apache / openwhisk-deploy-kube

The Apache OpenWhisk Kubernetes Deployment repository supports deploying the Apache OpenWhisk system on Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters.
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Deployment fails on kubernetes using docker for windows #683

Closed simonkleinfeld closed 3 years ago

simonkleinfeld commented 3 years ago

Hi, i'm trying to install openwhisk on my local single node cluster using Docker for Windows. I followed the install instructions on https://github.com/apache/openwhisk-deploy-kube/blob/master/docs/k8s-docker-for-windows.md but if i run helm install owdev ./helm/openwhisk -n openwhisk --create-namespace -f mycluster.yaml i get the following error: Error: pods "owdev-wskadmin" is forbidden: error looking up service account openwhisk/default: serviceaccount "default" not found I also did a reset of my kubernetes cluster and tried it again, with the same result.

The mycluster.yaml looks so:

                type: NodePort
                apiHostPort: 31001
        httpsNodePort: 31001

I'm using the following versions: docker for windows: 3.2.2 kubernetes: 1.19.7 helm: 3.5.2

Thank you

dgrove-oss commented 3 years ago

The default service account should be created automatically by Kubernetes in every namespace it creates. Try doing a kubectl get sa -n default and kubectl get sa -n openwhisk and see what service accounts (sa) are available.

simonkleinfeld commented 3 years ago

For kubectl get sa -n default: No resources found in default namespace. and kubectl get sa -n openwhisk: NAME SECRETS AGE owdev-core 0 77m owdev-init-sa 0 77m owdev-invoker 0 77m

The default service account was not created isn't?

dgrove-oss commented 3 years ago

It looks like the default service account is missing. You can probably hack around it by just creating one, but it seems really strange that it is missing. It smells like a bug with Docker Desktop on Windows.

simonkleinfeld commented 3 years ago

I did a reset from my docker installation and then everything works fine. Thanks for your help, I am new to kubernetes etc and didn't know that this user should be created automatically.

DanielLee343 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have a following question, my default service account seems to be there, but Im still stuck at Error: pods "owdev-wskadmin" is forbidden: error looking up service account openwhisk/default: serviceaccount "default" not found.

[lyuze@storage-2 openwhisk-deploy-kube]$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                  COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS        PORTS                       NAMES
c3dba0af7943   kindest/node:v1.20.7   "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   19 hours ago   Up 11 hours                               kind-worker2
2d142d00b1be   kindest/node:v1.20.7   "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   19 hours ago   Up 11 hours>31001/tcp    kind-worker
61ca9e93bbf6   kindest/node:v1.20.7   "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   19 hours ago   Up 11 hours>6443/tcp   kind-control-plane
[lyuze@storage-2 openwhisk-deploy-kube]$ helm install owdev ./helm/openwhisk -n openwhisk --create-namespace -f mycluster.yaml
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to create resource: pods "owdev-wskadmin" is forbidden: error looking up service account openwhisk/default: serviceaccount "default" not found
[lyuze@storage-2 openwhisk-deploy-kube]$ 
[lyuze@storage-2 openwhisk-deploy-kube]$ kubectl get sa -n default
default   1         18h
[lyuze@storage-2 openwhisk-deploy-kube]$ kubectl get sa -n openwhisk
NAME            SECRETS   AGE
owdev-core      0         84s
owdev-init-sa   0         84s
owdev-invoker   0         84s

My mycluster.yaml:

    type: NodePort
    apiHostName: localhost
    apiHostPort: 31001
    apiHostProto: "https"
    useInternally: false

  httpsNodePort: 31001

# disable affinity
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  options: "-Dwhisk.kubernetes.user-pod-node-affinity.enabled=false"
  # must use KCF as kind uses containerd as its container runtime
    impl: "kubernetes"

Any idea why? Thanks!