Closed marcel-vieira-smartfit closed 1 year ago
I have seen this pattern before when extracting the logs from the container execution failed:
[2023-05-03T15:18:34.840Z] [INFO] [#tid_f72d562c0b21214b422689041a6d939b] [ContainerProxy] [marker:invoker_collectLogs_start:2068]
[2023-05-03T15:18:34.845Z] [INFO] [#tid_sid_invokerNanny] [DockerClientWithFileAccess] running /usr/bin/docker rm -f 8a875cd62bfa9fa03c9d389e35eacdbf3afd76d7d6632f28bb8daa811eb3c70b (timeout: 1 minute) [marker:invoker_docker.rm_start:2521614]
But the action returns the desired value. I'm running a simple nodejs action shown above
* Hello world as an OpenWhisk action.
function main(params) {
var name = || 'World';
return {payload: 'Hello, ' + name + '!'};
Do you know a way to verify what is going wrong?
One more piece of information, I have configured two prewarm nodejs containers, so when I invoke an action the following steps occur:
There is no need to delete the used container. Do you know how to avoid this?
As David said above, when the extracting logs failed, the container will be removed as it considers an error happens.
All the logs that I have seen, they do not show any error. Do you know if there is a way to verify why the extracting logs have failed?
@marcelfvieira IIRC, the invoker directly accesses the container log in the host path. If the path is not accessible from the inside of the invoker container, I think the error would happen.
Thanks! I will take a look, but for now, I have disabled the collect logs feature and everything started to work as expected
I need your help, I am running Openwhisk using a Raspberry Pi and I successfully executed the code following this doc: But I'm facing a problem, the open whisk does not maintain a warm container and after every execution, the container is removed, and in the subsequent execution, the container is created again. So all execution is like a cold-start.
Have you faced this problem?
Here are the logs:
You can see after the execution, the docker container is removed. Do you know how to fix that?