apache / openwhisk-deploy-kube

The Apache OpenWhisk Kubernetes Deployment repository supports deploying the Apache OpenWhisk system on Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters.
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Challenges encountered when deploying to DIY K8s Cluster #775

Open tth37 opened 4 months ago

tth37 commented 4 months ago

Deploying Apache OpenWhisk on a DIY Kubernetes cluster can throw a couple of curveballs. Here's a quick rundown of the snags I hit and how I untangled them.

  1. GitHub cloning hiccups in initCouchDB and installPackages

    The Problem: Due to network issues, the setup scripts couldn't clone from GitHub.

    The Fix: Tweak the scripts initdb.sh and myTask.sh under helm/openwhisk/configMapFiles/initCouchDB/ to point to a mirror instead of github.com/apache/openwhisk.

  2. JVM Bus Error in Controller and Invoker Pods

    The Problem: JVM threw a bus error raised by JIT compilation, crashing both the controller and invoker pods.

    The Fix: Disable JIT and boost the heap size to 16GB to stabilize the JVM.

    # mycluster.yaml
     jvmHeapMB: "16384"
     jvmOptions: "-Xint"
     jvmHeapMB: "16384"
     jvmOptions: "-Xint"
  3. Probes for controller getting axed by Kubernetes

    The Problem: Kubernetes was terminating controller pod for taking too long, as we disabled JIT.

    The Fix: Set the readiness probe timeout to a generous 180 seconds to avoid premature termination.

    # mycluster.yaml
         initialDelaySeconds: 180
         periodSeconds: 180
         timeoutSeconds: 10
         initialDelaySeconds: 180
         periodSeconds: 180
         timeoutSeconds: 10
  4. Custom Kubernetes DNS Configuration

    The Problem: Needed to align DNS settings with DIY cluster setup, otherwise will fail Nginx pod.

    The Fix: Specify the DNS service (RKE2 in my case) in the cluster config.

    # mycluster.yaml
     dns: rke2-coredns-rke2-coredns.kube-system
lucky0218 commented 4 months ago

I was confused by this error for a whole day. Really appreciate your sol !