shabby (when comparing to the QPS claimed by JVector)

INFO: Java vector incubator API enabled; uses preferredBitSize=128
completed 1000 searches in 4693 ms: 213 QPS CPU time=4614ms
checking results
0.755    4.61   100000000   0   16  100 100 0   1.00    post-filter
kevindrosendahl commented 10 months ago

Hey @benwtrent and all, just wanted to let you know that I'm experimenting some with different index structures for larger than memory indexes.

I have a working implementation of Vamana based off the existing HNSW implementation (with vectors colocated with the adjacency lists in storage) in this branch, which I'm currently working on integrating scalar quantization with, and a benchmarking framework here which can run various Lucene and JVector configurations.

I don't have many numbers to share yet besides the fact that the Vamana graph implementation in a single segment seems competitive while in memory with Lucene HNSW (single segment) and JVector on small data sets. For glove-100-angular from ann-benchmarks (k=10):

    average recall 0.8227400000000001
    average duration PT0.000968358S
        index size: 529M

    average recall 0.8242200000000001
    average duration PT0.00124232S
        index size: 703M

    average recall 0.82553
        average duration PT0.000940756S
        index size: 554M

I plan on testing vamana without PQ, vamana with PQ (a la DiskANN), as well as SPANN. Happy to collaborate with anyone interested.

benwtrent commented 10 months ago

@kevindrosendahl this looks really interesting! Thank you for digging in and starting the experimentation!

I haven't had a chance to read your branch yet, but hope to soon.

kevindrosendahl commented 10 months ago

I haven't had a chance to read your branch yet, but hope to soon.

Great, thanks! To save you a bit of time, the tl;dr of going from HNSW to vamana is that it's actually fairly simple in the end. For the most part, I just removed all references to levels and changed the diversity check to incorporate vamana's alpha parameter (essentially just adding a second, outer loop). There were a few small other implementation detail changes as well like pruning down all the way to M when passing the overflow threshold instead of just removing one neighbor.

Then on the storage size, you just write vectors into the graph instead of into the .vec file, and read from the right offsets to get the vector values as appropriate.

benwtrent commented 10 months ago

@kevindrosendahl if I am reading the code correctly, it does the following:

I have a concern around index sorting. How does building the graph & subsequent getFloatVectors() play with index sorting? Usually when folks sort an index, they expect to be able to iterate values in that given order. Is it horrifically slow to iterate .vex in this scenario?

What do we think about always keeping .vec around? Probably should for re-ranking purposes once more extreme quantization measures are used.

One more question, have you tested your implementation in the situation where .vex cannot all be paged into memory and it faired ok?

robertvanwinkle1138 commented 10 months ago

Perhaps much of the jvector performance improvement is simply from on heap caching.


robertvanwinkle1138 commented 10 months ago

Another notable difference in the Lucene implementation is delta variable byte encoding of node ids. The increase in disk space requires the user to purchase more RAM per server. Also variable byte encoding is significantly slower to decode than raw integers.

In the example listed the jvec index size is a whopping 32% greater.



kevindrosendahl commented 10 months ago


if I am reading the code correctly, it does the following:

  • Write int8 quantized vectors along side the vector ordinals in the graph (.vex or whatever has a copy of each vector).
  • Continue to write vectors in .vec. I am guessing this is a stop-gap and you are thinking of removing this? Maybe not?

The implementation will write the vectors at their requested encoding/quantization level into the graph. So if your vectors are float[]s with no quantization, float[]s go into the graph. If your vectors are byte[]s or float[]s with quantization, byte[]s go into the graph. If you do enable quantization, it keeps the full fidelity vectors around on the side for good measure, otherwise it only keeps a copy in the graph.

I have a concern around index sorting. How does building the graph & subsequent getFloatVectors() play with index sorting? Usually when folks sort an index, they expect to be able to iterate values in that given order. Is it horrifically slow to iterate .vex in this scenario?

What do we think about always keeping .vec around? Probably should for re-ranking purposes once more extreme quantization measures are used.

Interesting re: sorting. I hadn't given that much deep thought yet. To level-set a little on how I'm planning on approaching this, I think it's still a bit of an open question what performance is theoretically possible, and what type of index could possibly get us there.

I'm trying first to get a sense of the possibilities there, so my main focus first is on measuring the single segment performance in order to rule out ideas not worth pursuing before investing too much time in them.

If a single segment index works well, I think the next step would probably be to make sure it would work well with concurrent query execution over multiple segments, and then to start thinking about how it could be productionalized (sorted indexes, merges, etc).

Thoughts on this approach?

One more question, have you tested your implementation in the situation where .vex cannot all be paged into memory and it faired ok?

I've just got some first results for larger than memory performance, will post a separate comment.

kevindrosendahl commented 10 months ago

I've got my framework set up for testing larger than memory indexes and have some somewhat interesting first results.


Next steps:

I built and ran the query tests on a c7gd.16xlarge (128 GB memory, 64 threads. Thank you for the addition of concurrent merging, it helped speed up the builds drastically!). The queries with restricted system memory were done by purging the host page cache, then running in a docker container with -m 8g a Coretto Java 21 JVM with -Xms4g and -Xmx4g and the Panama vector API enabled, and with the dataset and indexes bind mounted into the container. There is a warmup phase of 2 iterations of the 10,000 test vectors followed by 3 measured iterations of the 10,000 vectors, all iterations running 48 queries at a time with a single thread per query.

Note that the indexes aren't quite apples-to-apples, as the Lucene HNSW index configuration (maxConn: 16, beamWidth: 100) achieves 0.8247 recall (and slightly better latency when in memory) whereas both Vamana configurations (M: 32, beamWidth: 100, alpha: 1.2) achieve ~0.91 recall, but the broad strokes are obvious enough to draw some conclusions.

Index size

configuration size breakdown
lucene hnsw 31.42 GB 31.07 GB vectors + 0.35 GB graph
lucene vamana 31.73 GB 31.73 GB graph with vectors
jvector pq=0 32.45 GB 32.45 GB graph with vectors
jvector pq=2 36.33 GB 32.45 GB graph with vectors + 3.88 GB quantized vectors
jvector pq=4 34.39 GB 32.45 GB graph with vectors + 1.94 GB quantized vectors
jvector pq=8 33.42 GB 32.45 GB graph with vectors + 0.97 GB quantized vectors
jvector pq=16 32.93 GB 32.45 GB graph with vectors + 0.48 GB quantized vectors

Queries fully in memory (124 GB of RAM available)

configuration recall average duration
lucene hnsw 0.8247 0.00187s
lucene vamana 0.9086 0.00257s
jvector pq=0 0.9108 0.00495s
jvector pq=2 0.9109 0.00259s
jvector pq=4 0.9122 0.00291s
jvector pq=8 0.9121 0.00148s
jvector pq=16 0.8467 0.0012s

Queries with 8 GB system memory, 4 GB heap

configuration recall average duration average page faults total page faults
lucene hnsw 0.8247 2.950s 1464.65 4.39395E7
lucene vamana 0.9086 3.122s 1662.26 4.9867932E7
jvector pq=0 0.9108 3.651s 1716.03 5.1481117E7
jvector pq=2 0.9109 0.127s 69.65 2089449
jvector pq=4 0.9122 0.131s 68.94 2068274
jvector pq=8 0.9121 0.119s 70.35 2110418
jvector pq=16 0.8467 0.126s 72.64 2179330


conclusion reasoning
storing the vectors inline in the graph does not seem to have a large impact on larger than memory performance lucene hnsw and lucene vamana performance is in the same order of magnitude with simlar numbers of page faults
jvector's neighbor cache and consistent offsets are not large determinants in improving larger than memory performance lucene vamana (which has no cache and in-memory offsets) and jvector vamana pq=0 performance is in the same order of magnitude
pq is the largest determinant in improving performance jvector pq=2 performance is ~28x better than jvector pq=0 performance, and all pq=(n != 0) performance is similar
introducing pq does not immediately impact recall on this dataset recall actually improves when introducing pq, and only starts to decrease at a factor of 16
mikemccand commented 10 months ago

I've got my framework set up for testing larger than memory indexes and have some somewhat interesting first results.

Thank you for setting this up @kevindrosendahl -- these are very interesting results. It's great that PQ goes quite a ways before hurting recall.

benwtrent commented 10 months ago

Thank you @kevindrosendahl this does seem to confirm my suspicion that the improvement isn't necessarily due to the data structure, but due to quantization. But, this does confuse me as Vamana is supposedly good when things don't all fit in memory. It may be due to how we fetch things (MMAP). I wonder if Vamana is any good at all when using MMAP...

For your testing infra, int8 quantization might close the gap at that scale. FYI, as significant (and needed) refactor occurred recently for int8 quantization & HNSW, so your testing branch might be significantly impacted :(.

recall actually improves when introducing pq, and only starts to decrease at a factor of 16

I am surprised it decreases as the number of sub-spaces increases. This makes me thing that JVector's PQ implementation is weird.

Or is pq= not the number of subspaces, but vectorDim/pq == numberOfSubSpaces? If so, then recall should reduce as it increases.

Regardless, is there any oversampling that is occurring when PQ is enabled in JVector?

It's great that PQ goes quite a ways before hurting recall.

PQ is a sharp tool, at scale it can have significant draw backs (eventually you have to start dramatically oversampling as centroids get very noisy). Though, I am not sure there is a significant recall cliff.

Two significant issues with a Lucene implementation I can think of are:

There are interesting approaches to PQ w/ graph exploration and a different PQ implementation via Microsoft that is worthwhile OPQ

jbellis commented 10 months ago

recall actually improves when introducing pq, and only starts to decrease at a factor of 16

I would guess that either there is a bug or you happen to be testing with a really unusual dataset. PQ is fundamentally a lossy compression and can't magically create similarity that didn't exist in the original.

Regardless, is there any oversampling that is occurring when PQ is enabled in JVector?

Today it's up to the caller (so on the Cassandra side, in Astra) but it's possible that it should move into JVector.

Additionally the graph building probably cannot be done with the PQ'd vectors.

I suppose it's not impossible that you could compress first and then build but I have not seen anyone do it yet. JVector follows DiskANN's lead and builds the graph using uncompressed vectors.

kevindrosendahl commented 10 months ago


Thank you @kevindrosendahl this does seem to confirm my suspicion that the improvement isn't necessarily due to the data structure, but due to quantization. But, this does confuse me as Vamana is supposedly good when things don't all fit in memory. It may be due to how we fetch things (MMAP). I wonder if Vamana is any good at all when using MMAP...

Yeah, upon reflection the result makes sense. DiskANN only uses the in-memory PQ vectors for the distance calculations for deciding which new candidates it should consider visiting in the future. This is the critical piece which reduces I/O. The in-graph vectors mean that when you have decided the next candidate, you get the full fidelity vector for free on the I/O to get the adjacency list, but at that point you've already done the distance calculation against that candidate. If you were to grab the full fidelity vector from the graph for the distance calculation like the non-PQ vamana implementations do, you've moved the I/O complexity back from O(candidates_explored) to O(nodes_considered), and probably need to fetch the page again when you've decided to actually consider a candidate to re-grab it's adjacency list.

What that full fidelity vector is useful for is re-scoring, so you can just keep that full fidelity vector in memory until the end of the search (jvector reference) and resort the final result list using their true distances (jvector reference).

I'm not sure how impactful this re-ranking is, hoping to A/B it when I get PQ working, but assuming it's impactful, the index structure could save up to numCandidates I/Os. In this case jvector was only doing ~70 I/Os, so adding up to 100 on top could be a pretty big deal.

The main thing mmap may prevent us from "easily" doing is parallelizing the I/O, which I believe the DiskANN paper does but jvector does not currently (possibly due to the results looking pretty decent without it, and it being hard with mmap/Java). Out of curiosity I may try to madvise with MADV_WILLNEED, but not holding my breath there.

Or is pq= not the number of subspaces, but vectorDim/pq == numberOfSubSpaces? If so, then recall should reduce as it increases.

This is correct, pq in the tables relates to the pqFactor in JVector, which is as you've described. Agreed with you and @jbellis that the observed result is bizarre.

For your testing infra, int8 quantization might close the gap at that scale.

I ran some tests with int8 quantization, nothing very surprising in the results. If you can get the full index to fit in memory it performs great, but performance degrades significantly once it falls out of memory proportional to I/O. The scalar quant vectors were 7.3 GB with the HNSW graph being 329 MB. For reference, jvector pqFactor=8 was 32.45 GB graph with vectors + 0.97 GB quantized vectors. index configuration memory configuration average recall average latency average page faults
hnsw scalar quant fully in memory 0.79819 0.001259s 0
jvector pqFactor=8 fully in memory 0.9121 0.00148s 0
hnsw scalar quant 10GB system 2GB heap 0.79819 0.00119s 0
hnsw scalar quant 8GB system 4GB heap 0.79819 0.856s 606.98
jvector pqFactor=8 4GB system 2GB heap 0.9121 0.151s 80.15

So fundamentally with these graph structures, the key is to have the vectors needed for distance calculations of potential neighbor candidates in memory. Scalar quantization helps the cause here by reducing the size of the vectors by 4. PQ can help even more by even more drastically reducing the memory impact. JVector further ensures that the quantized vectors are in memory by storing them on the heap.

FYI, as significant (and needed) refactor occurred recently for int8 quantization & HNSW, so your testing branch might be significantly impacted :(.

Is there any expected performance difference, or is it mainly organizational? The code in my branch is not in a state I would be comfortable suggesting for upstreaming, so if it's "just" a problem for that, I'm ok to keep my branch a bit outdated, and we could make any suitable ideas fit in if/when we thought upstreaming could be worthwhile.

Two significant issues with a Lucene implementation I can think of are:

  • Segment merge time: We can maybe do some fancy things with better starter centroids in Lloyd's algorithm, but I think we will have to rerun Lloyd's algorithm on every merge. Additionally the graph building probably cannot be done with the PQ'd vectors.
  • Graph quality: I don't think we can build the graph with PQ'd vectors and retain good recall. Meaning at merge time, we have to page in larger raw (or differently quantized) vectors and only do PQ after graph creation.

There are interesting approaches to PQ w/ graph exploration and a different PQ implementation via Microsoft that is worthwhile OPQ

Yeah, seems like for larger-than-memory indexes, some form of clustering or quantization is going to be a must have. I do really want to try out SPANN as well. It seems analogous to lucene's existing FST-as-an-index-to-a-postings-list design, and my hunch is that there may be more tricks you can play at merge time to reduce the number of times you need to re-cluster things and potentially the computational complexity. It's also just a lot simpler conceptually.

As an aside, I'm not sure I'll have too much time to devote to this this week, but hoping to continue making forward progress.

If anyone has any other datasets ranging from ~30-50 GB that could be useful for testing that would be helpful too.

navneet1v commented 9 months ago

@kevindrosendahl, unrelated to the thread I see that you have added a column named page faults. Can you provide me some details around how you got the page faults? I am doing some other tests and want to know what is the way to get the page faults.

kevindrosendahl commented 9 months ago

@navneet1v I've been using oshi in my testing framework, particularly [OSThread::getMajorFaults](https://www.oshi.ooo/oshi-core-java11/apidocs/com.github.oshi/oshi/software/os/OSThread.html#getMajorFaults()). If you need to do it with zero external dependencies, you'd need to implement it for each environment you'd be running on. On linux you can gather the info from /proc/thread-self/stat.

kevindrosendahl commented 8 months ago

Hi all, thanks for the patience, some interesting and exciting results to share.


The original algorithm (and JVector's implementation) store the full fidelity vector and the adjacency list for a graph node together on disk. This means that when you retrieve the adjacency list during the first phase, the full fidelity vector will also be in memory due to locality. Immediately after retrieving the adjacency list, you cache the full fidelity vector. When re-ranking in phase 2, you simply use the cached vectors you've acquired during the first phase, and can rerank without any I/O.

There are two interesting nuances to this algorithm:

If you instead do not store the vectors in the graph and do not cache them during traversal, the above two are a little different, and give some intuition into the performance of the pinned graph/PQ vectors with io_uring:


The following results are from indexes built against the Cohere/wiki-22-12-en-embeddings data set (35 million vectors, 768 dimensions) using L2 distance. The indexes are all around ~100 GB. The performance tests were run on the same setup as the prior results (c7gd.16xlarge using docker to artificially constrain available memory) and all ran 8 query threads (each query thread executing its given query in a single thread). Recall was calculated using 10k test vectors that were excluded from the data set used to build the index, and performance tests were run using 100k vectors that were included in the data set used to build the index (a large number of test vectors were required to prevent a small working set from being established). Pinning parts of the Lucene Vamana index into memory was done using mlock.

Some high level information about the indexes:

Type Parameters Recall
Lucene HNSW maxConn: 16, beamWidth: 100 0.78
Lucene Vamana In-Graph Vectors maxConn: 32, beamWidth: 100, alpha: 1.2, pqFactor: 8 0.88
Lucene Vamana Out-of-Graph Vectors maxConn: 32, beamWidth: 100, alpha: 1.2, pqFactor: 8 0.88
JVector maxConn: 16, beamWidth: 100, alpha: 1.2, pqFactor: 8 0.88

NB: in Lucene HNSW maxConn configures all levels except level 0 and level 0 uses 2*maxConn, in JVector the single layer graph uses 2*maxConn, and in Lucene Vamana the single layer graph uses maxConn. Put differently, the bottom layer of the graphs all use the same maxConn value even though they appear to be configured differently.

Fully in Memory

Type Configuration Average Latency QPS
Lucene HNSW N/A 1.59 ms 5030
Lucene Vamana vectors: in-graph, rerank: cached 1.36 ms 5882
JVector N/A 2.35 ms 3404
Lucene Vamana vectors: out-of-graph, rerank: sequential 1.31 ms 6107
Lucene Vamana vectors: out-of-graph, rerank: io-uring 1.65 ms 4848

Charted QPS (left-to-right in the graphs matches top-to-bottom in the above table) lucene-diskann-fully-in-memory

16GB System Memory

Type Configuration Average Latency QPS
Lucene HNSW N/A 205 ms 39
Lucene Vamana vectors: in-graph, rerank: cached 13.4 ms 597
JVector N/A 15.9 ms 503
Lucene Vamana vectors: out-of-graph, rerank: sequential 13.7 ms 583
Lucene Vamana vectors: out-of-graph, rerank: io-uring, mlocked: false 4.56 ms 1754
Lucene Vamana vectors: out-of-graph, rerank: io-uring, mlocked: true 2.22 ms 3603

Charted QPS (left-to-right in the graphs matches top-to-bottom in the above table, Lucene HNSW is omitted from the graphs) lucene-diskann-16gb

8GB System Memory

Type Configuration Average Latency QPS
Lucene HNSW N/A 280 ms 28
Lucene Vamana vectors: in-graph, rerank: cached 17.3 ms 462
JVector N/A 19.3 ms 414
Lucene Vamana vectors: out-of-graph, rerank: sequential 24.1 ms 331
Lucene Vamana vectors: out-of-graph, rerank: io-uring, mlocked: false 14.6 ms 547
Lucene Vamana vectors: out-of-graph, rerank: io-uring, mlocked: true 2.47 ms 3238

Charted QPS (left-to-right in the graphs matches top-to-bottom in the above table, Lucene HNSW is omitted from the graphs) lucene-diskann-8gb

Result Analysis

High level takeaways:

Other Notes

Type Configuration Average Latency QPS
Lucene Vamana vectors: in-graph, rerank: cached 51.3 ms 156
Lucene Vamana vectors: out-of-graph, rerank: sequential 46.9 ms 170
Lucene Vamana vectors: out-of-graph, rerank: io-uring, mlocked: false 37.9 ms 211
Lucene Vamana vectors: out-of-graph, rerank: io-uring, mlocked: true 2.49 ms 3212
robertvanwinkle1138 commented 8 months ago

@kevindrosendahl Pretty interesting, thanks for the low level details, io_uring is fancy!

How is segment merging implemented by Lucene Vamana?

Correct me if I'm wrong, looks like the Java ANN implementations examine the node ids in a more or less random order, filtering requires a Bits object. I've been wondering if SPANN solves this by enabling ascending doc id intersection.

MarcusSorealheis commented 8 months ago

Great to finally see you in the Lucene repo @kevindrosendahl after all these years. 🍰 The work you have done here is stellar and the whole world welcomes the diligence. I hope we can keep this momentum. I have a few concerns that are not intended to block the project

I second the question, "How is segment merging implemented by Lucene Vamana?" I have a suspicion that extending MergePolicy could be in order for a production-ready implementation but I have such limited knowledge for such a thought.

I have general concerns about large copy overheads and the restrictions of POSIX AIO from experience dealing with the failures of storing data on disk, as well as random disk failures. io_uring certainly offers some theoretical promise in my mind. I know that is a newer Linux kernel module/interface, so that would lead me to believe actually taking this implementation forward would require a bit of comprehensive testing.

One particular concern I have, as you specifically might have guessed, would be around soak testing. Has anyone looked into this issue since November, or has anyone run the tests for an extended period?

The other concern I have is that I suspect the community would probably need to keep an eye on io_uring given its age. I was instructed long ago to use old interfaces whenever possible but the person who told me retired so I cannot ask why. I would suspect the newer interfaces tend to evolve more quickly than the ones than the ones that have been around for a while. Surely that burden would likely fall to the Policeman. In general, this is an interesting development and I look forward to continuing to explore.

kevindrosendahl commented 8 months ago

How is segment merging implemented by Lucene Vamana?

I didn't do anything special for Vamana in these experiments, the index construction and merging are practically identical to HNSW. The implication of course here is that the vectors need to be in memory when building the merged graph or performance falls off a cliff. To make this useful operationally you'd want to ensure your max segment size does not exceed available memory, and ideally you would build the index on a dedicated node to not displace pages being used to serve queries.

The DiskANN paper suggests clustering the vectors and assigning each vector to the two closest clusters, building a graph for each vector, then overlaying the graphs and doing another round of pruning. You can then limit the amount of memory required based off the number of vectors and clusters. I didn't explore this, but it'd be a worthwhile improvement in the long term.

Correct me if I'm wrong, looks like the Java ANN implementations examine the node ids in a more or less random order, filtering requires a Bits object. I've been wondering if SPANN solves this by enabling ascending doc id intersection.

That's correct, the graph is explored (roughly) by proximity order rather than doc id. It's an interesting question about SPANN, intuitively it seems like you may be able to do as you describe by keeping each vector postings list sorted by doc id order, then essentially doing a streaming merge sort on the relevant centroids' postings as you consume the candidates and iterate through the passed in sorted doc id iterator.

I have general concerns about large copy overheads

I believe all of today's IO layer implementations in Lucene (including mmap on java 21) copy the bytes from the page cache onto the heap one way or another. This could potentially be improved in the future by passing a MemorySegment around, but it seems to have gotten things pretty far so far without problems.

I know that is a newer Linux kernel module/interface, so that would lead me to believe actually taking this implementation forward would require a bit of comprehensive testing. ... The other concern I have is that I suspect the community would probably need to keep an eye on io_uring given its age.

Yeah, I wouldn't suggest that this be the default implementation, or perhaps even included in Lucene core itself at all given how platform specific it is (and this POC at least required a small amount ~50 LOC of C glue code linking in liburing to make things smooth). My main goal here was to highlight to the community a few things that may be relevant beyond vector indexes and DiskANN:

There's clearly a ton of perf left on the table by using sequential I/O and only the page cache in this case, but it's of course also much simpler both in terms of implementation and operational complexity.

rmuir commented 8 months ago

i would be extremely careful around io_uring, it is disabled in many environments (e.g. by default in container environments) for security reasons:

To me, use of io_uring seems like a totally separate issue from KNN search. i don't think it is a good idea to entangle the two things.

jmazanec15 commented 7 months ago

@kevindrosendahl This is really cool! I had a couple questions around product quantization implementation. I see in VectorSandboxVamanaVectorsWriter, you create a new codebook for each segment. Do you know roughly how long it took to generate? Also, how did you choose 6 iterations of k-Means? It seems from the results they look pretty promising - but just curious how you arrived there.

benwtrent commented 7 months ago

So, I did some of my own experiments. I tested Vamana (vectors in-graph) & HNSW, both with int8 quantization (here is my Lucene branch: https://github.com/apache/lucene/compare/main...benwtrent:lucene:feature/diskann-exp & lucene-util branch: https://github.com/mikemccand/luceneutil/compare/master...benwtrent:luceneutil:feature/vamana-testing)

In low memory environments, HNSW performed better (confirming the results here: https://github.com/apache/lucene/issues/12615#issuecomment-1806615864). When the vectors are in the graph for Vamana, there were many more page faults (NOTE: I was not using PQ, but trying an apples-to-apples comparison of HNSW & vamana in the same conditions).

Additionally, looking at previous results (https://github.com/apache/lucene/issues/12615#issuecomment-1868095892):

vectors: out-of-graph, rerank: sequential | 46.9 ms latency | 170 qps

This indicates that there is very little benefit to Vamana. For DiskANN, one of the bragged benefits is being able to "get raw vectors for free" with disk-read-ahead when searching the in memory graph (PQ). If reranking with PQ'd search with vectors outside of the graph performs almost as well (without io_uring), it stands to reason that HNSW with PQ would do just as good. And with a better/smarter PQ implementation, less reranking may be necessary (combining with OPQ or something).

I don't see any stand-out evidence that Vamana has a significant advantage over HNSW when it comes to being a graph based vector index.

kevindrosendahl commented 6 months ago

Think I agree with your points @benwtrent, will just jot down my thinking on HNSW vs Vamana vs DiskANN in case it's useful.

HNSW and Vamana are "competing" proximity graphs, which differ mainly in the number of layers in the graph (n vs 1) and the pruning algorithm used. From a purely academic point of view I find Vamana more appealing due to its simplicity, namely not having to keep track of levels and there being a 1:1 relationship between the nodes and the vectors being indexed vs an M:1. Practically speaking they provide roughly the same interface, so given we have a working HNSW graph and nothing compelling enough to replace it as of now, I'd agree there wouldn't be reason to.

I think of DiskANN as the algorithm consisting of an initial ANN search using compressed vectors followed by a reranking phase on full fidelity vectors. There are a number of decisions that can be made for where to store the graph, compressed vectors, and full fidelity vectors. If you choose to store the full fidelity vectors in-line with the graph (as suggested by the original DiskANN paper), then Vamana may be more appealing than HNSW due to its 1:1 node:vector relationship. However, the results above seem to show that this implementation didn't benefit much from placing vectors inline with the graph. Given all other benefits of storing vectors in a flat file in ordinal order (including the potential for asynchronous I/O) that would seem like the pragmatic choice, in which case you could pretty easily use an HNSW graph as the proximity graph for the DiskANN algorithm.

@jmazanec15 the constants used were taken from JVector, whose performance/behavior I was initially trying to emulate in Lucene. I didn't spend much time fiddling with them.

MarcusSorealheis commented 6 months ago

HNSW and Vamana are "competing" proximity graphs, which differ mainly in the number of layers in the graph (n vs 1) and the pruning algorithm used.

I do not think about them as competing. They're different implementations with tradeoffs for certain uses, and the data here will evolve over time. Your preliminary work opens a new window that I hope you continue to explore for the benefit of all of us and all the people that depend on Lucene.

From a purely academic point of view I find Vamana more appealing due to its simplicity

My short time dealing with academia was not about simplicity so this made me laugh. Thank you for that.