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Elasticsearch integration with superst (Arrays are not supported) #29698

Open santoshmallah opened 1 month ago

santoshmallah commented 1 month ago

Bug description

  1. I tried connecting elastic search to store metadata, but it showed a Parsing error.
  2. in the second attempt, I started with the Postgres database but tried to add elastic search from the UI, and I succeeded with that, but when I tried to add a dataset from elastic search, the columns that are to typ array were not listed and not able to get that data.
  3. When I try to select data from SQL Lab in superset UI times, I am getting errors like
error: Error (invalid_argument_exception): {'error': {'root_cause': [{'type': 'invalid_argument_exception', 'reason': 'Arrays (returned by [actors]) are not supported'}], 'type': 'invalid_argument_exception', 'reason': 'Arrays (returned by [actors]) are not supported'}, 'status': 400}

elastic search doc sample

        "_index": "movies",
        "_id": "1",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "name": "Inception",
          "actors": [
            "Leonardo DiCaprio",
            "Joseph Gordon-Levitt",
            "Ellen Page"
          "director": "Christopher Nolan",
          "rating": 8.8,
          "genre": "Sci-Fi",
          "budget": 160000000,
          "box_office": 828300000,
          "length": 148,
          "release_year": 2010

How to reproduce the bug

Connect with elastic search and create nested document and try to create report from that All the nested field is not going to present int that dataset



Superset version

master / latest-dev

Python version


Node version




Additional context

No response


dosubot[bot] commented 1 month ago

Hey @santoshmallah! I'm here to help you with any bugs, questions, or contributions you have for the repository. Let me know how I can assist you!

To resolve the issue of unsupported array types in Elasticsearch when trying to create a report from a dataset in Apache Superset, you can modify the SupersetResultSet class to handle nested array types by converting them to strings. This is already partially implemented in the provided code. Specifically, you need to ensure that nested types are stringified before being added to the pa_data list.

Here is the relevant part of the code that handles this:

if pa_data:  # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
    for i, column in enumerate(column_names):
        if pa.types.is_nested(pa_data[i].type):
            # TODO: revisit nested column serialization once nested types
            #  are added as a natively supported column type in Superset
            #  (superset.utils.core.GenericDataType).
            stringified_arr = stringify_values(array[column])
            pa_data[i] = pa.array(stringified_arr.tolist())

This code snippet checks if the column type is nested and then converts the values to strings using the stringify_values function. This should help in resolving the issue with unsupported array types in Elasticsearch [1].

Additionally, the ElasticSearchEngineSpec class in superset/db_engine_specs/elasticsearch.py provides specific configurations and methods for handling Elasticsearch data types and exceptions. For instance, it includes methods to convert datetime types and handle specific Elasticsearch exceptions:

class ElasticSearchEngineSpec(BaseEngineSpec):  # pylint: disable=abstract-method
    engine = "elasticsearch"
    engine_name = "ElasticSearch (SQL API)"
    time_groupby_inline = True
    allows_joins = False
    allows_subqueries = True
    allows_sql_comments = False

    def get_dbapi_exception_mapping(cls) -> dict[type[Exception], type[Exception]]:
        import es.exceptions as es_exceptions

        return {
            es_exceptions.DatabaseError: SupersetDBAPIDatabaseError,
            es_exceptions.OperationalError: SupersetDBAPIOperationalError,
            es_exceptions.ProgrammingError: SupersetDBAPIProgrammingError,

    def convert_dttm(
        cls, target_type: str, dttm: datetime, db_extra: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None
    ) -> Optional[str]:
        db_extra = db_extra or {}
        sqla_type = cls.get_sqla_column_type(target_type)
        if isinstance(sqla_type, types.DateTime):
            es_version = db_extra.get("version")
            supports_dttm_parse = False
                if es_version:
                    supports_dttm_parse = Version(es_version) >= Version("7.8")
            except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                logger.error("Unexpected error while convert es_version", exc_info=True)

            if supports_dttm_parse:
                datetime_formatted = dttm.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="seconds")
                return (
                    f"""DATETIME_PARSE('{datetime_formatted}', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')"""

            return f"""CAST('{dttm.isoformat(timespec="seconds")}' AS DATETIME)"""

        return None

By ensuring that nested types are converted to strings and leveraging the specific configurations in ElasticSearchEngineSpec, you can avoid issues with unsupported array types in Elasticsearch [2].

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.