apache / royale-compiler

Apache Royale Compiler
Apache License 2.0
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RemoteClass alias missing from compiled Modules #190

Open Laturine opened 3 years ago

Laturine commented 3 years ago

It seems compiling a module strips it's dependencies of the property alias. Which in turn is causing my module to not be able to speak with our backend.

How I'm compiling: with the only difference I'm using the -module-output flag when compiling the module and of course it's filename


a small test case

main.mxml mx.core.Application

public function loadModule():void {
    ml.url = "common/testModule"
    ml.visible = true;
    ml.includeInLayout = true;
public function test():void {
    var obj :Object = window["common"]["testModule"]; //current WA because module will not instantiate
    addChild(obj as IUIComponent);

testModule.mxml mx.modules.Module


import testVO
private var tVO :testVO = new testVO;

public function onCC():void {
    trace(tVO) //will not have alias. If you have private var testvo :testVO in main.mxml it will have alias


package {
    public class testVO {
        public function testVO {
            trace("testVO created");

I noticed royale-compiler/compiler/src/main/java/org/apache/royale/compiler/internl/targets/RoyaleAppSWFTarget.java is the only file that calls getRemoteClassAlias()