Sometimes Traffic router doesn't load latest configuration
Traffic router loads the config file from Traffic monitor based on a timestamp of snapshot (config files in JSON format) but sometime it rejects the snapshot due to older timestamp.
Therefore, traffic router does not create DNS records for the new services.
Error Logs
INFO 2021-07-23T07:45:00.589 [AsyncHttpClient-3-21] - Exiting processConfig: Incoming TrConfig snapshot timestamp (1627040665) is older or equal to the loaded timestamp (1627040675); unable to process
WARN 2021-07-23T07:45:00.589 [AsyncHttpClient-3-21] - File rejected: /opt/traffic_router/db/cr-config.json
Expected behavior:
The Traffic router instance should be in sync with Traffic Ops instance
Always pull lates cr-config.json from Traffic Monitor for any new snapshot.
Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions:
Create multiple delivery services one by one at same time and take snapshot after creation of every Delivery service
Anything else:
Are you queuing the snapshot? If not why TR is not able to pick up the latest snapshot.
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Current behavior:
Sometimes Traffic router doesn't load latest configuration
Traffic router loads the config file from Traffic monitor based on a timestamp of snapshot (config files in JSON format) but sometime it rejects the snapshot due to older timestamp. Therefore, traffic router does not create DNS records for the new services.
Error Logs
Expected behavior:
Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions:
Anything else: