apache / skywalking

APM, Application Performance Monitoring System
Apache License 2.0
23.94k stars 6.53k forks source link

skywalking6.0提供了告警服务,文档中写到可以自行接服务。我想自行接告警服务,或者接webhook,但是相关文档太少了,包括官方文档对告警服务的描述也是极少,恳请官方完善文档,对于告警模块追加说明 #2323

Closed lvzhekang closed 5 years ago

lvzhekang commented 5 years ago

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue.



Requirement or improvement

wu-sheng commented 5 years ago

English is only supported. We provide document about alarm, https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/blob/master/docs/en/setup/backend/backend-alarm.md

What do you need for a webhook description?

Some one has open source a project for a dingding notification. https://github.com/yanmaipian/dingding-notify-for-skywalking

weiqiang333 commented 5 years ago

I wrote a complicated one. https://github.com/weiqiang333/infra-skywalking-webhook.git

wu-sheng commented 5 years ago

@weiqiang333 I think you should submit a blog to official website for introducing your project, and how to use it, it should be welcome.

wu-sheng commented 5 years ago

Submit a pull request to here, https://github.com/apache/skywalking-website