Open TeslaCN opened 3 years ago
When I use psql connect PostgreSQL directly
elasticjob=# prepare select_by_ip as select * from job_execution_log where ip = $1 limit 3; PREPARE elasticjob=# execute select_by_ip (''); id | job_name | task_id | hostname | ip | shard ing_item | execution_source | failure_cause | is_success | start_time | complete_time --------------------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+---------------+------ ---------+------------------+---------------+------------+-------------------------+------------------------- 3a13b73a-1287-4011-814f-06e72e5e4631 | my-dag-job | my-dag-job@-@0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9@-@READY@-@ | local-wwj-icu | | 1 | NORMAL_TRIGGER | | t | 2020-09-14 20:18:20.097 | 2020-09-14 20:18:20.098 8448933a-545d-4508-b446-d0a0d565f5ca | simple | simple@-@0,1,2@-@READY@-@ | local-wwj-icu | | 1 | NORMAL_TRIGGER | | t | 2020-09-04 23:17:35.162 | 2020-09-04 23:17:35.174 7150464c-674e-4e81-a43b-b11a7b1099df | simple | simple@-@0,1,2@-@READY@-@ | local-wwj-icu | | 2 | NORMAL_TRIGGER | | t | 2020-09-04 23:17:35.162 | 2020-09-04 23:17:35.174 (3 rows)
hello_ss=> prepare select_by_user as select * from t_order where user_id = $1; ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax
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When I use
connect PostgreSQL directlyProxy PostgreSQL