I'm using pulsar helm chart pulsar-3.1.0-candidate-1 with specified pulsar manager tag v0.4.0
When I enable the jwt authentication and also set the JWT_TOKEN、SECRET_KEY
but the pulsar backend didn't start up and keep restart, so I checked the entrypoint.sh in container found somthing
strange. the entrypoint.sh didn't get env on pulsar deployment, so I try to edit the container command with "/bin/bash" then it works fine.
Another question is the PULSAR_MANAGER_OPTS env which is set in the template like this:
but it's unavaliable in pulsar manager , still have to set in values again:
Hi, I'm using pulsar helm chart pulsar-3.1.0-candidate-1 with specified pulsar manager tag v0.4.0
When I enable the jwt authentication and also set the JWT_TOKEN、SECRET_KEY but the pulsar backend didn't start up and keep restart, so I checked the entrypoint.sh in container found somthing strange. the entrypoint.sh didn't get env on pulsar deployment, so I try to edit the container command with "/bin/bash" then it works fine.
Another question is the PULSAR_MANAGER_OPTS env which is set in the template like this:
but it's unavaliable in pulsar manager , still have to set in values again:
Would somebody tell me why or it is a bug will be figure out in future? Thanks!