apache / shardingsphere

Distributed SQL transaction & query engine for data sharding, scaling, encryption, and more - on any database.
Apache License 2.0
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mybatisplus+sqlserver route to default db #32383

Closed huangconghe closed 1 month ago

huangconghe commented 1 month ago


sqlparse shardingjdbc5.1.2+mybatisplus+sqlserver route to default db Actual SQL: ds0 :: WITH selectTemp AS (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT ROW NUMBER OVER (order by tmp.id) as row number, tmp.id from ( select tb.id from a left join bm on tb.item id = m.item id WHERE tb.is deleted = 'O' ) tmp order by tmp.item id) SELECT FROM selectTemp WHERE row number_ BETWEEN,1 AND 20 ORDER BY _row number... WITH selectTemp AS ... SELECT FROM selectTemp WHERE Not execute the custom dbrules, before this, select count(1).. is correct

terrymanu commented 1 month ago

The issue involves other third-party dependencies, but our focus is solely on ShardingSphere itself. Since ShardingSphere implements the JDBC interface, standard applications should be functional. We wish to allocate more effort towards enhancing the current version, and therefore will no longer handle such issues. Please read the documentation or provide more effective information when submitting an issue.