apache / shardingsphere-elasticjob

Distributed scheduled job
Apache License 2.0
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修改cron和overwrite为true时,状态一直是分片待调整 #561

Closed kangzhaok closed 6 years ago

kangzhaok commented 6 years ago

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! 开源不易,我们希望将精力放在完成新功能和解决有价值的问题上,为了让大家的配合更具有效率,请填写以下列出的全部问题

Which version of Elastic-Job do you using?(您使用的Elastic-Job版本为?)


Expected behavior (您预期的结果是)


Actual behavior (实际运行的结果是)


Steps to reproduce the behavior (可重现问题的操作步骤)

修改cron表达式,修改overwrite为true作业状态一直是分片待调整 刚开始启动cron表达式为0/10 ? 启动后正常 修改为0 0 /1 ? 启动后状态显示为分片待分配 <job:simple id="myJobNova" class="cn.fraudmetrix.nova.biz.service.MyNovaJob" registry-center-ref="regCenter" cron="0/10 * ?" sharding-total-count="1" overwrite="true" description="myjobs"/>

Please provide the reproduce example codes (such as github link),otherwise we will label the issue as Invalid and close it.(为了节省复现问题的时间,请务必提供可重现的代码,否则我们会将issue直接标记为invalid并关闭)

Code should based on https://github.com/elasticjob/elastic-job-example (代码请基于 https://github.com/elasticjob/elastic-job-example

kangzhaok commented 6 years ago