Closed geoHeil closed 1 year ago
The suggested workaround seems to work partially. When not renaming UDF, this is a fallback to geomesa's functions.
But when renaming also the UDF (I actually want to get the speedup of geospark) the functions do not seem to be properly registered
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Undefined function: 'geospark_ST_Point'. This function is neither a registered temporary function nor a permanent function registered in the database 'default'.; line 1 pos 0
An reproducible example can be found at
I get the following problems:
clash of classes
18-07-17 21:36:03 WARN UDTRegistration: Cannot register UDT for com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry, which is already registered.
when changing the scope from compileOnly
to compile
and executing in IDEA. Execution via the fat jar from the build tool in a shell fails with a time out.
@geoHeil This is probably because GeoMesa also has its own customize Geometry kryo serializer which is same as GeoSpark. GeoSpark wrote a bunch of code to put spatial indexes and geometries into an array. Since we both utilize JTS geometry, this could be a conflict.
See the latest updates to
one problems remains:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.UnsafeArrayData cannot be cast to org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
make runGeosparkSolo
regular join
== Physical Plan ==
*HashAggregate(keys=[], functions=[count(1)], output=[count#120L])
+- Exchange SinglePartition
+- *HashAggregate(keys=[], functions=[partial_count(1)], output=[count#124L])
+- *Project
+- BroadcastNestedLoopJoin BuildRight, Inner, **org.apache.spark.sql.geosparksql.expressions.ST_Contains$**
:- LocalTableScan [geom_polygons#72]
+- BroadcastExchange IdentityBroadcastMode
+- LocalTableScan [geom_points#60]
optimized range join
== Physical Plan ==
*HashAggregate(keys=[], functions=[count(1)], output=[count#81L])
+- Exchange SinglePartition
+- *HashAggregate(keys=[], functions=[partial_count(1)], output=[count#85L])
+- *Project
+- RangeJoin geom_polygons#43: geometry, geom_points#31: geometry, false
:- LocalTableScan [geom_polygons#43]
+- LocalTableScan [geom_points#31]
@jiayuasu do you believe this conflict is causing the problem that spark resorts to regular, i.e. no longer optimized joins?
@geoHeil You probably can try to register GeoSpark join strategy manually:
In other words, add the following line:
sparkSession.experimental.extraStrategies = JoinQueryDetector :: Nil
@jiayuasu thanks a lot. This is correct / was lacking from my registrator. Now optimized range joins are used as well.
Do you have an opinion regarding UDT registration / clashing class names? Or a better Idea than my own above with shading?
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry
import com.vividsolutions.jts.index.SpatialIndex
UDTRegistration.register(classOf[Geometry].getName, classOf[GeometryUDT].getName)
UDTRegistration.register(classOf[SpatialIndex].getName, classOf[IndexUDT].getName)
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom._
val typeMap: Map[Class[_], Class[_ <: UserDefinedType[_]]] = Map(
classOf[Geometry] -> classOf[GeometryUDT],
classOf[Point] -> classOf[PointUDT],
classOf[LineString] -> classOf[LineStringUDT],
classOf[Polygon] -> classOf[PolygonUDT],
classOf[MultiPoint] -> classOf[MultiPointUDT],
classOf[MultiLineString] -> classOf[MultiLineStringUDT],
classOf[MultiPolygon] -> classOf[MultiPolygonUDT],
classOf[GeometryCollection] -> classOf[GeometryCollectionUDT]
i.e. when the order is
Geomesa will serialize using JTS
override def serialize(obj: T): InternalRow = {
new GenericInternalRow(Array[Any](WKBUtils.write(obj)))
override def sqlType: DataType = StructType(Seq(
StructField("wkb", DataTypes.BinaryType)
override def deserialize(datum: Any): T = {
val ir = datum.asInstanceOf[InternalRow][T]
geospark using
def serialize(geometry: Geometry): Array[Byte] = {
val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val kryo = new Kryo()
val geometrySerde = new GeometrySerde()
val output = new Output(out)
geometrySerde.write(kryo, output, geometry)
return out.toByteArray
def deserialize(values: ArrayData): Geometry = {
val in = new ByteArrayInputStream(values.toByteArray())
val kryo = new Kryo()
val geometrySerde = new GeometrySerde()
val input = new Input(in)
val geometry =, input, classOf[Geometry])
return geometry.asInstanceOf[Geometry]
is there any problem if JTS code (from geomesa) is serialized via the geospark serializer? Any problems regarding efficiency?
According to James (from geomesa gitter chat)
One strategy that might work would be for GeoSpark and GeoMesa to agree on the classnames for UDT registrations and then for end users to register ONE AND ONLY ONE set of the UDTs... the UDFs could be based on those classnames, and there's a fight chance that'd let someone 'mix and match' (as well as combine UDFs between packages)
is there some interest from both projects to collaborate here?
cannot resolve 'CAST(`hw_aggreagtion_area` AS ARRAY<TINYINT>)' due to data type mismatch: cannot cast org.apache.spark.sql.jts.PointUDT@449554e8 to org.apache.spark.sql.geosparksql.UDT.GeometryUDT@3f2c1eb5;
this is then the problem of clashing UDT. How could this be resolved (quickly)?
@geoHeil your blog post about this work is great!
@jiayuasu any thoughts integration points?
With the upgrade to geomesa 2.4.x geotools was upgrade to version 21 this also internally switches to locationtech based JTS.
Unfortunately, having two versions of geotools on the classpath is causing troubles for me
Instead of some discussions in the gitter channels of geospark and geoemsa perhaps this is the better place to continue the discussion
Tasks to be done:
Short term
Long term
@jiayuasu , @jnh5y what do you think about this? @jnh5y I believe in some of the gitter discussion you (or maybe Emilio - at least someone) mentioned to maybe have some interns working on this. Do you know of any progress there? I believe this was on the geomesa gitter channel.
Just as a clarification, shading refers to packaging the transitive dependencies in an uber-jar, but what you are referring to is shading + relocation, which will hide the transitive dependencies from everything else on the classpath. That seems like a good medium-term solution, although I will note that you may run into issues in your end project if you try to use the shade plugin there, while having a dependency that is also shaded/relocated (i.e. 2 levels of shading will likely not work).
As a data scientist I want to be able to mix and match spatial libraries for spark. Currently, it is rather XOR as they do not integrate with each other and have overlapping classes and UDF function names.
In particular I would want to be able to easily integrate geospark and geomesa
One possibility could be to write my own udf registrator:
However this is still not handling overlapping classes (JTS, geotools)