apache / shardingsphere

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Encrypt for Database password #3369

Closed amoszhou closed 4 years ago

amoszhou commented 4 years ago

Encrypt for Database password below Datasource property

For English only, other languages will not accept.

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Almostly, We have to encrypt the dabase password In the online system, I think All of us ,need it .
But there is no space for it . And the io.shardingsphere.jdbc.spring.boot.SpringBootConfiguration has no piece for custom. of course , I can implment it use reflection, but it is not graceful~

Now I should do like below :


@Component @EnableConfigurationProperties({SpringBootShardingRuleConfigurationProperties.class, SpringBootMasterSlaveRuleConfigurationProperties.class}) public class PasswordDecryptor implements BeanPostProcessor, EnvironmentAware {

private final Map<String, DataSource> dataSourceMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();

public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object o, String s) throws BeansException {
    return o;

public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object o, String s) throws BeansException {
    if (o instanceof io.shardingsphere.jdbc.spring.boot.SpringBootConfiguration) {
        SpringBootConfiguration datasourceConfig = (SpringBootConfiguration) o;
        try {
            Field dataSourceMapFiled = ClassUtils.getUserClass(datasourceConfig.getClass()).getDeclaredField("dataSourceMap");
            dataSourceMapFiled.set(o, dataSourceMap);
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
    return o;

private void overrideDatasource(final Environment environment) {
    String prefix = "sharding.jdbc.datasource.";
    String dataSources = environment.getProperty(prefix + "names");
    for (String each : dataSources.split(",")) {
        try {
            Map<String, Object> dataSourceProps = mapCopy(PropertyUtil.handle(environment, prefix + each, Map.class));
            Preconditions.checkState(!dataSourceProps.isEmpty(), "Wrong datasource properties!");

            String desPassword = doDecrypt(dataSourceProps.get("password").toString());
            dataSourceProps.put("password", desPassword);
            DataSource dataSource = DataSourceUtil.getDataSource(dataSourceProps.get("type").toString(), dataSourceProps);
            dataSourceMap.put(each, dataSource);
        } catch (final ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
            throw new ShardingException("Can't find datasource type!", ex);

private Map<String, Object> mapCopy(Map<String, Object> source) {
    Map<String, Object> dest = new HashMap<>(source.size());
    Iterator it = source.entrySet().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry<String,Object> entry = (Map.Entry) it.next();
        String key = entry.getKey();
        if (key != null && source.get(key) != null) {
            dest.put(key, source.get(key));
    return dest;

protected String doDecrypt(String source) {
    return EncryptUtils.aesDecrypt(source);

public void setEnvironment(Environment environment) {


yanickxia commented 4 years ago

try jasypt with spring, maybe it's use placeholder to store password.


amoszhou commented 4 years ago

try jasypt with spring, maybe it's use placeholder to store password.


OK~ I will have a try ~

terrymanu commented 4 years ago

This feature is not ShardingSphere's scope, I just close it.