Closed asfimport closed 12 years ago
Michael McCandless (@mikemccand) (migrated from JIRA)
It shouldn't be the RM who must do this on release...
Robert Muir (@rmuir) (migrated from JIRA)
I couldn't find a 'javadocs linter' for stuff like this: does anyone know of one?
As a first step, maybe we could check this with some python code in the release smoke tester: sure its not ideal since its still stuck on the RM but its much better than manual eyeballing.
Christian Moen (@cmoen) (migrated from JIRA)
I should be careful recommending things I haven't tried, but perhaps Checkstyle ( could be useful for this. The javadoc package check described on seems to cover this sort of style check.
Checkstyle also integrates with build tools so it's also possible to do some light style checking as part of the build – either optional or integrated longer term, if we'd like that. (I'm sure there are various opinions on wether this is a good idea.)
Robert Muir (@rmuir) (migrated from JIRA)
Christian this looks just like what we need! I like some of the other checks available on javadocs too.
One bummer is the GPL license, but maybe its ok for us to run this on hudson nightly as a separate thing somehow?
According to, they are using checkstyle.
Jan Høydahl (@janhoy) (migrated from JIRA)
+1. Developers should have some ant-tasks that could be run to check that their change is compliant
Currently I run something "ant clean test javadocs dist" to validate things before checkin.
Christian Moen (@cmoen) (migrated from JIRA)
Robert, very good point regarding the license. Thanks.
I believe it should be possible for us to run this as part of nightly builds somehow. If we do light checking only and expect few problems with code changes in general, I think this sort of scheme might work just fine.
Even if it turned out to be possible to include Checkstyle as a build-time dependency only by never including it in any binary or source distributions, I don't think doing so would be very wise.
Having said this, if we use Checkstyle as part of the nightly builds, there's soon a need to have it available for local builds as well, as Jan points out.
Perhaps running these checks could be an optional target for developers that they can do with their self-supplied Checkstyle jar? For example, it someone runs ant checkstyle
, we'll tell them that Checkstyle isn't included for license reasons and quickly explain the few steps necessary to get checking going.
Personally, I think introducing more style checking in Lucene/Solr would be a good thing.
Robert Muir (@rmuir) (migrated from JIRA)
Perhaps running these checks could be an optional target for developers that they can do with their self-supplied Checkstyle jar? For example, it someone runs ant checkstyle, we'll tell them that Checkstyle isn't included for license reasons and quickly explain the few steps necessary to get checking going.
Thats a good idea, maybe you just have to put the jar in your \~/.ant/lib otherwise the target does not work (kinda sorta similar to clover stuff we have).
Shai Erera (@shaie) (migrated from JIRA)
In my projects, I handle stuff like that in unit tests. We can have a TestRelease unit test with testPackageHTML() that lists all directories and verifies that there's a package.html found.
We can have these sort of tests in some common misc/src folder, and have the build.xml always run them, whether you ran the test from a specific module, or from the root.
Just an idea.
Michael McCandless (@mikemccand) (migrated from JIRA)
Simple patch to at least add basic checking to – it only checks for missing first-sentence description in package-summary.html.
Michael McCandless (@mikemccand) (migrated from JIRA)
Another iteration, this time working I think :)
Uwe Schindler (@uschindler) (migrated from JIRA)
Some unrelated fixes in the patch, otherwise ok for smokeTesting. I would just disagree to add python requirements to our official ant script...
Robert Muir (@rmuir) (migrated from JIRA)
Uwe well we can discuss integration into the official ant build later?
For now personally I would like to have an automated check in the smokeTester script, that would help me clean the stuff up rather than manually eyeballing everything. Its a step.
Uwe Schindler (@uschindler) (migrated from JIRA)
Did I say anything else?
Michael McCandless (@mikemccand) (migrated from JIRA)
You can also just run the javadoc checker directly in a source checkout, like this:
python -u dev-tools/scripts/ /lucene/3x/lucene/build
You have to "ant javadocs" first yourself.
Right now it only checks for missing sentences in the package-summary.html... I'll see if I can fix it to also detect missing package.html's...
Here's what it reports on 3.x right now:
missing: TokenStreamFromTermPositionVector
missing: BoundaryScanner
missing: BaseFragmentsBuilder
missing: FieldFragList.WeightedFragInfo
missing: FieldFragList.WeightedFragInfo.SubInfo
missing: FieldPhraseList.WeightedPhraseInfo
missing: FieldPhraseList.WeightedPhraseInfo.Toffs
missing: FieldQuery.QueryPhraseMap
missing: FieldTermStack.TermInfo
missing: ScoreOrderFragmentsBuilder.ScoreComparator
missing: SimpleBoundaryScanner
missing: DistanceHandler.Precision
missing: Lookup.LookupPriorityQueue
missing: JaspellLookup
missing: TSTAutocomplete
missing: TSTLookup
missing: CarmelTopKTermPruningPolicy.ByDocComparator
missing: CarmelUniformTermPruningPolicy.ByDocComparator
missing: LruTaxonomyWriterCache.LRUType
missing: FacetsPayloadProcessorProvider.FacetsDirPayloadProcessor
missing: FSDirectory.FSIndexOutput
missing: NIOFSDirectory.NIOFSIndexInput
missing: RAMFile
missing: SimpleFSDirectory.SimpleFSIndexInput
missing: SimpleFSDirectory.SimpleFSIndexInput.Descriptor
missing: MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException
missing: FieldCache.CreationPlaceholder
missing: FieldComparator.NumericComparator<T extends Number>
missing: FieldValueHitQueue.Entry
missing: QueryTermVector
missing: ScoringRewrite<Q extends Query>
missing: SpanFilterResult.PositionInfo
missing: SpanFilterResult.StartEnd
missing: TimeLimitingCollector.TimerThread
missing: ByteBlockPool.Allocator
missing: ByteBlockPool.DirectAllocator
missing: ByteBlockPool.DirectTrackingAllocator
missing: BytesRefHash.BytesStartArray
missing: BytesRefHash.DirectBytesStartArray
missing: BytesRefIterator.EmptyBytesRefIterator
missing: DoubleBarrelLRUCache.CloneableKey
missing: OpenBitSetDISI
missing: PagedBytes.Reader
missing: UnicodeUtil.UTF16Result
missing: UnicodeUtil.UTF8Result
missing: Among
missing: TestApp
missing: FilterBuilder
missing: CorePlusExtensionsParser
missing: DOMUtils
missing: FilterBuilderFactory
missing: QueryBuilderFactory
missing: ParserException
missing: SpanQueryBuilder
missing: BooleanFilterBuilder
missing: BooleanQueryBuilder
missing: BoostingQueryBuilder
missing: BoostingTermBuilder
missing: ConstantScoreQueryBuilder
missing: DuplicateFilterBuilder
missing: FilteredQueryBuilder
missing: FuzzyLikeThisQueryBuilder
missing: LikeThisQueryBuilder
missing: MatchAllDocsQueryBuilder
missing: RangeFilterBuilder
missing: SpanBuilderBase
missing: SpanFirstBuilder
missing: SpanNearBuilder
missing: SpanNotBuilder
missing: SpanOrBuilder
missing: SpanOrTermsBuilder
missing: SpanQueryBuilderFactory
missing: SpanTermBuilder
missing: TermQueryBuilder
missing: TermsFilterBuilder
missing: NativePosixUtil
missing: WindowsDirectory.WindowsIndexInput
missing: MockDirectoryWrapper.Throttling
missing: English
missing: StoreClassNameRule
missing: SystemPropertiesInvariantRule
missing: UncaughtExceptionsRule.UncaughtExceptionEntry
missing: Entities
missing: HTMLParser
missing: Tags
missing: BenchmarkHighlighter
missing: NewCollationAnalyzerTask.Implementation
missing: DuplicateFilter
missing: TextableQueryNode
missing: PathQueryNode.QueryText
missing: PhraseSlopQueryNode
missing: ProximityQueryNode.ProximityType
missing: ModifierQueryNode.Modifier
missing: ParametricQueryNode.CompareOperator
missing: ProximityQueryNode.Type
missing: EscapeQuerySyntax.Type
missing: DistanceSubQuery
missing: SimpleTerm.MatchingTermVisitor
missing: AndQuery
missing: BasicQueryFactory
missing: ComposedQuery
missing: DistanceQuery
missing: FieldsQuery
missing: NotQuery
missing: OrQuery
missing: SimpleTerm
missing: SpanNearClauseFactory
missing: SrndPrefixQuery
missing: SrndQuery
missing: SrndTermQuery
missing: SrndTruncQuery
missing: TooManyBasicQueries
missing: EscapeQuerySyntaxImpl
missing: StandardSyntaxParser
missing: FuzzyConfig
missing: StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys
missing: DefaultOperatorAttribute.Operator
missing: StandardQueryConfigHandler.Operator
missing: AnyQueryNodeBuilder
Michael McCandless (@mikemccand) (migrated from JIRA)
OK I committed the basic checking for smoke tester...
I'll leave this open for having "ant javadocs" fail when things are missing...
Robert Muir (@rmuir) (migrated from JIRA)
initial patch: just hooks into lucene's 'javadocs-lint' (but also a one-liner to hook into solrs).
I added an option for 'level' of checking, currently its at 'package'. the idea is we fix those... move to 'class'.... then 'method'....
Robert Muir (@rmuir) (migrated from JIRA)
This is fixed: but it would be good to fix it at class level as well, and also good to at least have package.htmls for Solr and enable the check there.
While reviewing the javadocs I noticed many packages are missing a basic package.html.
For 3.x I committed some package.html files where they were missing (I will port forward to trunk).
I think all packages should have this... really all public/protected classes/methods/constants, but this would be a good step.
Migrated from LUCENE-3887 by Robert Muir (@rmuir), resolved Apr 24 2012 Attachments: LUCENE-3887.patch (versions: 3)