apache / rocketmq-client-go

Apache RocketMQ go client
Apache License 2.0
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[ISSUE #882] keep queryTopicRouteInfoFromServer timeout the same as Java #880

Closed twz915 closed 2 years ago

twz915 commented 2 years ago

close #882 see detail https://github.com/apache/rocketmq/blob/4b5270a724d100ab87f56fdd06a4ba57571a02b9/client/src/main/java/org/apache/rocketmq/client/impl/MQAdminImpl.java#L143


What is the purpose of the change

Sometimes I met the error the topic=xxx route info not found, it may not exist, but Java works well in test environment. So just keep the same timeout as Java to solve the problem.

Brief changelog


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