Open asfimport opened 10 years ago
Joe Schaefer (migrated from JIRA)
All paths for the %dependencies hash are rooted in the content/ directory.
Joe Schaefer (migrated from JIRA)
Looking at the mechanism behind this... it seems you have certain templates that include files within the content/ dir. Would you like me to upgrade your file so you can use templating constructs from within markdown files? You have a lot of cruft in there that was copied from long ago.
Uwe Schindler (@uschindler) (migrated from JIRA)
Hi Joe, I would be happy if you help me. I had no time to look into this up to now, so any help is appreciated.
Joe Schaefer (migrated from JIRA)
Ok you should be good now. The logic is a little tortured in the way these files are being included, which can be made clearer by passing "preprocess => 1" in your view arguments for those files, which will allow you to include content using template expressions directly in your markdown sources.
Uwe Schindler (@uschindler) (migrated from JIRA)
Thanks Joe, if you just give me a short snippet how to include for example the mainnews.mdtext markdown into the index.mdtext homepage without using the templates. In my opinion, the workaround with the templates to do all includes was horrible to use.
I am verifying the current staging website and check if its identical to the current published one - sor far, looks good. I will go forward and publish the changes done by you later. The code looks much simplier now, because it just includes the official Apache "View" perl script.
Joe Schaefer (migrated from JIRA)
Ok I'm done converting things. Try to keep a clean separation between stuff in content/ and stuff in templates/- things will work better that way.
When talking to asfinfra today, they told me, that there is a solutions for the problem we have on the Lucene web page:
The index markdown file includes other files like the newsticker markdown. If you update the newsticker, the main webpage is not updated, unless you do a fake commit on the index markdown.
The solution is here (Apache Thrift uses this, including example):
Migrated from LUCENE-5789 by Uwe Schindler (@uschindler), updated Jun 30 2014