apache / rocketmq-operator

Apache RocketMQ Operator
Apache License 2.0
310 stars 126 forks source link

golang compile bug #102

Closed feixiaohuijava closed 2 years ago

feixiaohuijava commented 2 years ago

ENVIRONMENT: golang =1.16 ide=goland branch=master

QUESTION 1 did you do go mod tidy ? I found unused go modules! image

QUESTION 2 did you compile success? image

hzux commented 2 years ago

make generate

caigy commented 2 years ago

Have you tried make build?

waney316 commented 2 years ago

Have you tried make build? @caigy i want to build rocketmq-operator by lastest code,then i download master branch code and execute make docker-build,get the docker image named controller:latest,but when i deploy it in k8s cluster get error event:

Error response from daemon: OCI runt │
│ ime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: "rocketmq-operator": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown

how can i deal the problem ??

feixiaohuijava commented 2 years ago


the offical images has error !!! :) container command failed
i guess you need build rocketmq-operarotr images by yourself