apache / netbeans

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hibernate-jpamodelgen generated classes not recoginized #7611

Closed sysmat closed 4 weeks ago

sysmat commented 1 month ago

Apache NetBeans version

Apache NetBeans 22

What happened

I have hibernate-jpamodelgen for JPA CriteriaQuery, maven cmd it works fine, but NB has problems

Language / Project Type / NetBeans Component

java , maven , hibernate

How to reproduce


Did this work correctly in an earlier version?

No / Don't know

Operating System

win 11


jdk 8-21

Apache NetBeans packaging

Apache NetBeans provided installer

Anything else


Are you willing to submit a pull request?


matthiasblaesing commented 1 month ago

I use jpa routinely at work with hibernate-jpamodelgen similar included as you do and it works. Please provide a minimal reproducer, so that it can be investigated.

balta3 commented 4 weeks ago

I have a similar problem with other annotation processors generating sources and seen that this just seem to happen if I add a module-info to the project. Could it be that the internal compiler does not include the generated classes to the module?

balta3 commented 4 weeks ago

I've created a simple reproducer with mapstruct and record-builder here: https://github.com/balta3/annotation-processor-netbeans-reproducer

Interestingly in this project it makes no difference if there is a module-info or not, it will simply not detect the generated classes in the editor, but it is compiling without problems using maven.

matthiasblaesing commented 4 weeks ago


I've created a simple reproducer with mapstruct and record-builder here: https://github.com/balta3/annotation-processor-netbeans-reproducer

This is a different problem/issue. NetBeans followed the maven-compiler-plugin documentation, which documents, that the child element of annotationProcessorPaths is called path. And if you do that, all is well (i.e. works):


However, some clever soul though that would be to hard for users and declared (https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-configuring-plugins.html#mapping-collections-and-arrays):

Mapping to collections works in much the same way as mapping to arrays. Each item is given in the XML as dedicated element. The element name does not matter in that case.

It would have been to easy to require users to enter the "right" xml elements (WTF!)

Edit: tracked as #7658

matthiasblaesing commented 4 weeks ago

@sysmat this is not a NetBeans problem, but a problem of your setup. hibernate jpamodel in version 4.3.11 was release 2015, long before JDK 9 was released. In JDK 8 JAXB (java xml bind) was part of the JDK and hibernate used it. JAXB was removed from the JDK somewhere between 9 and 11. Today it lives on as an independent module jakarta XML bind.

If I remember correctly I worked around this problem @work by adding the jaxb implementation as an explicit dependency:

sysmat commented 3 weeks ago
sysmat commented 3 weeks ago

I like NB, but it is sad to see how NB getting worse & worse

matthiasblaesing commented 3 weeks ago

@sysmat I explicitly asked for a demonstrator, you did not react. I also indicated, that I had a similar problem @work and fixed it as described. That soltution has the benefit, that it is then possible to build JDK 8 code with a more modern JDK (using the release option of javac). Not sure what is the problem you try to address here.

  • @matthiasblaesing it generate classes, in cm maven package works fine, the problem is DX in NetBeans as error not found

I don't understand what you are saying here. What is "cm" what is "DX"?

  • target\generated-sources\annotations\si\arnes\db\aris\entity they are present
  • why then works in Eclipse & IntelliJ

The sources are present when the maven build is invoked, but they are the output of the compilation, not the input. I think your assumption is wrong, that the code on disc is used by NetBeans. NetBeans hooks directly into the Javac, so it does not need the on disc files as it can process the files in flight. That in turn also means, that the javac needs to be able to execute the annotation processors and that does not work in this case.

I assume that Eclipse and IntelliJ hook differently into the annotation processing/javac and thus react different. Both approaches have benefits and problems.

  • even restart NB dosen't help it is NB problem

No it just validates, that NetBeans is consistent. It would be more problematic, if the problem vanishes after a NetBeans restart.

I like NB, but it is sad to see how NB getting worse & worse

This does not help your case. If you did not notice it, I try to help you.

@lahodaj could you please have a look at this, whether my interpretation is correct and maybe you can better explain, why this problem exists for NB, but not for Eclipse. You might be able to turn my "gut feeling" into "I know the NB infrastructure".

sysmat commented 3 weeks ago
matthiasblaesing commented 3 weeks ago
* in first post I append image from NB and generated files are there in Ide

Yes they are. BUT they are not considered for compilation. For annotation processing the generated source is a compilation output, not an input. My understanding is, that you need to separate two different generated-source types:

The latter it might make sense, when you consider, that annotation processor can not only generate source code for the compilation, but can also directly influence the generated bytecode (bytecode weaving). One such example is lombok. lombok can generate getters, setters, equals, hashCode, toString and probably more methods on the fly, based on annotations. To do this it hooks into the compilation process and directly injects the code into the class file, it does not write source code. An approach that reads the generated sources would not be helpful here.

sysmat commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm, dam so you are saying that is not possible to use it in NB

matthiasblaesing commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm, dam so you are saying that is not possible to use it in NB

Which part of

If I remember correctly I worked around this problem https://github.com/work by adding the jaxb implementation as an explicit dependency

was unclear? What I wanted to say:

  1. I have seen the issue in reality
  2. I have fixed this in the wild (this fix was there)

That fix will also allow you to compile with JDK 9+, if you use the release flag.