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Apache Royale ASJS
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Improve SimpleCSSValuesImpl #1171

Open Harbs opened 2 years ago

Harbs commented 2 years ago

Currently SimpleCSSValuesImpl gets style values like so:

  1. returns the value from the underlying style if it exists.
  2. Walks up the parent tree and returns the parent value if it's inherited.*
  3. I uses a lookup for either css class names or Class names to get assigned style info
  4. The Class names are saved in compiled MXML and added to the SimpleCSSValuesImpl by a call to ValuesManager.valuesImpl.init(this) in any class which implements IMXMLDocument
  5. If the object is a class, it checks the qualified name and uses that to look up the styles.
  6. When it doesn't find the styles, it will walk up the super-tree and does the same for each of the super-classes.

This has multiple issues:

  1. Getting styles can be fairly expensive. As mentioned by @estanglerbm https://lists.apache.org/thread/qb1x76ohszmllkflzrq3mg70gy20y6tv The style lookups can be made much more efficient.
  2. Requiring lookups based on qualified class names requires keeping these names around in minified code for every class in the application.
  3. There's no way to cache known values to make lookups easier. (related to 1)
  4. The code is pretty convoluted and can be made cleaner.

Additonally there's some issues identified here: https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/issues/641#issuecomment-573836029

An example of a compiled MXML lookup is this:

function() {this["MozUserSelect"] = "none";
this["MsUserSelect"] = "none";
this["WebkitUserSelect"] = "none";
this["margin"] = 0.0;
this["padding"] = 0.0;
this["userSelect"] = "none"},
function() {this["alignItems"] = "flex-start";
this["iBeadLayout"] = org.apache.royale.html.beads.layouts.BasicLayout;
this["iBeadView"] = org.apache.royale.html.beads.ContainerView;
this["iViewport"] = org.apache.royale.html.supportClasses.OverflowViewport;
this["iViewportModel"] = org.apache.royale.html.beads.models.ViewportModel},

Here's a potential improvement:

  1. Instead of using "org.apache.royale.html.Container", the value can be written unquoted to refer to the class directly like we do for bead references. This will enable to compiler to minimize the references normally.
  2. This means that you can't add the class names to a hash in the valuesImpl.
  3. Instead, we can add to IStyleableObject setStyle() and getStyle() That would put the logic of saving the style information and retrieving it in the class itself.
  4. setStyle() and getStyle() would be instance methods, but it would save the information to the class so it's written once.
  5. Additonally, getStyle can cache info it gets from the super-class so subsequent lookups would not need to walk up the hierarchy again. **
  6. We might have additional methods for saveCacheValue and getCacheValue for optimizing lookups when walking up parents if it's known that it's safe to do so. These values would need to be saved in instances for it to work. The right balance of memory usage and speed optimization would need to be found for this.
Harbs commented 2 years ago

After thinking about this some more:

I'd love to hear others' thoughts on all of this.

estanglerbm commented 2 years ago

I haven't measured specifically, but a single DOM parentNode is pretty quick (it's not an expensive traversal and doesn't modify the DOM).

I think the recursion (classes + containers) of each getStyle() call is more the issue, in general, since getStyle() is called so much.

aharui commented 2 years ago

I'd recommend modifying a version of SimpleCSSValuesImpl so that it can log all calls to getStyle so we truly understand why it is being called. If 99% is for bead lookup, then optimize bead lookup. There shouldn't be many, if any, calls to getStyle in JS. Also, the parent shouldn't be involved if the style is not inheriting.