Describe the bug
There is no way to negatively acknowledge the consumer and the registry method for DeadLetterPolicy is broken
ConsumerConfigurationData<byte[]> subscriptionConfig = new ConsumerConfigurationData<>(); subscriptionConfig.setSubscriptionInitialPosition(SubscriptionInitialPosition.Earliest); subscriptionConfig.setSubscriptionType(SubscriptionType.Shared); subscriptionConfig.setDeadLetterPolicy(DeadLetterPolicy.builder() .deadLetterTopic(viestiSourceConfig.getDeadLetterTopic()).build()); PulsarSpoutV2 pulsarSpout = new PulsarSpoutV2( spoutConfiguration, ((ClientBuilderImpl) createBuilder(viestiSourceConfig)) .getClientConfigurationData() .clone(), subscriptionConfig);
This above code doesnt stick while creating PulsarSpout.
static class SpoutConsumer implements PulsarSpoutConsumer {
private Consumer<byte[]> consumer;
public SpoutConsumer(Consumer<byte[]> consumer) {
this.consumer = consumer;
public Message<byte[]> receive(int timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws PulsarClientException {
return this.consumer.receive(timeout, unit);
public void acknowledgeAsync(Message<?> msg) {
public void close() throws PulsarClientException {
public void unsubscribe() throws PulsarClientException {
Also there is no Mechanism to negativelyAcknowledge a message.
Expected behavior
While Setting DeadletterPolicy It should not drop it while serialising. Negative Acks support should be there
Desktop (please complete the following information):
MacOs Ventura 13.4.1
java version "1.8.0_333"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_333-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.333-b02, mixed mode)
Apache Storm 2.2.1
Trying to consume from Pulsar Topic in Apache Storm
Describe the bug v2.11.0 There is no way to negatively acknowledge the consumer and the registry method for DeadLetterPolicy is broken
ConsumerConfigurationData<byte[]> subscriptionConfig = new ConsumerConfigurationData<>(); subscriptionConfig.setSubscriptionInitialPosition(SubscriptionInitialPosition.Earliest); subscriptionConfig.setSubscriptionType(SubscriptionType.Shared); subscriptionConfig.setDeadLetterPolicy(DeadLetterPolicy.builder() .deadLetterTopic(viestiSourceConfig.getDeadLetterTopic()).build());
PulsarSpoutV2 pulsarSpout = new PulsarSpoutV2( spoutConfiguration, ((ClientBuilderImpl) createBuilder(viestiSourceConfig)) .getClientConfigurationData() .clone(), subscriptionConfig);
This above code doesnt stick while creating PulsarSpout.
` static class SpoutConsumer implements PulsarSpoutConsumer { private Consumer<byte[]> consumer;
Also there is no Mechanism to negativelyAcknowledge a message.
Expected behavior
While Setting DeadletterPolicy It should not drop it while serialising. Negative Acks support should be there
Desktop (please complete the following information): MacOs Ventura 13.4.1 java version "1.8.0_333" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_333-b02) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.333-b02, mixed mode) Apache Storm 2.2.1
Trying to consume from Pulsar Topic in Apache Storm