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Advoid the use of ImpactsDISI when no minimum competitive score has been set #13343

Closed zhongshanhao closed 1 month ago

zhongshanhao commented 1 month ago

Sometime, due to the need to decode impact and calculate the maximum score, ImpactsDISI typically adds more overhead than it enables skipping.

Let's talk the query:

+title:a +title:b +title:c +title:d

These term(a, b, c, d) has a large doc frequency.

Maybe the query result set is small, not even a minimum competition score is produced, BlockMaxConjunctionBulkScorer and BlockMaxConjunctionScorer still try to get max score at the beginning of the advance.

This PR is designed to solve this problem, to advoid the use of ImpactsDISI when no minimum competitive score has been set.

Here are the benchmark of this PR on wikimediumall.

iter 4:

                            TaskQPS baseline      StdDevQPS my_modified_version      StdDev                Pct diff p-value
                     AndHighHigh       13.42      (6.3%)       12.65      (5.5%)   -5.7% ( -16% -    6%) 0.131
                      OrHighHigh       11.19     (12.1%)       10.59     (10.1%)   -5.4% ( -24% -   19%) 0.441
               HighTermMonthSort     1940.04      (2.8%)     1884.34      (6.9%)   -2.9% ( -12% -    7%) 0.390
                      AndHighMed       72.28      (4.5%)       70.47      (4.2%)   -2.5% ( -10% -    6%) 0.358
                HighSloppyPhrase        4.89      (4.9%)        4.77      (4.9%)   -2.5% ( -11% -    7%) 0.428
           BrowseMonthSSDVFacets        3.17      (2.3%)        3.11      (1.7%)   -1.8% (  -5% -    2%) 0.145
                   OrNotHighHigh      151.65      (3.2%)      148.99      (3.2%)   -1.8% (  -7% -    4%) 0.385
                    OrHighNotMed      272.56      (6.0%)      267.90      (4.6%)   -1.7% ( -11% -    9%) 0.613
                        HighTerm      283.60      (5.9%)      278.93      (5.4%)   -1.6% ( -12% -   10%) 0.647
            MedTermDayTaxoFacets        6.97      (7.4%)        6.85      (6.6%)   -1.6% ( -14% -   13%) 0.713
                    OrHighNotLow      277.16      (4.9%)      272.79      (4.6%)   -1.6% ( -10% -    8%) 0.597
                   OrHighNotHigh      172.23      (4.6%)      169.55      (3.6%)   -1.6% (  -9% -    6%) 0.552
            HighIntervalsOrdered        2.69      (2.3%)        2.65      (2.2%)   -1.5% (  -5% -    3%) 0.299
                       OrHighMed       73.52      (4.8%)       72.66      (3.4%)   -1.2% (  -8% -    7%) 0.657
                    OrNotHighMed      264.98      (3.3%)      262.00      (4.2%)   -1.1% (  -8% -    6%) 0.639
                       OrHighLow      184.70      (5.4%)      182.84      (5.1%)   -1.0% ( -10% -   10%) 0.762
                      TermDTSort      102.46      (2.4%)      101.69      (3.6%)   -0.8% (  -6% -    5%) 0.700
                 MedSloppyPhrase        3.36     (11.1%)        3.34     (11.0%)   -0.5% ( -20% -   24%) 0.946
                         MedTerm      446.96      (6.0%)      445.14      (5.7%)   -0.4% ( -11% -   11%) 0.912
     BrowseRandomLabelSSDVFacets        2.13      (4.9%)        2.12      (5.0%)   -0.4% (  -9% -   10%) 0.904
                        Wildcard       72.04      (1.9%)       71.89      (1.8%)   -0.2% (  -3% -    3%) 0.859
                         Respell       33.84      (0.7%)       33.78      (0.9%)   -0.2% (  -1% -    1%) 0.730
                         LowTerm      348.43      (4.9%)      348.30      (3.2%)   -0.0% (  -7% -    8%) 0.988
                 LowSloppyPhrase       13.10      (2.9%)       13.10      (3.4%)    0.0% (  -6% -    6%) 0.999
            HighTermTitleBDVSort        4.63      (2.8%)        4.63      (2.0%)    0.0% (  -4% -    5%) 0.986
         AndHighMedDayTaxoFacets       32.99      (0.5%)       33.00      (1.3%)    0.0% (  -1% -    1%) 0.942
                    OrNotHighLow      323.13      (0.7%)      323.29      (1.7%)    0.1% (  -2% -    2%) 0.951
                     LowSpanNear       43.88      (0.7%)       43.95      (1.4%)    0.2% (  -1% -    2%) 0.823
                         Prefix3      263.17      (0.6%)      263.60      (1.7%)    0.2% (  -2% -    2%) 0.839
        AndHighHighDayTaxoFacets        7.51      (1.4%)        7.53      (1.5%)    0.2% (  -2% -    3%) 0.850
                          Fuzzy1       56.47      (1.2%)       56.58      (1.1%)    0.2% (  -2% -    2%) 0.802
             MedIntervalsOrdered        6.49      (3.0%)        6.52      (3.1%)    0.3% (  -5% -    6%) 0.865
                        PKLookup      122.42      (2.6%)      123.00      (2.5%)    0.5% (  -4% -    5%) 0.774
             LowIntervalsOrdered       17.71      (3.3%)       17.79      (3.3%)    0.5% (  -5% -    7%) 0.820
                       MedPhrase       73.52      (3.2%)       74.02      (4.4%)    0.7% (  -6% -    8%) 0.781
          OrHighMedDayTaxoFacets        3.17      (4.7%)        3.19      (5.8%)    0.7% (  -9% -   11%) 0.836
                    HighSpanNear        3.00      (0.8%)        3.02      (2.5%)    0.7% (  -2% -    4%) 0.539
           HighTermDayOfYearSort      196.79      (1.1%)      198.64      (0.9%)    0.9% (  -1% -    2%) 0.132
                      AndHighLow      256.98      (3.6%)      259.46      (2.4%)    1.0% (  -4% -    7%) 0.617
                      HighPhrase       24.61      (4.0%)       24.89      (4.3%)    1.1% (  -6% -    9%) 0.667
                     MedSpanNear       11.10      (1.5%)       11.23      (3.6%)    1.1% (  -3% -    6%) 0.516
            BrowseDateSSDVFacets        0.73      (3.7%)        0.74      (4.6%)    1.1% (  -6% -    9%) 0.665
                          Fuzzy2       55.52      (1.8%)       56.47      (1.3%)    1.7% (  -1% -    4%) 0.077
               HighTermTitleSort       53.70      (2.8%)       54.69      (4.1%)    1.9% (  -4% -    8%) 0.402
                       LowPhrase        8.64      (5.1%)        8.89      (5.0%)    2.9% (  -6% -   13%) 0.363
       BrowseDayOfYearSSDVFacets        2.77      (3.0%)        2.91     (11.6%)    5.0% (  -9% -   20%) 0.346
                          IntNRQ       39.03      (6.5%)       41.43      (7.8%)    6.2% (  -7% -   21%) 0.175
     BrowseRandomLabelTaxoFacets        2.60      (3.0%)        3.09     (34.7%)   18.6% ( -18% -   58%) 0.234
            BrowseDateTaxoFacets        3.15      (2.7%)        3.83     (38.6%)   21.6% ( -19% -   64%) 0.211
       BrowseDayOfYearTaxoFacets        3.15      (2.7%)        3.85     (38.6%)   22.0% ( -18% -   65%) 0.204
           BrowseMonthTaxoFacets        3.24      (1.6%)        4.83     (58.6%)   49.3% ( -10% -  111%) 0.060

The result of benchmark does not seem to add some optimization. 🤔

Should I add relevant test cases?

zhongshanhao commented 1 month ago

I add relevant test task AndManyTermsWithLowHits on wikimediumall dataset.

These query term on AndManyTermsWithLowHits has a large doc frequency, but the hits is small.

# Conjunction of 2 terms and 2 stop words
And2Terms2StopWords: +lord +of +the +rings
And2Terms2StopWords: +the +book +of +life
And2Terms2StopWords: +the +garden +of +eden
And2Terms2StopWords: +battle +of +the +bulge
And2Terms2StopWords: +story +of +a +girl
And2Terms2StopWords: +lord +if +the +rings
And2Terms2StopWords: +battle +if +the +bulge
# AndManyTermsWithLowHits
AndManyTermsWithLowHits: +battle +if +the +bulge # 82hits
AndManyTermsWithLowHits: +lord +if +the +rings  # 683hits
AndManyTermsWithLowHits: +the +book +of +life +story +of +a +girl # 563hits
AndManyTermsWithLowHits: +the +book +of +life +story +of +a +girl +battle +if +the +bulge # 0hits
# Conjunction of 3+ terms that are all stop words
AndStopWords: +to +be +or +not +to +be
AndStopWords: +who +are +the +who
# Conjunction of 3 terms
And3Terms: +new +york +population
And3Terms: +world +bank +president
And3Terms: +national +book +award
And3Terms: +united +states +constitution
And3Terms: +law +school +rankings

The benchmark is as follows.

AndManyTermsWithLowHits show that the PR works as expected:

                            TaskQPS baseline      StdDevQPS my_modified_version      StdDev                Pct diff p-value
                    AndStopWords        5.56      (2.6%)        5.42      (2.6%)   -2.6% (  -7% -    2%) 0.002
                       And3Terms       51.29      (1.9%)       50.71      (2.7%)   -1.1% (  -5% -    3%) 0.124
             And2Terms2StopWords       61.31      (1.9%)       60.80      (2.5%)   -0.8% (  -5% -    3%) 0.245
                        PKLookup      134.41      (2.3%)      134.62      (3.5%)    0.2% (  -5% -    6%) 0.867
         AndManyTermsWithLowHits      108.28      (1.4%)      136.71      (1.8%)   26.3% (  22% -   29%) 0.000
zhongshanhao commented 1 month ago

@jpountz Can you help me review the code? Thank you so much.

zhongshanhao commented 1 month ago

@jpountz Yeah, I was overthinking it. Implementing it your way makes it much clearer😊. I have made revisions and committed it.

zhongshanhao commented 1 month ago

@jpountz Can you help me merge the PR? I can't merge this PR because I don't have write access to this repository. :)

jpountz commented 1 month ago

@zhongshanhao Are you still observing a speedup with the latest version of the change? I was planning on merging once you confirmed this.

zhongshanhao commented 1 month ago

@jpountz Yes. I run the benchmark again with the latest version of the change. The benchmark on wikimediumall is as follow:

                            TaskQPS baseline      StdDevQPS my_modified_version      StdDev                Pct diff p-value
                    AndStopWords       19.82      (4.3%)       19.57      (2.6%)   -1.2% (  -7% -    5%) 0.439
                       And3Terms      162.75      (2.3%)      161.19      (2.6%)   -1.0% (  -5% -    4%) 0.390
                        PKLookup      155.11      (2.6%)      153.91      (2.4%)   -0.8% (  -5% -    4%) 0.483
             And2Terms2StopWords      153.85      (3.8%)      155.19      (3.9%)    0.9% (  -6% -    8%) 0.611
         AndManyTermsWithLowHits      333.94      (2.7%)      410.77      (4.3%)   23.0% (  15% -   30%) 0.000

AndManyTermsWithLowHits still show that the latest version PR works as expected.

Benchmark using other tasks are as follows:

                            TaskQPS baseline      StdDevQPS my_modified_version      StdDev                Pct diff p-value
                        PKLookup       78.31     (33.1%)       56.80     (11.8%)  -27.5% ( -54% -   26%) 0.081
                          IntNRQ       45.76     (20.9%)       38.27     (20.9%)  -16.4% ( -48% -   32%) 0.216
                      AndHighLow      720.91     (13.3%)      616.65     (16.9%)  -14.5% ( -39% -   18%) 0.132
                   OrHighNotHigh       88.80      (3.7%)       82.75     (15.5%)   -6.8% ( -25% -   12%) 0.340
            HighIntervalsOrdered        3.32      (5.6%)        3.17      (3.7%)   -4.5% ( -13% -    5%) 0.137
                    OrNotHighLow      300.34      (3.4%)      291.35      (7.3%)   -3.0% ( -13% -    7%) 0.407
                      TermDTSort       19.28      (6.3%)       18.74      (8.8%)   -2.8% ( -16% -   13%) 0.561
                         MedTerm       80.45     (10.0%)       78.26      (4.1%)   -2.7% ( -15% -   12%) 0.572
             MedIntervalsOrdered       43.17      (1.3%)       42.19      (1.3%)   -2.3% (  -4% -    0%) 0.007
       BrowseDayOfYearTaxoFacets        5.71      (2.6%)        5.60      (0.5%)   -1.9% (  -4% -    1%) 0.104
                        Wildcard      114.70      (2.9%)      112.91      (1.9%)   -1.6% (  -6% -    3%) 0.310
                    OrNotHighMed       86.73      (4.1%)       85.55      (8.6%)   -1.4% ( -13% -   11%) 0.749
                          Fuzzy2       25.34     (31.0%)       25.06     (37.0%)   -1.1% ( -52% -   96%) 0.959
                         LowTerm      287.13      (7.4%)      284.18      (6.9%)   -1.0% ( -14% -   14%) 0.820
       BrowseDayOfYearSSDVFacets        4.55      (1.7%)        4.51      (2.0%)   -0.9% (  -4% -    2%) 0.454
                 MedSloppyPhrase       27.02      (2.4%)       26.79      (4.3%)   -0.9% (  -7% -    5%) 0.696
                         Prefix3      227.46     (14.9%)      226.18      (3.4%)   -0.6% ( -16% -   20%) 0.934
            MedTermDayTaxoFacets       15.45      (2.1%)       15.40      (1.1%)   -0.3% (  -3% -    2%) 0.752
                    OrHighNotLow       57.15      (6.0%)       56.99      (2.4%)   -0.3% (  -8% -    8%) 0.923
           HighTermDayOfYearSort       22.90     (10.7%)       22.84     (12.4%)   -0.3% ( -21% -   25%) 0.972
        AndHighHighDayTaxoFacets        9.48      (0.5%)        9.46      (0.4%)   -0.3% (  -1% -    0%) 0.391
           BrowseMonthTaxoFacets        8.64      (1.6%)        8.62      (1.4%)   -0.2% (  -3% -    2%) 0.862
           BrowseMonthSSDVFacets        3.50      (0.1%)        3.50      (0.2%)   -0.1% (   0% -    0%) 0.640
                     LowSpanNear        7.78      (1.5%)        7.78      (4.5%)    0.0% (  -5% -    6%) 0.990
                       LowPhrase       16.66      (1.9%)       16.67      (0.6%)    0.0% (  -2% -    2%) 0.971
                    OrHighNotMed       97.21      (2.2%)       97.37      (2.9%)    0.2% (  -4% -    5%) 0.921
     BrowseRandomLabelSSDVFacets        2.08      (2.3%)        2.08      (0.3%)    0.2% (  -2% -    2%) 0.835
               HighTermTitleSort       14.02      (7.0%)       14.05      (3.8%)    0.2% (  -9% -   11%) 0.948
                        HighTerm       75.20      (5.0%)       75.44      (6.6%)    0.3% ( -10% -   12%) 0.932
                 LowSloppyPhrase       13.04      (2.8%)       13.11      (2.6%)    0.5% (  -4% -    6%) 0.759
                      AndHighMed      107.72      (3.3%)      108.45      (4.9%)    0.7% (  -7% -    9%) 0.798
                    HighSpanNear       16.41      (2.2%)       16.53      (3.8%)    0.7% (  -5% -    6%) 0.711
             LowIntervalsOrdered       21.05      (1.8%)       21.20      (2.3%)    0.7% (  -3% -    4%) 0.574
         AndHighMedDayTaxoFacets       18.35      (1.0%)       18.56      (0.9%)    1.2% (   0% -    3%) 0.048
                       OrHighMed      165.43      (1.5%)      167.36      (2.0%)    1.2% (  -2% -    4%) 0.287
                       MedPhrase       33.51      (1.8%)       33.92      (1.2%)    1.2% (  -1% -    4%) 0.200
          OrHighMedDayTaxoFacets        2.75      (0.7%)        2.78      (1.7%)    1.3% (  -1% -    3%) 0.120
            HighTermTitleBDVSort        7.97      (5.4%)        8.07      (7.9%)    1.3% ( -11% -   15%) 0.760
            BrowseDateSSDVFacets        0.74      (0.7%)        0.76      (0.7%)    1.8% (   0% -    3%) 0.000
                          Fuzzy1       68.53      (4.9%)       70.19      (6.6%)    2.4% (  -8% -   14%) 0.506
                      OrHighHigh       48.03      (7.6%)       49.21      (4.3%)    2.5% (  -8% -   15%) 0.528
                       OrHighLow      185.87      (3.7%)      191.27      (2.6%)    2.9% (  -3% -    9%) 0.145
                HighSloppyPhrase        3.21      (0.7%)        3.32      (1.2%)    3.6% (   1% -    5%) 0.000
                      HighPhrase      161.54      (4.2%)      167.84      (8.5%)    3.9% (  -8% -   17%) 0.360
     BrowseRandomLabelTaxoFacets        4.67      (3.3%)        4.85      (4.3%)    3.9% (  -3% -   11%) 0.103
                     MedSpanNear       30.56      (3.4%)       31.87      (3.7%)    4.3% (  -2% -   11%) 0.056
                   OrNotHighHigh       76.97      (4.4%)       81.15      (6.0%)    5.4% (  -4% -   16%) 0.104
            BrowseDateTaxoFacets        5.69      (7.3%)        6.08      (6.3%)    6.9% (  -6% -   22%) 0.111
                         Respell       26.54     (23.9%)       28.40     (31.3%)    7.0% ( -38% -   81%) 0.692
               HighTermMonthSort      191.61     (17.0%)      205.52     (22.7%)    7.3% ( -27% -   56%) 0.566
                     AndHighHigh       71.76     (11.5%)       78.62      (2.8%)    9.6% (  -4% -   26%) 0.072