The first observation is that the time is vastly different between runs. But even the faster runs are surprisingly slow. This is also no recent regression since I tested even NB 19.
The second observation is that the number of JarClassLoader warnings correlated with how long it took, example warning:
WARNING [org.netbeans.JarClassLoader]: Opening /home/mbien/NetBeansProjects/netbeans/nbbuild/netbeans/ide/modules/ext/truffle-api-24.0.0.jar took 651 ms
while debugging a problem I noticed a performance anomaly when I debugged NB 23 with NB 22. (JDK Corretto 22.0.2, version made no difference)
The first observation is that the time is vastly different between runs. But even the faster runs are surprisingly slow. This is also no recent regression since I tested even NB 19.
The second observation is that the number of JarClassLoader warnings correlated with how long it took, example warning:
(there can be a lot of repeating warnings)
async profiler flamegraph showed that a most of the time is spent in
codepaths. GraalEnginesProvider#enumarateLanguages verify this I uninstalled
GraalVM Debugging Support
and tested again:(don't uninstall the module in your "production" IDE)
Debugging did still work.
This is going to need some more investigations.