Open little-yellow opened 3 years ago
Hi @little-yellow
is a new Driver class in mysql-connector-java-8.x.
The UI won't create the tables you mentioned. Those tables will be created when running a job with TracingConfiguration.
So how to config a job to be traced? I've already set monitorExecution as true, still nothing happens.
Thank for your guilding, but there is still a problem. If I don't use Druid, things all go well.
Bug Report
Which version of ElasticJob did you use?
Expected behavior
Founction in Job history available.
Actual behavior
[ERROR] 14:11:44.745 [http-nio-8088-exec-8] o.a.s.e.l.u.w.h.RestExceptionHandler - Table 'demo.job_execution_log' doesn't exist Two tables needed are not created in my demo database.
Steps to reproduce the behavior.
windows10 + elasticjob-lite-3.0.0-RC1(core & ui) + mysql5.7.24-log MySQL Community Server (GPL) + apache-zookeeper-3.6.2-bin + java 1.8.0_281 + mysql-connector-java-8.0.23 Both registry center and event trace data source are connected.
At first I think it may be caused by connector, so I try to change mysql-connector to mysql-connector-java-5.1.49, but this time I even can't add a data source.