apache / superset

Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
Apache License 2.0
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Closed iRoot13x18 closed 4 days ago

iRoot13x18 commented 3 months ago

Bug description

When I change the configuration of the superset_config.py file and I want to change the number format to European when I reboot to apply the changes nothing comes up.

How to reproduce the bug

  1. go to superset_config.py or config.py
  2. add or edit this lines

    • D3_FORMATS = {

    'NUMBER': {

    'thousands': '.',
    'decimal': ','



No response

Superset version

master / latest-dev

Python version


Node version




Additional context

No response


dosubot[bot] commented 3 months ago

To change the number format to European in Apache Superset, modifying the superset_config.py file alone might not be sufficient. Instead, you should update the D3FormatConfig.ts file in the frontend code. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Locate the D3FormatConfig.ts file in the frontend codebase:

  2. Update the DEFAULT_D3_FORMAT parameter to use a European format locale definition. Here’s an example:

    import { FormatLocaleDefinition } from 'd3-format';
    export const DEFAULT_D3_FORMAT: FormatLocaleDefinition = {
     decimal: ',',
     thousands: '.',
     grouping: [3],
     currency: ['€', ''],

This change will ensure that the number format is applied globally across your Superset instance [1].

Additionally, ensure that there are no overriding configurations in other files such as superset_config_docker.py or any other local configuration files that might affect the D3_FORMATS settings [2][3][4].

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.

rusackas commented 3 months ago

D3_FORMATS isn't a thing, as far as I know. There is D3_FORMAT in config.py, but that takes the parameters for a single format, not an array or object of various formats like you seem to be using.

fabgat commented 3 months ago

Hi, I've modified the D3FormatConfig.ts file, as per follow: import { FormatLocaleDefinition } from 'd3-format';

export const DEFAULT_D3_FORMAT: FormatLocaleDefinition = { decimal: ',', thousands: '.', grouping: [3], currency: ['€', ''], };

I've modified also the config.py:

class D3Format(TypedDict, total=False): decimal: str thousands: str grouping: list[int] currency: list[str]

D3_FORMAT: D3Format = {}

D3_FORMAT: D3Format = { "decimal": ",", "thousands": ".", "grouping": [3], "currency": ["€", ""] }

no changes into: superset_config.py

After those activities I've restarted the docker, but everything is the same, no changes.

Where I'm wrong?


rusackas commented 3 months ago


dosubot[bot] commented 3 months ago

To ensure that your changes to D3FormatConfig.ts and config.py are applied correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Recompile the Frontend Code: After modifying D3FormatConfig.ts, you need to recompile the frontend assets. You can do this using Docker commands provided in the Superset repository:

    docker-compose up

    Alternatively, you can use the js_build.sh script located in the superset-frontend directory to rebuild the frontend assets:

    cd superset-frontend
  2. Ensure Configuration is Loaded: Make sure that your custom superset_config.py is recognized by setting the SUPERSET_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to the full path of your superset_config.py file. For example:

    export SUPERSET_CONFIG_PATH=/app/superset_config.py

    If you are using Docker, you can add your overrides as shown below:

    COPY --chown=superset superset_config.py /app/
    ENV SUPERSET_CONFIG_PATH /app/superset_config.py
  3. Restart Services in Correct Order: Restart the services in the following order to ensure that the configuration changes are applied correctly:

    docker-compose restart redis db superset superset-init superset-worker superset-worker-beat
  4. Clear Cache: Clear the cache to ensure that the new configuration is applied. You can do this by adding the following lines to your superset_config.py:

    from superset.utils.cache_manager import cache_manager

    Alternatively, you can clear the cache manually using the following methods:


By following these steps, you should be able to apply the changes to the number format configuration successfully [1][2][3][4].

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.

fabgat commented 2 months ago

Thanks a lot. Unfortunately also following your instructions, I'm not able to see deployed Italian D3. I still see everything as before, even into drop down menu into charts menu, where I can choose a different "number formatting", into the drop down menu, I still see the original once.

fabgat commented 2 months ago

At the end, I've D3-format working.

Those are my 50 cents.

Superset Version: 4.0.0 Docker version 26.1.1, build 4cf5afa

To whom it may concern, here follows the two steps needed: 1) update the file: superset-frontend/src/setup/setupFormatters.ts into that file, I've added the needed configuration:

.registerValue('CURRENCY_ITALY', createD3NumberFormatter({
  locale: {
    decimal: ',',
    thousands: '.',
    grouping: [3],
    currency: ['€', ''],
  formatString: '€.,2f',

after changing it, I proceed to build the frontend: npm run build

D3_FORMAT = { "decimal": ",", "thousands": ".", "currency": ["€", ""], "grouping": [3], }

After this I've build the new docker image as follow:

sudo docker build -t my-custom-superset-image . <--- pay attention to not forget the "." at the end.

Now I got the choice into the dropdown menu into charts. That's all.

Hope it helps.

fabgat commented 2 months ago

Now I'm trying to apply same number formatting to the export feature. I've first added this into superset_config.py: CSV_EXPORT = {"encoding": "utf-8", "sep": ";", "decimal": ",", "thousands": "."}

But when I try to download dashboard in CSV format, I receive this log: NDFrame.to_csv() got an unexpected keyword argument 'thousands'

So I have removed "thousands" from superset_config.py and launched again superset. Trying new conf, now I can download the csv but I only see that the new separator is: ":".

Decimal remained as ".".

Any ideas how to implement: decimal , thousands .


sfirke commented 4 days ago

There are many things going on in this issue, much of which have been resolved. I'm going to close it because that makes issues not useful for bug tracking. To recap + respond:

If you think this needs work, is a bug, or you have a contribution to make, feel free to post a new GitHub issue and tag me. Or if you get it working, feel free to reply here with your solution or make a new GitHub Discussion and self-answer it so others can learn from it.