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Apache StreamPipes - A self-service (Industrial) IoT toolbox to enable non-technical users to connect, analyze and explore IoT data streams.
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Add GitHub wofklow that tags PR #1104

Closed bossenti closed 1 year ago

bossenti commented 1 year ago


Implement a GitHub workflow that automatically assigns labels to PRs. Fur this purpose consider to use the following GitHub action: https://github.com/actions/labeler



As this ticket is marked as good first issue: one of @dominikriemer, @tenthe, or @bossenti are happy to provide help for getting started, just tag (one of) them if you want to start working on this issue and need some help. It would be great if you discover our repository by yourself (this is a great oppurtinity to get to know the basic StreamPipes components) and come up with a proposal for labeling rules. But if you struggle with that we are happy to help you making a first draft.

StreamPipes Committer

I acknowledge that I am a maintainer/committer of the Apache StreamPipes project.

Harry262530 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I would like to contribute in this issue

bossenti commented 1 year ago

Hi @Harry262530, awesome 🤩 Do you need any help for getting started?

Harry262530 commented 1 year ago

Ya, Actually i have experience in coding but I am pretty new in contribution Can you please guide how can i get started

bossenti commented 1 year ago

Okay, the first step is to fork this repository to your own GitHub account. Next, check out your own fork and create a branch which should ideally be named 1104-add-github-wofklow-that-tags-pr (or similar). Then you already can start with implementing the GitHub workflow. You can find all our existing workflows in .github.

Once you have the workflow ready, you can create a PR in this repository and we will review you it Feel free to reach out in case you get stuck :)

Harry262530 commented 1 year ago

sure i'll try my best

Harry262530 commented 1 year ago

I need a little Guidance, I have created a branch of this repo and I have thoroughly gone through labeler repo and workflow of this repo, now I am stuck at how to start working with the workflow and including labels.

bossenti commented 1 year ago

Okay, so at first we want to have an additional workflow. So there is no need to integrate with the existing ones. You can create a new file and call it e.g. pr-labeling.yaml. This workflow should be executed when a PR is created. Here you can follow the example of labeler pretty close: https://github.com/actions/labeler#create-workflow The more difficult part is the configuration file. If you want to, you can take some time and familiarize your self with our existing labels and the codebase and come up with a proposal. But you don't need to, you can also just provide the workflow itself and we will then come up with the configuration file.

Does this help you?

bossenti commented 1 year ago

This might be also of help: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/triggering-a-workflow#accessing-and-using-event-properties

Harry262530 commented 1 year ago

I have created a pull request for the workflow and config file can you please go through them