apache / openwhisk-package-kafka

Apache OpenWhisk package for communicating with Kafka or Message Hub
Apache License 2.0
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[Question] Setting up a localhost Message Hub package in a localhost environment #300

Open patpatpat123 opened 5 years ago

patpatpat123 commented 5 years ago


May I ask what is the equivalent of this wsk package bind /whisk.system/messaging myMessageHub -p kafka_brokers_sasl "[\"kafka01-prod01.messagehub.services.us-south.bluemix.net:9093\", \"kafka02-prod01.messagehub.services.us-south.bluemix.net:9093\", \"kafka03-prod01.messagehub.services.us-south.bluemix.net:9093\"]" -p user -p password -p kafka_admin_url https://kafka-admin-prod01.messagehub.services.us-south.bluemix.net:443

stated under Setting up a Message Hub package outside Bluemix

for a localhost based Kafka and OpenWhisk?

  1. Where can I locate /whisk.system/messaging in a local host environment?
  2. For the first -p, what would be the equivalent of a plain simple localhost Kafka? -p kafka_brokers_sasl "[\"localhost:9092\"]" ? 9093? For the second -p, (user) if it is a simple localhost Kafka, can this be omitted?
  3. Same question for the third -p (password)?
  4. For the fourth -p, I am not using Bluemix, just starting a local OpenWhisk, what would be the equivalent here for the Kafka admin? https://localhost:443 ?

(By plain simple Kafka, I mean the Kafka package found in the official site, started with ./zookeeper-server-start.sh ../config/zookeeper.properties ./kafka-server-start.sh ../config/server.properties)

Thank you a lot for your help.

csantanapr commented 5 years ago

From the readme on generic kafka meaning no Bluemix https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk-package-kafka/blob/master/README.md#creating-a-trigger-that-listens-to-a-generic-kafka-instance

If only one host then just use :9092 no need for 9093 host

No need to pass any user or password or admin url

patpatpat123 commented 5 years ago

Hello Carlos,

Thank you for your clear answers. In the step one titled 1. Create a package binding that is configured for your Message Hub service.

The tutorial mentioned whisk.system/messaging in the step wsk package bind /whisk.system/messaging May I ask what is this, and how can I find it? A search into all my laptop /$ find . -name "whisk.system" 2>/dev/null yields nothing. Is this something generated? Could you help on getting it?

wsk -i package bind /whisk.system/messaging myMessageHub -p kafka_brokers_sasl "[\"localhost:9092\"]" error: Binding creation failed: The supplied authentication is not authorized to access 'whisk.system/messaging'. (code Nw7HssYWZLMsLAIqPg8xmTnbV3x3AEj5)

wsk -i package bind /whisk.system/messaging myMessageHub -p kafka_brokers_sasl "[\"kafka:9092\"]" error: Binding creation failed: The supplied authentication is not authorized to access 'whisk.system/messaging'. (code ENHTYZ7jwj4nWNFWNrfr9g7ysDrZC6HL)

Are the above commands correct? Maybe I have to change the file?

Thank you