Closed lkishalmi closed 10 months ago
@mbien Would this be Ok with you? I went with P
for public
and p
for private
that would be mostly consistent with other abbrevs like Psfs
for public static final String
@mbien Would this be Ok with you? I went with
that would be mostly consistent with other abbrevs likePsfs
forpublic static final String
Yes, if this makes it more consistent to other templates - please change it as you think its best. I am no heavy template user, I probably know less than 10. But rec and lofmofsof I will probably remember ;)
The change is already there.
Well, I've started to work with Java 17 lately also using some records. It seems while new language features are supported, there is still a way to go.
This one is trivial to add a few code templates to work with records and sealed types.