Open jnsrikanth opened 3 years ago
@jnsrikanth Hi Srikanth, I cannot reproduce the issue here. Which version of pinot are you running? Can you please try the latest master and see if it works?
Can you check if the broker is started as expected? Is the default broker port(8000) occupied?
Hello, Did you find a solution to that issue? I'm using Pinot 0.7.1 and JDK 8. Thank you.
Hi, I have installed Apache Pinot on Ubuntu Linux 18.0.4 as per the instructions given in the official link below.
However, I am facing the below Error while starting up of Apache Pinot after issuing the below command.
bin/quick-start-batch. sh
The Error Log from the console is below:
Executing command: StartMinion -minionHost null -minionPort 6000 -zkAddress localhost:2123 Executing command: StartServiceManager -clusterName QuickStartCluster -zkAddress localhost:2123 -port -1 -bootstrapServices [] Starting a Pinot [SERVICE_MANAGER] at 17.704s since launch Started Pinot [SERVICE_MANAGER] instance [ServiceManagermlops-1] at 17.704s since launch Starting a Pinot [MINION] at 17.704s since launch Started Pinot [MINION] instance [Minion_10.0.0.2_6000] at 18.77s since launch Bootstrap baseballStats table Executing command: AddTable -tableConfigFile /tmp/1618830434961/baseballStats_1618830435084.config -schemaFile /tmp/1618830414294/baseballStats/baseballStats_schema.json -controllerProtocol http -controllerHost mlops -controllerPort 9000 -exec {"code":400,"error":"Invalid table config for table baseballStats_OFFLINE: Failed to find instances with tag: DefaultTenant_BROKER for table: baseballStats_OFFLINE"} Thread Thread[main,5,main] died java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create offline table - baseballStats from schema file [/tmp/1618830414294/baseballStats/baseballStats_schema.json] and table conf file [/tmp/1618830414294/baseballStats/baseballStats_offline_table_config.json]. at ~[pinot-all-0.7.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar:0.7.1-e22be7c3a39e840321d3658e7505f21768b228d6] at ~[pinot-all-0.7.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar:0.7.1-e22be7c3a39e840321d3658e7505f21768b228d6]
Let me know what is missing in the installation or configuration procedure?
Thanks, Srikanth