apache / maven-mvnd

Apache Maven Daemon
Apache License 2.0
2.85k stars 205 forks source link

mvnd version support Maven 3.9.6+ #1009

Closed gsmet closed 3 weeks ago

gsmet commented 4 weeks ago


Quarkus is not yet compatible with Maven 4 (and it will probably require some major work on our side) so we stick to Maven 3.9.x.

To my knowledge, Maven 3.9.6 is the first version to actually support Maven plugins compiled with Java 17. Even if Quarkus 3.7+ requires Java 17, we are still compiling the Maven plugins with Java 11 compatibility due to that so that people don't have to update to very latest Maven. But we would like to change that as the error message you obtain when using Java 11 is very confusing.

Problem is: mvnd has become a critical part of our workflow for some of us and we would need a mvnd version based on Maven 3.9.6+.

Are there any new versions planned that would update Maven 3.9.x?


gnodet commented 4 weeks ago

Yes, we're planning a mvnd release based on upcoming Maven 3.9.8.

gsmet commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks, that's awesome. No need to keep this issue open then.