apache / streampipes

Apache StreamPipes - A self-service (Industrial) IoT toolbox to enable non-technical users to connect, analyze and explore IoT data streams.
Apache License 2.0
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Display inherited methods and their docstrings as well in Mkdocs #963

Closed bossenti closed 1 month ago

bossenti commented 1 year ago



With the current setup, inherited methods and their docstrings are unfortunately not displayed in the references of our Python client documentation. This should be the case since we use inheritance a lot here and want to provide the information at the right and intuitive place.


As this ticket is marked as good first issue: @bossenti is happy to provide help for getting started, just tag him if you want to start working on this issue and need some help. This issue might be a good issue for people who are interested in StreamPipes' Python client and already have some experience with Mkdocs.

StreamPipes Committer

I acknowledge that I am a maintainer/committer of the Apache StreamPipes project.

StreamPipes Committer

I acknowledge that I am a maintainer/committer of the Apache StreamPipes project.

ittuann commented 1 month ago

I would like to contribute! Could you please assign it to me? @bossenti