Open groobyming opened 1 year ago
Hi, i want to use hive's metastore as metadata storage, but i can't find any documentation on how to do this
t can be configured according to official documents, and the same is true for Hive Catalog.
Hi, i want to use hive's metastore as metadata storage, but i can't find any documentation on how to do this
I found add the following config to your trino paimon catalog may work:
You also need to add the following jars to your paimon plugin lib, otherwise you will meet NoSuchMethodException
And since trino use jdk17, the following code piece in org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient#resolveUris
cannot work
if (MetastoreConf.getVar(conf, ConfVars.THRIFT_URI_SELECTION).equalsIgnoreCase("RANDOM")) {
List uriList = Arrays.asList(metastoreUris);
metastoreUris = (URI[]) uriList.toArray();
you can add the following config to your hive-site.xml as a workaround:
@linhao1990 I'm using high availability Hadoop, and this is how I set it up...
And when I run the query, I get these errors.
Path missing in file system location: `hdfs://[my-ha-hadoop-nameservice]`
Do you use highly available Hadoop? If you do, I want to hear what you know... Thank you
self answer: need to reassign warehouse because my warehouse(hive.metastore.warehouse.dir
) in hive-site.xml
does not start with hdfs://nameservice
because of fs.defaultFS
in core-site.xml
warehouse=hdfs://[my-ha-hadoop-nameservice]/[warehouse directory]
It is related to HiveCatalog in paimon-bundle, I'm going to make bug report at paimon repository.
Also it needs hive-apache-3.1.2-22.jar
Is there any other kind of metastore? The official document looks like it only supports hive.
Hi, i want to use hive's metastore as metadata storage, but i can't find any documentation on how to do this