Open akaouane opened 11 months ago
in netbeans 21 release final download 24 february When I try to use the Wizard "New JSF Pages from Entity Classes", : Cannot be generated because EJB Lite classes are not available on project classpath Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia openjdk version "11.0.21" 2023-10-17
The snap is inofficial. Please test if the issue is reproducible with the ZIP distribution:
Please note: That only concerns:
I get entity classes in the list that not exist in my project (those classes exist in an other project)`
The other issue is already covered by:
Hi @matthiasblaesing I tested the zip version : And I get those problems : 1-After I create a new maven project, I cannot select all tables from my database, when I want to create Entity calsses from database, as you can see :
2- When I want to create new JSF pages from Entity classes, I find Entity classes in the list even they do not exist in my project, as you ca see :
3- When I select the Entity class and continue with the Wizard, I cannot select the JavaServerFaces library :
So I cancel the Wizard and I add the FramWorks Library from the project properties.
4- When I use the Wizad to create the JSF pages from Entity classes, I cannot find the PrimeFaces templates in the list
I will do more tests and I will post any errors here. Thanks
In general I think it is a bad idea to reuse a single issue for multiple problems. That is bad for both sides, either a problem gets overlooked or the issue can't be closed because it is not fully resolved.
Anyway, for your report:
Hi @matthiasblaesing .
As you can see, there is no entity class in my project. Also you can see that I have no project in netbeans.
You don't show the dependencies node. The maven implementation of the EntityClassScopeProvider (that supplied the entity implementations) scans the whole classpath and thus also in dependencies. This still needs steps to reproduce. These steps must work with a clean user dir and must not assume external setup.
Apache NetBeans version
Apache NetBeans 21 release candidate
What happened
When I try to use the Wizard "New JSF Pages from Entity Classes", :
Language / Project Type / NetBeans Component
No response
How to reproduce
On Ubuntu 22.04, Apache netbeans 21, OpenJkd 11,17, GlassFish 7, Jakarta 10 :
Did this work correctly in an earlier version?
No / Don't know
Operating System
Linux (Ubuntu 22.04)
11, 17
Apache NetBeans packaging
Apache NetBeans Snap Package
Anything else
I created a Virtualbox instance (windows 10) and I installed apache netbeans 21, Openjdk 17, GlassFish 7 and all things work fine.
Are you willing to submit a pull request?