apache / pekko-persistence-r2dbc

Asynchronously writes journal and snapshot entries to configured R2DBC databases so that Apache Pekko Actors can recover state
Apache License 2.0
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add extra Java friendly methods in R2dbcExecutor #102

Open pjfanning opened 3 months ago

pjfanning commented 3 months ago

R2dbcExecutor returns Futures that wrap Scala Long or Seq[Long]. To return these we take java.lang.Long and convert to scala.Long (which is an alias for the primitive long).

The JavaDSL in pekko-projection-r2dbc converts the Scala Long to java.lang.Long.

We could support R2dbcExecutor methods that return Futures that wrap java.lang.Long or Seq[java.lang.Long].

We may even be able to make these APIs use Java Futures instead Scala Futures.