apache / seatunnel

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[Improve][Core][Exceptiom Management] Design Exception Management API #3043

Closed TyrantLucifer closed 1 year ago

TyrantLucifer commented 1 year ago

This is a subtask of #2930.

The core API has two parts as the following shown:

  1. SeaTunnelErrorCode


SeaTunnelErrorCode is a interface to define the error details for your module. This interface contains two important parts of information, part of the error code and part of the error description. When the user is using SeaTunnel and the exceptions thrown contain error codes, the error codes can be used to quickly locate the exceptions and reduce the cost of trial and error.

The following is an example of an implementation of this interface:

public enum CommonErrorCode implements SeaTunnelErrorCode {
    ENUM_ILLEGAL("Common-01", "This enum is not supported by SeaTunnel"),
    FILE_OPERATION_ERROR("Common-02", "File operation error"),
    JSON_OPERATION_ERROR("Common-03", "Json covert/parse operation error"),
    REFLECT_CLASS_OPERATION_ERROR("Common-04", "Reflect class operation error"),
    SERIALIZE_OPERATION_ERROR("Common-05", "Serialize class operation error");

    private final String code;
    private final String description;

    CommonErrorCode(String code, String description) {
        this.code = code;
        this.description = description;

    public String getCode() {
        return code;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

The naming convention for error codes is as follows:

module name or connector name-01 module name or connector name-02

and so on.

This part will be the current public exception statistics to organize a public error code, for each sub-module more detailed error tips need to define their own.

  1. SeaTunnelRuntimeException

SeaTunnelRuntimeException is an class that extended RuntimeException, there are three construction methods in it.


This is the SeaTunnel global unified base class exception. For different modules to define their own exception class and inherit from it.

When throw exceptions we need add SeaTunnelErrorCode in it.

Here are the details of the exceptions thrown by each module so far:

Num Exception
1 NullPointerException
2 UnsupportedOperationException
3 OptionValidationException(user-defined)
5 FactoryException(user-defined)
8 IllegalArgumentException
0 TableNotExistException(user-defined)
0 DatabaseNotExistException(user-defined)
0 PrepareFailException(user-defined)
0 CatalogException(user-defined)
Num Exception
1 ClosedException(user-defined)
1 ConfigRuntimeException(user-defined)
1 Exception
2 IllegalStateException
3 SerializationException(user-defined)
1 NoSuchMethodException
4 SeaTunnelException(user-defined)
4 IllegalArgumentException
15 RuntimeException
Num Exception
1 DatabaseNotExistException
1 EmptyXaTransactionException
1 GetElasticsearchVersionException
1 ParentNotDirectoryException
1 TableNotExistException
1 TransientXaException
1 UncheckedIOException
2 Exception
2 FileAlreadyExistsException
2 FilePluginException
3 HudiPluginException
4 BulkElasticsearchException
4 CatalogException
4 SQLException
6 FileNotFoundException
6 FTPException
12 IllegalStateException
32 IllegalArgumentException
34 IOException
48 PrepareFailException
56 UnsupportedOperationException
118 RuntimeException
Num Exception
1 ParameterException
1 PluginClosedException
2 ConfigCheckException
2 ConfigRuntimeException
2 FileNotFoundException
2 TaskExecuteException
3 RuntimeException
5 CommandExecuteException
6 IllegalStateException
10 UnsupportedOperationException
13 IllegalArgumentException
Num Exception
1 AssertionError
1 CompletionException
1 RetryableHazelcastException
1 UnknownPhysicalPlanException
1 UnsupportedDeployTypeException
2 InvalidConfigurationException
2 UnknownActionException
2 UnknownFlowException
3 JobException
3 TaskRuntimeException
3 WrongTargetSlotException
4 SeaTunnelEngineException
7 JobDefineCheckException
10 IllegalArgumentException
10 UnsupportedOperationException
17 IllegalStateException
22 RuntimeException
24 CheckpointStorageException
Num Exception
1 IllegalArgumentException
1 IndexOutOfBoundsException
1 RuntimeException
2 IOException
3 JsonParseException
6 UnsupportedOperationException
Num Exception
2 RuntimeException
2 UnsupportedOperationException
Num Exception
1 InvalidClassException
4 IllegalArgumentException
5 UnsupportedOperationException
33 RuntimeException

This shows that it is necessary to unify exception management.

Unified exception in API module is a simple implementation of this solution.

The final result is shown below:


ashulin commented 1 year ago

I think using enumerations is probably not a good idea, there could be some general exception classes.

TyrantLucifer commented 1 year ago

enumerations is used to tip the detail of error message, base on the newest discuss in community for every module to define a base exception class. I don't know if I understand correctly.

TyrantLucifer commented 1 year ago

@ashulin @Hisoka-X @EricJoy2048 @CalvinKirs @hailin0 I try to let everyone know. Thanks.

TyrantLucifer commented 1 year ago

According to the disscuss result that in Oct.25 meeting, SeaTunnel connector modules will use error code when throwing exception.

After the current code of statistics, summarized the following error code:

code description
CONFIG_VALIDATION_FAILED Configuration item validation failed
OPTION_VALIDATION_FAILED Option item validation failed
CATALOG_INITIALIZE_FAILED Catalog initialized failed
DATABASE_NOT_EXISTED Database not existed
TABLE_NOT_EXISTED Table not existed
FACTORY_INITIALIZE_FAILED Factory initialization failed
code description
ENUM_ILLEGAL This enum is not supported by SeaTunnel
FILE_OPERATION_FAILED File operation failed, such as (read,list,write,move,copy,sync) etc...
JSON_OPERATION_FAILED Json covert/parse operation failed
REFLECT_CLASS_OPERATION_FAILED Reflect class operation failed
SERIALIZE_OPERATION_FAILED Serialize class operation failed
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION Unsupported operation
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type
SQL_OPERATION_FAILED Sql operation failed, such as (exceute,addBatch,close) etc...
TABLE_SCHEMA_GET_FAILED Get table schema from clickhouse failed
FLUSH_DATA_FAILED Flush batch data to sink connector failed
WRITER_OPERATION_FAILED Sink writer operation failed, such as (open, close) etc...
READER_OPERATION_FAILED Source reader operation failed, such as (open, close) etc...
HTTP_OPERATION_FAILED Http operation failed, such as (open, close) etc...


code description
RULE_VALIDATION_FAILED Rule validation failed


code description
TABLE_NOT_FOUND Cannot get distributed table from clickhouse
TABLE_SCHEMA_GET_FAILED Get table schema from clickhouse failed
CLUSTER_LIST_GET_FAILED Get cluster list from clickhouse failed
FIELD_NOT_EXIST_IN_TABLE Field not exist in table
TABLE_ENGINE_NOT_SUPPORTED Table engine is not supported
SQL_OPERATION_FAILED Sql operation failed, such as (exceute,addBatch,close) etc...
SHARD_KEY_NOT_FOUND Shard key not found in table
PASSWORD_NOT_FOUND_IN_SHARD_NODE Can’t find password of shard node
FLUSH_DATA_TO_FILE_FAILED Flush data into clickhouse file failed
FILE_OPERATION_FAILED File operation failed, such as (read,list,write,move,copy,sync) etc...
SSH_LOGIN_FAILED Ssh login server failed
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type
JSON_OPERATION_FAILED Json covert/parse operation failed


code description
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type
FLUSH_DATA_FAILED Flush batch data to amazondynamodb failed


code description
BULK_RESPONSE_ERROR Bulk response error
SCROLL_REQUEST_ERROR Scroll request error
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type
JSON_OPERATION_FAILED Json covert/parse operation failed
GET_ES_VERSION_FAILED Get elsticsearch version failed
GET_INDEX_DOCS_COUNT_FAILED Get elsticsearch document index count failed


code description
SEND_EMAIL_FAILED Send email failed
FILE_OPERATION_FAILED File operation failed, such as (read,list,write,move,copy,sync) etc...


code description
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type


code description
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION Unsupported operation
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument
FILE_OPERATION_FAILED File operation failed, such as (read,list,write,move,copy,sync) etc...
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type
WRITER_OPERATION_FAILED Orc or Parquet writer operation failed, such as (open, close) etc...


code description
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument
GET_HDFS_HOST_FAILED Get hdfs host from hive metadata failed
GET_HIVE_META_FAILED Get hive metadata failed


code description
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument


code description
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument
WRITER_OPERATION_FAILED Parquet writer operation failed, such as (open, close) etc...
READ_PARQUET_META_FAILED Read metadata from parquet file failed
KERBEROS_AUTHORIZED_FAILED Kerberos authorized failed


code description
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument
SCAN_ICEBERG_SPLITS_FAILED Failed to scan iceberg splits from a table
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION Unsupported operation
INVALID_RECORD_OFFSET Invalid record offset


code description
CONNECT_INFLUXDB_FAILED Connect influxdb failed
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type
GET_COLUMN_INDEX_FAILED Get column index of query result failed
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION Unsupported operation


code description
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument
CONNECT_IOTDB_FAILED Connect iotdb failed
CLOSE_IOTDB_FAILED Close iotdb failed
FLUSH_DATA_FAILED Flush batch data to iotdb failed
RETRY_TIME_EXCEED The number of retries was exceeded
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION Unsupported operation


code description
CONNECT_DATABASE_FAILED Connector database failed
GET_DATABASE_LIST_FAILED Get database list failed
DATABASE_NOT_EXISTED Database not existed
TABLE_NOT_EXISTED Table not existed
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type
REFLECT_CLASS_OPERATION_FAILED Reflect class operation failed
NO_SUITABLE_DRIVER No suitable driver found
SQL_OPERATION_FAILED Sql operation failed, such as (exceute,addBatch,close) etc...
XA_EXCEPTION Xa operation failed, such as (commit, rollback) etc...


code description
REFLECT_CLASS_OPERATION_FAILED Reflect class operation failed
CLOSE_KAFKA_SENDER_FAILED Close kafka sender failed
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument
GENERATE_KAFKA_SPLIT_FAILED Failed to generate kafka source split failed


code description
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument
TABLE_SCHEMA_GET_FAILED Get table schema from kudu failed
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type
GET_KUDU_SCAN_FAILED Get the Kuduscan object for each split failed
CLOSE_KUDU_CLIENT_FAILED Close kudu client failed
OPEN_KUDU_CLIENT_FAILED Open kudu client failed


code description
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION Unsupported operation


code desciption
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type


code description
OPEN_PULSAR_ADMIN_FAILED Open pulsar client failed
OPEN_PULSAR_CLIENT_FAILED Open pulsar admin failed
PLUSAR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Pulsar authentication failed
SUSCRIBE_TOPIC_FAILED Subscribe topic from pulsar failed
GET_LAST_CURSOR_FAILED Get last cursor of pulsar topic failed
GET_TOPIC_PARTITION_FAILED Get partition information of pulsar topic failed
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION Unsupported operation
READER_OPERATION_FAILED Source reader operation failed, such as (open, close) etc...


code description
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION Unsupported operation
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument


code description
FLUSH_DATA_FAILED Flush batch data to sink connector failed
OPEN_SOCKET_FAILED Open socket client failed
CLOSE_SOCKET_FAILED Close socket client failed


code description
FLUSH_DATA_FAILED Flush batch data to sink connector failed
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Unsupported data type