apache / pulsar

Apache Pulsar - distributed pub-sub messaging system
Apache License 2.0
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[2.8.1] [broker] ProducerBlockedQuotaExceeded error occurs on partitioned topics without a backlog #15609

Open zbentley opened 2 years ago

zbentley commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

Using partitioned topics and KeyShared subscriptions, when a time-based quota is exceeded, the quota is not properly "cleared", so producer creation and publication still gets ProducerBlockedQuotaExceeded even when there is no backlog on the topic.

Unloading the topic temporarily resolves the issue, but it reoccurs.


Earlier today, we had a production user with a topic that got backlogged due to consumer shutdown, and their producers all got ProducerBlockedQuotaExceededExceptions (well, actually they got UnknownErrors because of https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/15078, but the logger showed the ProducerBlockedQuotaExceededException).

However, once consumers started and drained the backlog (pulsar_subscription_back_log reported 0 in prometheus for the only subscription on the topic), producers kept hitting the ProducerBlockedQuotaExceededException. New producers/new processes had the issue as well.

Unloading the topic temporarily resolved the issue, but it reoccurred repeatedly. Deleting/re-creating the topic also resolved the issue, but it also reoccurred.

This issue DOES reoccur even if consumers are present on the topic. There appears to be a risk of it occurring every time the topic's backlog drops to 0.

To reproduce

  1. Create a persistent, partitioned topic with a single KeyShared subscription.
  2. On that topic's namespace, create a backlog policy with a short time-based TTL, e.g.
      "limitSize" : -1,
      "limitTime" : 120,
      "policy" : "producer_exception"
  3. Start and stop a consumer on the subscription.
  4. Start a producer and produce one or more messages.
  5. Wait 2 minutes.
  6. Attempt to start a producer and verify that it fails to start with ProducerBlockedQuotaExceeded.
  7. Start a KeyShared consumer on the sole subscription and drain the topic, acking all messages.
  8. Reattempt to start the producer.
  9. Observe that the ProducerBlockedQuotaExceeded error still occurs.

Broker heap dump

Available on request; it's too big for a GH attachment.


Linux, Client 2.8.1, broker 2.8.1, deployed either standalone or in StreamNative Platform

Topics have 4 partitions

All producers use key-based batching, all consumers use KeyShared subscription mode.

Topic has a single KeyShared subscription.

Policies on the namespace (no topic-level policies in use):

 "auth_policies" : {
    "namespace_auth" : { },
    "destination_auth" : { },
    "subscription_auth_roles" : { }
  "replication_clusters" : [ "sn-platform" ],
  "bundles" : {
    "boundaries" : [ "0x00000000", "0x40000000", "0x80000000", "0xc0000000", "0xffffffff" ],
    "numBundles" : 4
  "backlog_quota_map" : {
    "message_age" : {
      "limitSize" : -1,
      "limitTime" : 7200,
      "policy" : "producer_exception"
  "clusterDispatchRate" : { },
  "topicDispatchRate" : { },
  "subscriptionDispatchRate" : { },
  "replicatorDispatchRate" : { },
  "clusterSubscribeRate" : { },
  "persistence" : {
    "bookkeeperEnsemble" : 2,
    "bookkeeperWriteQuorum" : 2,
    "bookkeeperAckQuorum" : 1,
    "managedLedgerMaxMarkDeleteRate" : 0.0
  "deduplicationEnabled" : false,
  "autoTopicCreationOverride" : {
    "allowAutoTopicCreation" : false,
    "topicType" : "non-partitioned",
    "defaultNumPartitions" : 0
  "autoSubscriptionCreationOverride" : {
    "allowAutoSubscriptionCreation" : false
  "publishMaxMessageRate" : { },
  "latency_stats_sample_rate" : { },
  "message_ttl_in_seconds" : 0,
  "subscription_expiration_time_minutes" : 0,
  "retention_policies" : {
    "retentionTimeInMinutes" : 720,
    "retentionSizeInMB" : -1
  "deleted" : false,
  "encryption_required" : false,
  "delayed_delivery_policies" : {
    "tickTime" : 15,
    "active" : false
  "inactive_topic_policies" : {
    "inactiveTopicDeleteMode" : "delete_when_no_subscriptions",
    "maxInactiveDurationSeconds" : -1,
    "deleteWhileInactive" : false
  "subscription_auth_mode" : "None",
  "max_producers_per_topic" : 100,
  "max_consumers_per_topic" : 100,
  "max_consumers_per_subscription" : 0,
  "max_unacked_messages_per_consumer" : 100,
  "max_unacked_messages_per_subscription" : 10000,
  "offload_threshold" : -1,
  "schema_auto_update_compatibility_strategy" : "AutoUpdateDisabled",
  "schema_compatibility_strategy" : "UNDEFINED",
  "is_allow_auto_update_schema" : true,
  "schema_validation_enforced" : false,
  "subscription_types_enabled" : [ ],

Output of partitioned-stats for the topic:

  "msgRateIn" : 0.0,
  "msgThroughputIn" : 0.0,
  "msgRateOut" : 0.0,
  "msgThroughputOut" : 0.0,
  "bytesInCounter" : 1064426,
  "msgInCounter" : 1471,
  "bytesOutCounter" : 1077416,
  "msgOutCounter" : 1471,
  "averageMsgSize" : 0.0,
  "msgChunkPublished" : false,
  "storageSize" : -10905,
  "backlogSize" : -12990,
  "offloadedStorageSize" : 0,
  "lastOffloadLedgerId" : 0,
  "lastOffloadSuccessTimeStamp" : 0,
  "lastOffloadFailureTimeStamp" : 0,
  "publishers" : [ ],
  "waitingPublishers" : 0,
  "subscriptions" : {
    "chariot_subscription-perform_badging-perform_badging_1" : {
      "msgRateOut" : 0.0,
      "msgThroughputOut" : 0.0,
      "bytesOutCounter" : 1077416,
      "msgOutCounter" : 1471,
      "msgRateRedeliver" : 0.0,
      "chunkedMessageRate" : 0,
      "msgBacklog" : 0,
      "backlogSize" : 0,
      "msgBacklogNoDelayed" : 0,
      "blockedSubscriptionOnUnackedMsgs" : false,
      "msgDelayed" : 0,
      "unackedMessages" : 0,
      "msgRateExpired" : 0.0,
      "totalMsgExpired" : 0,
      "lastExpireTimestamp" : 0,
      "lastConsumedFlowTimestamp" : 0,
      "lastConsumedTimestamp" : 0,
      "lastAckedTimestamp" : 0,
      "lastMarkDeleteAdvancedTimestamp" : 0,
      "consumers" : [ {
        "msgRateOut" : 0.0,
        "msgThroughputOut" : 0.0,
        "bytesOutCounter" : 0,
        "msgOutCounter" : 0,
        "msgRateRedeliver" : 0.0,
        "chunkedMessageRate" : 0.0,
        "availablePermits" : 20,
        "unackedMessages" : 0,
        "avgMessagesPerEntry" : 0,
        "blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs" : false,
        "readPositionWhenJoining" : "44713:1",
        "lastAckedTimestamp" : 0,
        "lastConsumedTimestamp" : 0
      } ],
      "isDurable" : true,
      "isReplicated" : false,
      "allowOutOfOrderDelivery" : false,
      "consumersAfterMarkDeletePosition" : { },
      "nonContiguousDeletedMessagesRanges" : 0,
      "nonContiguousDeletedMessagesRangesSerializedSize" : 36,
      "durable" : true,
      "replicated" : false
  "replication" : { },
  "nonContiguousDeletedMessagesRanges" : 0,
  "nonContiguousDeletedMessagesRangesSerializedSize" : 36,
  "compaction" : {
    "lastCompactionRemovedEventCount" : 0,
    "lastCompactionSucceedTimestamp" : 0,
    "lastCompactionFailedTimestamp" : 0,
    "lastCompactionDurationTimeInMills" : 0
  "metadata" : {
    "partitions" : 4
  "partitions" : { }
zbentley commented 2 years ago

Broker logs during the unload of a wedged topic attached here. Logs.txt

Technoboy- commented 2 years ago

It seems that one of the consumers is not ack the msg. Could you share the partitioned-internal-stats of the topic?

zbentley commented 2 years ago

Here are the internal stats:

  "metadata" : {
    "partitions" : 4
  "partitions" : {
    "persistent://sre1/chariot_namespace_perform_badging/chariot_topic_perform_badging-partition-3" : {
      "entriesAddedCounter" : 1,
      "numberOfEntries" : 1,
      "totalSize" : 665,
      "currentLedgerEntries" : 1,
      "currentLedgerSize" : 674,
      "lastLedgerCreatedTimestamp" : "2022-05-16T01:56:00.543Z",
      "waitingCursorsCount" : 1,
      "pendingAddEntriesCount" : 0,
      "lastConfirmedEntry" : "45597:0",
      "state" : "ClosedLedger",
      "ledgers" : [ ],
      "cursors" : {
        "chariot_subscription-perform_badging-perform_badging_1" : {
          "markDeletePosition" : "45597:0",
          "readPosition" : "45597:1",
          "waitingReadOp" : true,
          "pendingReadOps" : 0,
          "messagesConsumedCounter" : 1,
          "cursorLedger" : 45917,
          "cursorLedgerLastEntry" : 1,
          "individuallyDeletedMessages" : "[]",
          "lastLedgerSwitchTimestamp" : "2022-05-16T18:55:05.397Z",
          "state" : "Open",
          "numberOfEntriesSinceFirstNotAckedMessage" : 1,
          "totalNonContiguousDeletedMessagesRange" : 0,
          "subscriptionHavePendingRead" : true,
          "subscriptionHavePendingReplayRead" : false,
          "properties" : { }
      "schemaLedgers" : [ ],
      "compactedLedger" : {
        "ledgerId" : -1,
        "entries" : -1,
        "size" : -1,
        "offloaded" : false,
        "underReplicated" : false
    "persistent://sre1/chariot_namespace_perform_badging/chariot_topic_perform_badging-partition-2" : {
      "entriesAddedCounter" : 0,
      "numberOfEntries" : 0,
      "totalSize" : 0,
      "currentLedgerEntries" : 0,
      "currentLedgerSize" : 0,
      "lastLedgerCreatedTimestamp" : "2022-05-15T21:21:00.54Z",
      "waitingCursorsCount" : 1,
      "pendingAddEntriesCount" : 0,
      "lastConfirmedEntry" : "45499:-1",
      "state" : "LedgerOpened",
      "ledgers" : [ ],
      "cursors" : {
        "chariot_subscription-perform_badging-perform_badging_1" : {
          "markDeletePosition" : "45499:-1",
          "readPosition" : "45499:0",
          "waitingReadOp" : true,
          "pendingReadOps" : 0,
          "messagesConsumedCounter" : 0,
          "cursorLedger" : -1,
          "cursorLedgerLastEntry" : -1,
          "individuallyDeletedMessages" : "[]",
          "lastLedgerSwitchTimestamp" : "2022-05-15T21:21:00.543Z",
          "state" : "NoLedger",
          "numberOfEntriesSinceFirstNotAckedMessage" : 1,
          "totalNonContiguousDeletedMessagesRange" : 0,
          "subscriptionHavePendingRead" : true,
          "subscriptionHavePendingReplayRead" : false,
          "properties" : { }
      "schemaLedgers" : [ ],
      "compactedLedger" : {
        "ledgerId" : -1,
        "entries" : -1,
        "size" : -1,
        "offloaded" : false,
        "underReplicated" : false
    "persistent://sre1/chariot_namespace_perform_badging/chariot_topic_perform_badging-partition-1" : {
      "entriesAddedCounter" : 0,
      "numberOfEntries" : 1,
      "totalSize" : 677,
      "currentLedgerEntries" : 0,
      "currentLedgerSize" : 0,
      "lastLedgerCreatedTimestamp" : "2022-05-17T11:57:00.554Z",
      "waitingCursorsCount" : 1,
      "pendingAddEntriesCount" : 0,
      "lastConfirmedEntry" : "45742:0",
      "state" : "LedgerOpened",
      "ledgers" : [ ],
      "cursors" : {
        "chariot_subscription-perform_badging-perform_badging_1" : {
          "markDeletePosition" : "45742:0",
          "readPosition" : "45742:1",
          "waitingReadOp" : true,
          "pendingReadOps" : 0,
          "messagesConsumedCounter" : 0,
          "cursorLedger" : -1,
          "cursorLedgerLastEntry" : -1,
          "individuallyDeletedMessages" : "[]",
          "lastLedgerSwitchTimestamp" : "2022-05-17T11:57:00.556Z",
          "state" : "NoLedger",
          "numberOfEntriesSinceFirstNotAckedMessage" : 1,
          "totalNonContiguousDeletedMessagesRange" : 0,
          "subscriptionHavePendingRead" : true,
          "subscriptionHavePendingReplayRead" : false,
          "properties" : { }
      "schemaLedgers" : [ ],
      "compactedLedger" : {
        "ledgerId" : -1,
        "entries" : -1,
        "size" : -1,
        "offloaded" : false,
        "underReplicated" : false
    "persistent://sre1/chariot_namespace_perform_badging/chariot_topic_perform_badging-partition-0" : {
      "entriesAddedCounter" : 0,
      "numberOfEntries" : 0,
      "totalSize" : 0,
      "currentLedgerEntries" : 0,
      "currentLedgerSize" : 0,
      "lastLedgerCreatedTimestamp" : "2022-05-17T11:57:00.566Z",
      "waitingCursorsCount" : 1,
      "pendingAddEntriesCount" : 0,
      "lastConfirmedEntry" : "46306:-1",
      "state" : "LedgerOpened",
      "ledgers" : [ ],
      "cursors" : {
        "chariot_subscription-perform_badging-perform_badging_1" : {
          "markDeletePosition" : "46306:-1",
          "readPosition" : "46306:0",
          "waitingReadOp" : true,
          "pendingReadOps" : 0,
          "messagesConsumedCounter" : 0,
          "cursorLedger" : -1,
          "cursorLedgerLastEntry" : -1,
          "individuallyDeletedMessages" : "[]",
          "lastLedgerSwitchTimestamp" : "2022-05-17T11:57:00.568Z",
          "state" : "NoLedger",
          "numberOfEntriesSinceFirstNotAckedMessage" : 1,
          "totalNonContiguousDeletedMessagesRange" : 0,
          "subscriptionHavePendingRead" : true,
          "subscriptionHavePendingReplayRead" : false,
          "properties" : { }
      "schemaLedgers" : [ ],
      "compactedLedger" : {
        "ledgerId" : -1,
        "entries" : -1,
        "size" : -1,
        "offloaded" : false,
        "underReplicated" : false
zbentley commented 2 years ago

@Technoboy if a consumer is not acking a message, how come Prometheus reports no messages in backlog, and a zero or negative backlog size? Similarly, it reports no subscription backlogs. That also wouldn't explain why unloading the topic solves the problem.

Grafana screenshots below:

Screen Shot 2022-05-17 at 9 36 13 AM Screen Shot 2022-05-17 at 9 35 37 AM
github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

The issue had no activity for 30 days, mark with Stale label.