Closed MrYueQ closed 2 years ago
@MrYueQ rmq dont ensure you NO-REPEAT-MESSAGES. you can do idempotent(幂等)when consuming
@MrYueQ Pull-and-Connsme, it means you must commit the offset, and when you restart your pull-consumer, firstly you should get the lastest offset from broker, pull from the offset to consume
2020-07-19 10:45:46 INFO PullMessageThread_16 - the request offset: 30292 over flow badly, broker max offset: 30291, consumer: /consumer03
2020-07-19 10:45:46 WARN PullMessageThread_11 - PULL_OFFSET_MOVED:correction offset. topic=example_topic, groupId=example_group_info, requestOffset=30266, newOffset=0, suggestBrokerId=0
是因为consumer 没有设置 类似 auto_offset_reset:(earliest| latest| none | )
if "you want to customize your logic" || streaming use Pull Consumer if "lazy to do mq things" try DefaultPushConsumer
ps: how to handle logic like "PULL_OFFSET_MOVED:correction", check push consumer's codes.
This issue is stale because it has been open for 365 days with no activity. It will be closed in 3 days if no further activity occurs.
This issue was closed because it has been inactive for 3 days since being marked as stale.
There are 4 instances in the cluster. Because a instance is offline, the message data is found to be re-consumed from the monitoring data.
system info
rocketmq info
pull msg info
consumer msg info
mon metric