apache / shenyu-dashboard

Apache ShenYu Dashboard
Apache License 2.0
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[type:feat]Add namespace management interface and plugin management interface adaptation and transformation #459

Closed xcsnx closed 3 months ago

kerwin612 commented 3 months ago

Awesome job, really well done!

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However, could you attach some design details? I've tested your changes, but I have a few questions:

  1. What's the difference between Plugin and PluginTemplate? To me, the two pages seem almost 90% identical, which might confuse our users.
  2. I traced the requests and noticed that the Plugin page seems to have some association with Namespace, but I can't find any indication of this relationship on the interface.
  3. I switch to the Namespace page, added a new record, refreshed the page, and switched to the Plugin page, but I didn't notice any difference. Why is that? If this feature is not implemented at this stage, it would be better to have a corresponding prompt on the interface.

I'm putting myself in the shoes of someone upgrading from the current version to yours, and these are the issues I encountered. I hope you can address my concerns.

xcsnx commented 3 months ago

Could you attach some design details?

Thank you for your comments. Regarding the first question, a plugin is an instance of a plugin template under a specific namespace. Modifications to the plugin configuration under a particular namespace do not alter the plugin template configuration. As for the second and third questions, the general component for switching namespaces on the Plugin interface has not been developed yet, so related associations cannot be found. As you mentioned, indeed, certain functionalities have not been implemented in the current stage. I will consider adding corresponding prompts to the interface. Lastly, you can find more useful information in the namespace transformation document at: https://summer-ospp.ac.cn/previewPdf/201