apache / streampipes

Apache StreamPipes - A self-service (Industrial) IoT toolbox to enable non-technical users to connect, analyze and explore IoT data streams.
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Streamline domain property usage #1373

Open bossenti opened 1 year ago

bossenti commented 1 year ago


Although, we have a dedicated vocubalury that provides extensive definitions of several domain properties and other stuff, we have plenty of places in our code where we still have hard coded domain properties. One example can be found here.



As this issue is marked as good first issue: one of @dominikriemer, @tenthe, or @bossenti are happy to provide help for getting started, just tag (one of) them if you want to start working on this issue and need some help. This issue is ideal for people that are interested in getting started with StreamPipes and its SDK.

Related: https://github.com/apache/streampipes/discussions/1312

StreamPipes Committer

I acknowledge that I am a maintainer/committer of the Apache StreamPipes project.

zand951 commented 1 year ago

@bossenti, can I work on this. Since this is my very first open source project I just want to clarify what exactly I need to do for task 1, please bare with me :).

So, for task 1 I just need to scan through all files @ https://github.com/apache/streampipes and search for .domainProperty("foo") right?

zand951 commented 1 year ago

Hi, could you provide me with the permission to push to a new branch please?

zand951 commented 1 year ago

Task 1 for Streamline domain property usage #1373

Below is the location where hardcoded .domainProperty or .domainPropertyReq is found.











flomickl commented 1 year ago

all domainProperties in geo-jvm are linked to this discussion #1312 and would be good to be handled separately I guess

bossenti commented 1 year ago

@zand951 welcome to StreamPipes 🙌 Great to hear that you are interested in contributing!

Since this is my very first open source project I just want to clarify what exactly I need to do for task 1, please bare with me :).

Sure, feel free to reach out whenever you have any question 🙂

bossenti commented 1 year ago

could you provide me with the permission to push to a new branch please?

Unfortunately not The standard approach that is common for the vast majority of open source projects is that you create a fork of your target (in this case StreamPipes) and then create a PR from your fork to our repo Here are some more information on how to do that: https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/creating-a-pull-request-from-a-fork

bossenti commented 1 year ago

all domainProperties in geo-jvm are linked to this discussion #1312 and would be good to be handled separately I guess

@flomickl why do you think so? From my point of view the discussion is closed and we can start working on it Happy to hear your thoughts 🙂

flomickl commented 1 year ago

just want to mention that this is geo vocabulary and that there are more vocabularies in the backhand /mentioned in the discussion) and is part of the extent vocabulary