apache / shardingsphere

Empowering Data Intelligence with Distributed SQL for Sharding, Scalability, and Security Across All Databases.
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[ OSPP 2022 ] Solve unsupported Oracle SQL about Alter Statement for ShardingSphere Parser #18431

Closed huang-yilong closed 2 years ago

huang-yilong commented 2 years ago

This issue is created to better track my PRs for OSPP 2022, you can view more about my project here.


ShardingSphere Parser Engine helps users parse SQL statements into AST and generate corresponding SQL Statement objects from it.


  1. Compare SQL definitions in Oficial SQL Doc and ShardingSphere SQL Doc.
  2. If there is any difference in ShardingSphere SQL Doc, please correct them by referring to the Official SQL Doc.
  3. Run mvn install the current_file_module.
  4. Check whether there are any exceptions. If indeed, please fix them. (Especially xxxVisitor.class).
  5. Add new corresponding SQL case in SQL Cases and expected parsed result in Expected Statment XML.
  6. Run SQLParserParameterizedTest to make sure no exceptions.


This issue is a ref to #6480

strongduanmu commented 2 years ago

All subtasks has been finished.