Open TeslaCN opened 4 years ago
It is better to support multiple job error handlers. I am not sure we can do it now or after 3.0.0-beta release.
private JobConfiguration createJobConfiguration() {
return JobConfiguration.newBuilder("test_job", 3)
.cron("0/1 * * * * ?").shardingItemParameters("0=A,1=B,2=C").jobParameter("param").failover(true).misfire(false)
private JobConfiguration createJobConfiguration() {
return JobConfiguration.newBuilder("test_job", 3)
.cron("0/1 * * * * ?").shardingItemParameters("0=A,1=B,2=C").jobParameter("param").failover(true).misfire(false)
.addExtraConfigurations(new EmailConfiguration())
.addExtraConfigurations(new DingtalkConfiguration())
.addExtraConfigurations(new LogErrorHandlerConfiguration())
The configuration of THROW
error handler maybe need to discuss.
It is in consist with type
based config like sharding or executors
How to config
error handler in the new API?
is specified by a configuration class without any fields.
public final class ThrowErrorHandlerConfiguration implements ErrorHandlerConfiguration {
public String getType() {
return "THROW";
I can send a email before throw an exception.
.addExtraConfigurations(new EmailConfiguration())
.addExtraConfigurations(new ThrowErrorHandlerConfiguration())
.addExtraConfigurations(new LogErrorHandlerConfiguration()) // Will not be invoked.
I did some changes in
It is a good idea, maybe you can submit the pull request and we can review your change.
The branch TeslaCN/fix-1622 is base on configuring job error handler by JobExtraConfiguration. Since has already revert the way to configure job error handler, I think we can further discuss this issue and do this in a future version.
Feature Request
Describe the feature you would like.
Remove field "jobErrorHandlerType". The job will have 3 error handlerse if I add 3 instances of ErrorHandlerConfiguration.