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There are so many paimon tables, and I want to find which paimon tables has 'write-only' = 'true' option.
Currently there is NO system tables provided by paimon, but only T$options system table companion with paimon table.
It is hard for me to get all those write-only paimon tables because I have to iterate all paimon table names, and query its companion T$options system table, then check those options one by one.
If paimon support Global system table just like information_schema.tables in mysql, I can query them quickly by fire the following sql:
select table_name from paimon_catalog.information_schema.tables where option_key = 'write-only' and option_value = 'true'
Search before asking
There are so many paimon tables, and I want to find which paimon tables has 'write-only' = 'true' option. Currently there is NO system tables provided by paimon, but only T$options system table companion with paimon table. It is hard for me to get all those write-only paimon tables because I have to iterate all paimon table names, and query its companion T$options system table, then check those options one by one. If paimon support Global system table just like information_schema.tables in mysql, I can query them quickly by fire the following sql:
select table_name from paimon_catalog.information_schema.tables where option_key = 'write-only' and option_value = 'true'
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