apache / solr-operator

Official Kubernetes operator for Apache Solr
Apache License 2.0
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Documentation should be more generalized for different platforms #111

Open HoustonPutman opened 4 years ago

HoustonPutman commented 4 years ago

Currently the getting started guide is specifically designed for users running Docker-for-mac. The docs should be generalized for many systems, such as windows, minikube, k3s, etc. (Thanks to @nabadger for brining this up)

@janhoy has given a great start to this with his training course: https://gist.github.com/4bc3398822b8b68ec94c60a05474e409

But it would be great if we could provide documentation that let you specify the system that you are using at the top and all examples would follow your system from then on. Don't think this is possible in markdown, but eventually it would be a great goal.

HoustonPutman commented 4 years ago

microk8s looks like a good option for a platform-independent tutorial option.

Will look into modifying the tutorial with it.