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Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Dataflow Dep Scheduler; for Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go, Javascript and more
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5 undefined names in Python code #8270

Closed cclauss closed 6 years ago

cclauss commented 6 years ago

Undefined names can raise NameError at runtime.

flake8 testing of https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet on Python 2.7.14

$ flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics

./docs/mxdoc.py:71:16: F821 undefined name 'root_path'
    pdf_path = root_path + '/docs/api/r/mxnet-r-reference-manual.pdf'

./example/cnn_chinese_text_classification/data_helpers.py:199:13: F821 undefined name 'word2vec'
    model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format(path, binary=True)

./example/cnn_text_classification/data_helpers.py:184:13: F821 undefined name 'word2vec'
    model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format(path, binary=True)

./example/fcn-xs/solver.py:66:32: F821 undefined name 'nd'
        self.aux_params = {k : nd.zeros(s) for k, s in zip(aux_names, aux_shapes)}

./example/gluon/style_transfer/utils.py:150:59: F821 undefined name 'collections'
        assert isinstance(size, int) or (isinstance(size, collections.Iterable) and len(size) == 2)

./example/gluon/tree_lstm/dataset.py:85:16: F821 undefined name 'BOS'
        vec = [BOS] if add_bos else []

./example/gluon/tree_lstm/dataset.py:88:24: F821 undefined name 'EOS'

./example/model-parallel-lstm/lstm.py:457:8: F821 undefined name 'concat_decode'
    if concat_decode:

./example/module/lstm_bucketing.py:70:22: F821 undefined name 'DummyIter'
        data_train = DummyIter(data_train)

./example/module/lstm_bucketing.py:71:20: F821 undefined name 'DummyIter'
        data_val = DummyIter(data_val)

./example/module/train_cifar10.py:181:28: F821 undefined name 'epoch_size'
            step = max(int(epoch_size * args.lr_factor_epoch), 1),

./example/neural-style/end_to_end/model_vgg19.py:94:17: F821 undefined name 'out'
    arg_names = out.list_arguments()

./example/neural-style/end_to_end/model_vgg19.py:105:16: F821 undefined name 'out'
    executor = out.bind(ctx=ctx, args=arg_dict, args_grad=[], grad_req="null")

./example/profiler/profiler_executor.py:89:15: F821 undefined name 'search_plan'
        sym = search_plan(sym, data=data_shapes)

./example/profiler/profiler_executor.py:89:37: F821 undefined name 'data_shapes'
        sym = search_plan(sym, data=data_shapes)

./example/reinforcement-learning/a3c/a3c.py:201:16: F821 undefined name 'robo_data'
    dataiter = robo_data.RobosimsDataIter('scenes', args.batch_size, args.input_length, web_viz=True)

./example/reinforcement-learning/a3c/rl_data.py:134:20: F821 undefined name 'Empty'
            except Empty:

./example/rnn/old/gru_bucketing.py:69:22: F821 undefined name 'DummyIter'
        data_train = DummyIter(data_train)

./example/rnn/old/gru_bucketing.py:70:20: F821 undefined name 'DummyIter'
        data_val = DummyIter(data_val)

./example/rnn/old/lstm_bucketing.py:71:22: F821 undefined name 'DummyIter'
        data_train = DummyIter(data_train)

./example/rnn/old/lstm_bucketing.py:72:20: F821 undefined name 'DummyIter'
        data_val = DummyIter(data_val)

./example/speech-demo/decode_mxnet.py:157:87: F821 undefined name 'data_train'
                    posteriors = np.log(posteriors[:label[0][0],1:] + 1e-20) - np.log(data_train.label_mean).T

./example/speech-demo/io_func/convert2kaldi.py:71:48: F821 undefined name 'pool_size'
            output_size = int(layers[i + 1]) * pool_size

./example/speech-demo/io_func/utils.py:99:12: F821 undefined name 'T'
    return T.minimum(x * (x > 0), 6)

./example/speech-demo/io_func/utils.py:107:16: F821 undefined name 'T'
        return T.nnet.sigmoid

./example/speech-demo/io_func/utils.py:109:16: F821 undefined name 'T'
        return T.tanh

./example/speech-demo/io_func/utils.py:116:12: F821 undefined name 'T'
    return T.nnet.sigmoid

./example/speech-demo/io_func/utils.py:119:20: F821 undefined name 'T'
    if act_func == T.nnet.sigmoid:

./example/speech-demo/io_func/utils.py:121:20: F821 undefined name 'T'
    if act_func == T.tanh:

./example/speech-demo/io_func/utils.py:166:10: F821 undefined name 'T'
    cs = T.add_no_assoc(carry, inc)

./example/speech-demo/io_func/utils.py:167:9: F821 undefined name 'T'
    s = T.add_no_assoc(total, cs)

./example/speech-demo/io_func/utils.py:168:20: F821 undefined name 'T'
    update_carry = T.sub(cs, T.sub(s, total))

./example/speech-demo/io_func/utils.py:168:30: F821 undefined name 'T'
    update_carry = T.sub(cs, T.sub(s, total))

./example/ssd/dataset/pycocotools/coco.py:283:41: F821 undefined name 'm'
                        img = np.ones( (m.shape[0], m.shape[1], 3) )

./example/ssd/dataset/pycocotools/coco.py:283:53: F821 undefined name 'm'
                        img = np.ones( (m.shape[0], m.shape[1], 3) )

./example/ssd/dataset/pycocotools/coco.py:290:52: F821 undefined name 'm'
                        ax.imshow(np.dstack( (img, m*0.5) ))

./example/ssd/dataset/pycocotools/coco.py:452:16: F821 undefined name 'm'
        return m

./example/ssd/symbol/common.py:209:23: F821 undefined name 'start_offset'
         min_sizes = [start_offset] + tmp.tolist()

./example/ssd/symbol/common.py:210:46: F821 undefined name 'start_offset'
         max_sizes = tmp.tolist() + [tmp[-1]+start_offset]

./python/mxnet/initializer.py:698:20: F821 undefined name '_INITIALIZER_REGISTRY'
            init = _INITIALIZER_REGISTRY[klass.lower()](**kwargs)

./tests/python/gpu/test_operator_gpu.py:41:5: F821 undefined name 'test_support_vector_machine_l1_svm'
del test_support_vector_machine_l1_svm

./tests/python/gpu/test_operator_gpu.py:42:5: F821 undefined name 'test_support_vector_machine_l2_svm'
del test_support_vector_machine_l2_svm

./tools/caffe_converter/convert_symbol.py:317:11: F821 undefined name 'mx'
    ret = mx.sym.Group(ret)

43    F821 undefined name 'root_path'
szha commented 6 years ago

@apache/mxnet-committers: This issue has been inactive for the past 90 days. It has no label and needs triage.

For general "how-to" questions, our user forum (and Chinese version) is a good place to get help.

ThomasDelteil commented 6 years ago

Sorry could you clarify the issue and give a bit of context?

cclauss commented 6 years ago

These are variables that are not defined in the current context which can raise NameError at runtime. Often they are typos or missing imports or code refactoring errors or things like basestring or xrange() being defined in Python 2 but being removed in Python 3.

Just try reading thru the code as if you were the Python interpreter and ask yourself "Where is this variable defined?".

ThomasDelteil commented 6 years ago

Oh I understand now, that's some static code analysis right? Thanks for running that, seems like some files need fixing.

vandanavk commented 6 years ago

Are there any specific advantages that flake8 has over pylint? pylint has equivalent messages such as 'undefined-variable' (equivalent to F821). So just wondering if it would be easier to add more options to pylintrc and include in the existing build process.

cclauss commented 6 years ago

flake8 will find undefined names that pylint will not because flake8 makes an abstract syntax tree for each Python file and plyint does not. This also explains why flake8 gives different results in Python 2 and Python 3 (the have different ASTs while pylint does not.

Take running code like isinstance(unicode('Hello'), basestring) through pylint on Python 2 and Python 3 and see if there are differences in the output. Now try same with flake8.

cclauss commented 6 years ago

I take it back... You are right.

PyLint is now able to find undefined names.

$ python3 -m pylint *.py

************* Module pylint_test
pylint_test.py:1:0: C0111: Missing module docstring (missing-docstring)
pylint_test.py:1:11: E0602: Undefined variable 'unicode' (undefined-variable)
pylint_test.py:1:29: E0602: Undefined variable 'basestring' (undefined-variable)
cclauss commented 6 years ago

flake8 testing of https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet on Python 3.7.0

$ flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics

/home/travis/virtualenv/python3.7.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycodestyle.py:113: FutureWarning: Possible nested set at position 1
  EXTRANEOUS_WHITESPACE_REGEX = re.compile(r'[[({] | []}),;:]')
./example/reinforcement-learning/a3c/a3c.py:206:16: F821 undefined name 'robo_data'
    dataiter = robo_data.RobosimsDataIter('scenes', args.batch_size, args.input_length, web_viz=True)
./example/ssd/dataset/pycocotools/coco.py:266:41: F821 undefined name 'm'
                        img = np.ones( (m.shape[0], m.shape[1], 3) )
./example/ssd/dataset/pycocotools/coco.py:266:53: F821 undefined name 'm'
                        img = np.ones( (m.shape[0], m.shape[1], 3) )
./example/ssd/dataset/pycocotools/coco.py:273:52: F821 undefined name 'm'
                        ax.imshow(np.dstack( (img, m*0.5) ))
./example/ssd/dataset/pycocotools/coco.py:435:16: F821 undefined name 'm'
        return m
./example/ssd/symbol/common.py:209:23: F821 undefined name 'start_offset'
         min_sizes = [start_offset] + tmp.tolist()
./example/ssd/symbol/common.py:210:46: F821 undefined name 'start_offset'
         max_sizes = tmp.tolist() + [tmp[-1]+start_offset]
./example/fcn-xs/image_segmentaion.py:100:60: F821 undefined name 'ctx'
    fcnxs_args["data"] = mx.nd.array(get_data(args.input), ctx)
./example/fcn-xs/image_segmentaion.py:103:60: F821 undefined name 'ctx'
    fcnxs_args["softmax_label"] = mx.nd.empty(label_shape, ctx)
./example/fcn-xs/image_segmentaion.py:104:26: F821 undefined name 'ctx'
    exector = fcnxs.bind(ctx, fcnxs_args, args_grad=None, grad_req="null", aux_states=fcnxs_args)
./example/neural-style/end_to_end/model_vgg19.py:94:17: F821 undefined name 'out'
    arg_names = out.list_arguments()
./example/neural-style/end_to_end/model_vgg19.py:105:16: F821 undefined name 'out'
    executor = out.bind(ctx=ctx, args=arg_dict, args_grad=[], grad_req="null")
./example/sparse/factorization_machine/metric.py:111:22: F821 undefined name 'label_zero_num'
        total_area = label_zero_num * label_one_num
./example/sparse/factorization_machine/metric.py:111:39: F821 undefined name 'label_one_num'
        total_area = label_zero_num * label_one_num
./example/profiler/profiler_executor.py:89:15: F821 undefined name 'search_plan'
        sym = search_plan(sym, data=data_shapes)
./example/profiler/profiler_executor.py:89:37: F821 undefined name 'data_shapes'
        sym = search_plan(sym, data=data_shapes)
./python/mxnet/initializer.py:700:20: F821 undefined name '_INITIALIZER_REGISTRY'
            init = _INITIALIZER_REGISTRY[klass.lower()](**kwargs)
./python/mxnet/optimizer.py:718:34: F821 undefined name 'array'
            weight_master_copy = array(weight, ctx=weight.context, dtype=numpy.float32)
./python/mxnet/optimizer.py:769:16: F821 undefined name 'multiply'
        norm = multiply(v, v).asnumpy().sum()
./tests/python/unittest/test_engine_import.py:33:13: F821 undefined name 'reload'
./tests/nightly/model_backwards_compatibility_check/common.py:214:12: F821 undefined name 'cmp'
    return cmp(normalize(version1), normalize(version2))
./docs/mxdoc.py:75:16: F821 undefined name 'root_path'
    pdf_path = root_path + '/docs/api/r/mxnet-r-reference-manual.pdf'
22    F821 undefined name 'root_path'
vandanavk commented 6 years ago

@cclauss I'm working on fixing these errors. Will add you to the PRs as I submit them.

vandanavk commented 6 years ago

Pylint reports undefined variables when there is a wildcard import. The list from Pylint is at https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/issues/11904

cclauss commented 6 years ago

flake8 (on Python 3.7.0) moved from finding 22 undefined names down to 19.

flake8 testing of https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet on Python 3.7.0

$ flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics

./example/reinforcement-learning/a3c/a3c.py:206:16: F821 undefined name 'robo_data'
    dataiter = robo_data.RobosimsDataIter('scenes', args.batch_size, args.input_length, web_viz=True)
./example/ssd/dataset/pycocotools/coco.py:266:41: F821 undefined name 'm'
                        img = np.ones( (m.shape[0], m.shape[1], 3) )
./example/ssd/dataset/pycocotools/coco.py:266:53: F821 undefined name 'm'
                        img = np.ones( (m.shape[0], m.shape[1], 3) )
./example/ssd/dataset/pycocotools/coco.py:273:52: F821 undefined name 'm'
                        ax.imshow(np.dstack( (img, m*0.5) ))
./example/ssd/dataset/pycocotools/coco.py:435:16: F821 undefined name 'm'
        return m
./example/ssd/symbol/common.py:209:23: F821 undefined name 'start_offset'
         min_sizes = [start_offset] + tmp.tolist()
./example/ssd/symbol/common.py:210:46: F821 undefined name 'start_offset'
         max_sizes = tmp.tolist() + [tmp[-1]+start_offset]
./example/fcn-xs/image_segmentaion.py:100:60: F821 undefined name 'ctx'
    fcnxs_args["data"] = mx.nd.array(get_data(args.input), ctx)
./example/fcn-xs/image_segmentaion.py:103:60: F821 undefined name 'ctx'
    fcnxs_args["softmax_label"] = mx.nd.empty(label_shape, ctx)
./example/fcn-xs/image_segmentaion.py:104:26: F821 undefined name 'ctx'
    exector = fcnxs.bind(ctx, fcnxs_args, args_grad=None, grad_req="null", aux_states=fcnxs_args)
./example/neural-style/end_to_end/model_vgg19.py:94:17: F821 undefined name 'out'
    arg_names = out.list_arguments()
./example/neural-style/end_to_end/model_vgg19.py:105:16: F821 undefined name 'out'
    executor = out.bind(ctx=ctx, args=arg_dict, args_grad=[], grad_req="null")
./example/sparse/factorization_machine/metric.py:111:22: F821 undefined name 'label_zero_num'
        total_area = label_zero_num * label_one_num
./example/sparse/factorization_machine/metric.py:111:39: F821 undefined name 'label_one_num'
        total_area = label_zero_num * label_one_num
./example/profiler/profiler_executor.py:89:15: F821 undefined name 'search_plan'
        sym = search_plan(sym, data=data_shapes)
./example/profiler/profiler_executor.py:89:37: F821 undefined name 'data_shapes'
        sym = search_plan(sym, data=data_shapes)
./tests/python/unittest/test_engine_import.py:33:13: F821 undefined name 'reload'
./tests/nightly/model_backwards_compatibility_check/common.py:216:12: F821 undefined name 'cmp'
    return cmp(normalize(version1), normalize(version2))
./docs/mxdoc.py:75:16: F821 undefined name 'root_path'
    pdf_path = root_path + '/docs/api/r/mxnet-r-reference-manual.pdf'
19    F821 undefined name 'root_path'
cclauss commented 6 years ago

With the merge of #11982, flake8 (on Python 3) is now down to 10 undefined names:

flake8 testing of https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet on Python 3.7.0

$ flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics

./example/reinforcement-learning/a3c/a3c.py:206:16: F821 undefined name 'robo_data'
    dataiter = robo_data.RobosimsDataIter('scenes', args.batch_size, args.input_length, web_viz=True)
./example/neural-style/end_to_end/model_vgg19.py:94:17: F821 undefined name 'out'
    arg_names = out.list_arguments()
./example/neural-style/end_to_end/model_vgg19.py:105:16: F821 undefined name 'out'
    executor = out.bind(ctx=ctx, args=arg_dict, args_grad=[], grad_req="null")
./example/sparse/factorization_machine/metric.py:111:22: F821 undefined name 'label_zero_num'
        total_area = label_zero_num * label_one_num
./example/sparse/factorization_machine/metric.py:111:39: F821 undefined name 'label_one_num'
        total_area = label_zero_num * label_one_num
./example/profiler/profiler_executor.py:89:15: F821 undefined name 'search_plan'
        sym = search_plan(sym, data=data_shapes)
./example/profiler/profiler_executor.py:89:37: F821 undefined name 'data_shapes'
        sym = search_plan(sym, data=data_shapes)
./tests/python/unittest/test_engine_import.py:33:13: F821 undefined name 'reload'
./tests/nightly/model_backwards_compatibility_check/common.py:216:12: F821 undefined name 'cmp'
    return cmp(normalize(version1), normalize(version2))
./docs/mxdoc.py:75:16: F821 undefined name 'root_path'
    pdf_path = root_path + '/docs/api/r/mxnet-r-reference-manual.pdf'
10    F821 undefined name 'root_path'
vandanavk commented 6 years ago

./python/mxnet/base.py:735:12: F821 undefined name 'C' return C.c_int(init_val) ^ ./python/mxnet/base.py:739:14: F821 undefined name 'C' x_addr = C.addressof(x) ^ ./python/mxnet/base.py:740:13: F821 undefined name 'C' int_p = C.POINTER(C.c_int) ^ ./python/mxnet/base.py:740:23: F821 undefined name 'C' int_p = C.POINTER(C.c_int) ^ ./python/mxnet/base.py:741:18: F821 undefined name 'C' x_int_addr = C.cast(x_addr, int_p) ^ @mkolod @KellenSunderland These have been introduced by the TensorRT commit. Could you have a look at these?

KellenSunderland commented 6 years ago

@vandanavk Taking a look.

KellenSunderland commented 6 years ago

@vandanavk Thanks for the catch! Should be addressed in https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/pull/12147

vandanavk commented 6 years ago

Thanks @KellenSunderland

@cclauss I don't see the errors

./tests/python/unittest/test_engine_import.py:33:13: F821 undefined name 'reload'
./tests/nightly/model_backwards_compatibility_check/common.py:216:12: F821 undefined name 'cmp'
    return cmp(normalize(version1), normalize(version2))

I've tried flake8 and pylint, Python2 and Python3.

Although I do see

************* Module mxnet.ndarray
python/mxnet/ndarray/__init__.py(34): [E0602 ] Undefined variable 'ndarray'
************* Module mxnet.symbol
python/mxnet/symbol/__init__.py(31): [E0602 ] Undefined variable 'symbol'

After these are fixed, I'll add "undefined-variable" to pylintrc in the CI build. This will check future commits to python/mxnet.

cclauss commented 6 years ago
cclauss commented 6 years ago

See PEP8 for reasons why star imports are for the birds...

On the python/mxnet/ndarray/__init__.py issue, you could try adding a line from .ndarray import __all__ as ndarray___all__ and then below replace ndarray.__all__ with ndarray___all__ .

cclauss commented 6 years ago

flake8 testing of https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet on Python 3.7.0

$ flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics

./amalgamation/python/mxnet_predict.py:68:40: F821 undefined name 'libinfo_py'
                libinfo = {'__file__': libinfo_py}
./amalgamation/python/mxnet_predict.py:69:35: F821 undefined name 'libinfo_py'
                exec(compile(open(libinfo_py, "rb").read(), libinfo_py, 'exec'), libinfo, libinfo)
./amalgamation/python/mxnet_predict.py:69:61: F821 undefined name 'libinfo_py'
                exec(compile(open(libinfo_py, "rb").read(), libinfo_py, 'exec'), libinfo, libinfo)
./tests/python/unittest/test_engine_import.py:33:13: F821 undefined name 'reload'
./tests/nightly/model_backwards_compatibility_check/common.py:216:12: F821 undefined name 'cmp'
    return cmp(normalize(version1), normalize(version2))
5     F821 undefined name 'libinfo_py'
vandanavk commented 6 years ago

@hqucms Could you have a look at these https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/commit/f3070fbe04b94e9715ef950cb33ce3402be5c077#r30092025?

hqucms commented 6 years ago

@vandanavk Thank you for spotting this! I made a fix in https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/pull/12211.

vandanavk commented 6 years ago

@cclauss looks like all the PRs for fixing these errors are merged. Do you think this issue can be closed now?

vandanavk commented 6 years ago

https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/pull/12295 is this the last open PR related to this issue @cclauss ?

cclauss commented 6 years ago
