apache / trafficserver

Apache Traffic Server™ is a fast, scalable and extensible HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 compliant caching proxy server.
Apache License 2.0
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inactivity timeout on a freed HttpSM #4362

Closed zizhong closed 5 years ago

zizhong commented 5 years ago

Got backtrace and ASAN report as follows. HttpSM is freed and there is still an inactivity timeout invoked on it. Seems some logic path of releasing Http2Stream doesn't clear the timeout events.

Breakpoint 1, __asan_report_error (pc=12869802, bp=140737035957696, sp=140737035957688, addr=106034159124760, is_write=false, access_size=8) at ../../.././libsanitizer/asan/asan_report.cc:628
628 ../../.././libsanitizer/asan/asan_report.cc: No such file or directory.
(gdb) bt
#0  __asan_report_error (pc=12869802, bp=140737035957696, sp=140737035957688, addr=106034159124760, is_write=false, access_size=8) at ../../.././libsanitizer/asan/asan_report.cc:628
#1  0x00007ffff4e60864 in __asan::__asan_report_load8 (addr=<optimized out>) at ../../.././libsanitizer/asan/asan_rtl.cc:229
#2  0x0000000000c460aa in operator== (p=..., this=0x603c002e45d8) at ../../lib/ts/Ptr.h:328
#3  read_signal_and_update (vc=0x603c002e4480, event=105) at UnixNetVConnection.cc:147
#4  UnixNetVConnection::mainEvent (this=0x603c002e4480, event=<optimized out>, e=<optimized out>) at UnixNetVConnection.cc:1203
#5  0x0000000000c26620 in handleEvent (data=0x601200006830, event=1, this=0x603c002e4480) at ../../iocore/eventsystem/I_Continuation.h:153
#6  InactivityCop::check_inactivity (this=<optimized out>, event=<optimized out>, e=<optimized out>) at UnixNet.cc:102
#7  0x0000000000cc126e in handleEvent (data=0x601200006830, event=2, this=<optimized out>) at I_Continuation.h:153
#8  EThread::process_event (this=0x7fffed39a800, e=0x601200006830, calling_code=<optimized out>) at UnixEThread.cc:148
#9  0x0000000000cc37b6 in EThread::execute (this=0x7fffed39a800) at UnixEThread.cc:230
#10 0x0000000000cbfc89 in spawn_thread_internal (a=0x60080000f210) at Thread.cc:86
#11 0x00007ffff4e66c28 in __asan::AsanThread::ThreadStart (this=0x7fffe5092000) at ../../.././libsanitizer/asan/asan_thread.cc:99
#12 0x00007ffff308fdc5 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#13 0x00007ffff203076d in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6
(gdb) f 3
#3  read_signal_and_update (vc=0x603c002e4480, event=105) at UnixNetVConnection.cc:147
147 UnixNetVConnection.cc: No such file or directory.
(gdb) p vc->read.vio._con
There is no member or method named _con.
(gdb) p vc->read.vio
$1 = {_cont = 0x607000638100, nbytes = 0, ndone = 0, op = 1, buffer = {mbuf = 0x602400dfe980, entry = 0x0}, vc_server = 0x603c002e4480, mutex = {m_ptr = 0x6010080c0920}}
(gdb) p vc->read.vio._cont
$2 = (Continuation *) 0x607000638100
(gdb) p *vc->read.vio._cont
$3 = {<force_VFPT_to_top> = {_vptr.force_VFPT_to_top = 0xd42e90 <vtable for HttpSM+16>}, handler = (int (Continuation::*)(Continuation * const, int, void *)) 0x738000e0, mutex = {m_ptr = 0x0}, link = {<SLink<Continuation>> = {next = 0x0}, prev = 0x0}, control_flags = {raw_flags = 0}}
(gdb) set print pretty on
(gdb) p *vc->read.vio._cont
$4 = {
  <force_VFPT_to_top> = {
    _vptr.force_VFPT_to_top = 0xd42e90 <vtable for HttpSM+16>
  members of Continuation:
  handler = (int (Continuation::*)(Continuation * const, int, void *)) 0x738000e0,
  mutex = {
    m_ptr = 0x0
  link = {
    <SLink<Continuation>> = {
      next = 0x0
    members of Link<Continuation>:
    prev = 0x0
  control_flags = {
    raw_flags = 0
(gdb) p (HttpSM*)(vc->read.vio._cont)
$5 = (HttpSM *) 0x607000638100
(gdb) p *(HttpSM*)(vc->read.vio._cont)
$6 = {
  <Continuation> = {
    <force_VFPT_to_top> = {
      _vptr.force_VFPT_to_top = 0xd42e90 <vtable for HttpSM+16>
    members of Continuation:
    handler = (int (Continuation::*)(Continuation * const, int, void *)) 0x738000e0,
    mutex = {
      m_ptr = 0x0
    link = {
      <SLink<Continuation>> = {
        next = 0x0
      members of Link<Continuation>:
      prev = 0x0
    control_flags = {
      raw_flags = 0
  members of HttpSM:
  sm_id = 3387119,
  magic = 3735944941,
  enable_redirection = false,
  redirect_url = 0x0,
  redirect_url_len = 0,
  redirection_tries = 0,
  transfered_bytes = 0,
  post_failed = false,
  debug_on = false,
  post_fully_received = false,
  plugin_tunnel_type = HTTP_NO_PLUGIN_TUNNEL,
  plugin_tunnel = 0x0,
  t_state = {
    m_magic = HttpTransact::HTTP_TRANSACT_MAGIC_DEAD,
    state_machine = 0x607000638100,
    arena = {
      m_blocks = 0x0
    http_config_param = 0x60420001f400,
    cache_info = {
      action = HttpTransact::CACHE_DO_NO_ACTION,
      transform_action = HttpTransact::CACHE_DO_UNDEFINED,
      write_status = HttpTransact::NO_CACHE_WRITE,
      transform_write_status = HttpTransact::NO_CACHE_WRITE,
      lookup_url = 0x0,
      lookup_url_storage = {
        <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
          m_heap = 0x0
        members of URL:
        m_url_impl = 0x0
      original_url = {
        <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
          m_heap = 0x0
        members of URL:
        m_url_impl = 0x0
      object_read = 0x0,
      second_object_read = 0x0,
      object_store = {
        m_alt = 0x0
      transform_store = {
        m_alt = 0x0
      config = {
        cache_global_user_agent_header = false,
        cache_enable_default_vary_headers = false,
        ignore_accept_mismatch = 2,
        ignore_accept_language_mismatch = 2,
        ignore_accept_encoding_mismatch = 2,
        ignore_accept_charset_mismatch = 2,
        cache_vary_default_text = 0x0,
        cache_vary_default_images = 0x0,
        cache_vary_default_other = 0x0
      directives = {
        does_client_permit_lookup = true,
        does_client_permit_storing = true,
        does_client_permit_dns_storing = true,
        does_config_permit_lookup = true,
        does_config_permit_storing = true,
        does_server_permit_lookup = true,
        does_server_permit_storing = false
      open_read_retries = 0,
      open_write_retries = 0,
      write_lock_state = HttpTransact::CACHE_WL_INIT,
      lookup_count = 0,
      hit_miss_code = SQUID_MISS_NONE
    dns_info = {
      attempts = 0,
      os_addr_style = HttpTransact::_DNSLookupInfo::OS_ADDR_TRY_DEFAULT,
      lookup_success = true,
      lookup_name = 0x6042010ecf99 "xx",
      srv_hostname = '\000' <repeats 1024 times>,
      looking_up = HttpTransact::ORIGIN_SERVER,
      srv_lookup_success = false,
      srv_port = 0,
      srv_app = {
        allotment = {
          application1 = 0,
          application2 = 0
        http_data = {
          http_version = 0,
          pipeline_max = 0,
          keepalive_timeout = 0,
          fail_count = 0,
          unused1 = 0,
          last_failure = 0
        rr = {
          offset = 0
      lookup_validated = true
    force_dns = true,
    redirect_info = {
      redirect_in_process = false,
      original_url = {
        <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
          m_heap = 0x0
        members of URL:
        m_url_impl = 0x0
      redirect_url = {
        <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
          m_heap = 0x0
        members of URL:
        m_url_impl = 0x0
    updated_server_version = 0,
    cache_open_write_fail_action = 0,
    is_revalidation_necessary = false,
    request_will_not_selfloop = true,
    client_info = {
      http_version = {
        m_version = 65537
      keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE,
      receive_chunked_response = false,
      pipeline_possible = true,
      proxy_connect_hdr = false,
      connect_result = 0,
      name = 0x0,
      transfer_encoding = HttpTransact::NO_TRANSFER_ENCODING,
      src_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 10,
          sa_data = "\224\222\000\000\000\000&\000\020\024\260aY+"
        sin = {
          sin_family = 10,
          sin_port = 37524,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "&\000\020\024\260aY+"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 10,
          sin6_port = 37524,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = "&\000\020\024\260aY+A\362\202\370\313\266\217/",
              __u6_addr16 = {38, 5136, 25008, 11097, 62017, 63618, 46795, 12175},
              __u6_addr32 = {336592934, 727278000, 4169331265, 797947595}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      dst_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 10,
          sa_data = "\273\001\000\000\000\000& \001\t\300\004\001\005"
        sin = {
          sin_family = 10,
          sin_port = 443,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "& \001\t\300\004\001\005"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 10,
          sin6_port = 443,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = "& \001\t\300\004\001\005\000\000\000\000l\256\v\001",
              __u6_addr16 = {8230, 2305, 1216, 1281, 0, 0, 44652, 267},
              __u6_addr32 = {151068710, 83952832, 0, 17542764}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      state = HttpTransact::STATE_UNDEFINED,
      abort = HttpTransact::DIDNOT_ABORT,
      port_attribute = HttpProxyPort::TRANSPORT_SSL,
      is_transparent = false
    icp_info = {
      http_version = {
        m_version = 65536
      keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE_UNDEFINED,
      receive_chunked_response = false,
      pipeline_possible = false,
      proxy_connect_hdr = false,
      connect_result = 0,
      name = 0x0,
      transfer_encoding = HttpTransact::NO_TRANSFER_ENCODING,
      src_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 0,
          sa_data = '\000' <repeats 13 times>
        sin = {
          sin_family = 0,
          sin_port = 0,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 0,
          sin6_port = 0,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
              __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
              __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      dst_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 0,
          sa_data = '\000' <repeats 13 times>
        sin = {
          sin_family = 0,
          sin_port = 0,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 0,
          sin6_port = 0,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
              __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
              __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      state = HttpTransact::STATE_UNDEFINED,
      abort = HttpTransact::ABORT_UNDEFINED,
      port_attribute = HttpProxyPort::TRANSPORT_DEFAULT,
      is_transparent = false
    parent_info = {
      http_version = {
        m_version = 65536
      keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE_UNDEFINED,
      receive_chunked_response = false,
      pipeline_possible = false,
      proxy_connect_hdr = false,
      connect_result = 0,
      name = 0x0,
      transfer_encoding = HttpTransact::NO_TRANSFER_ENCODING,
      src_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 0,
          sa_data = '\000' <repeats 13 times>
        sin = {
          sin_family = 0,
          sin_port = 0,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 0,
          sin6_port = 0,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
              __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
              __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      dst_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 0,
          sa_data = '\000' <repeats 13 times>
        sin = {
          sin_family = 0,
          sin_port = 0,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 0,
          sin6_port = 0,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
              __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
              __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      state = HttpTransact::STATE_UNDEFINED,
      abort = HttpTransact::ABORT_UNDEFINED,
      port_attribute = HttpProxyPort::TRANSPORT_DEFAULT,
      is_transparent = false
    server_info = {
      http_version = {
        m_version = 65537
      keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE,
      receive_chunked_response = false,
      pipeline_possible = false,
      proxy_connect_hdr = false,
      connect_result = 0,
      name = 0x6042010ecf99 "xx",
      transfer_encoding = HttpTransact::NO_TRANSFER_ENCODING,
      src_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 0,
          sa_data = '\000' <repeats 13 times>
        sin = {
          sin_family = 0,
          sin_port = 0,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 0,
          sin6_port = 0,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
              __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
              __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      dst_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 2,
          sa_data = "/\212\n\225`\"\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin = {
          sin_family = 2,
          sin_port = 35375,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 576754954
          sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 2,
          sin6_port = 35375,
          sin6_flowinfo = 576754954,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
              __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
              __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      state = HttpTransact::TRANSACTION_COMPLETE,
      abort = HttpTransact::DIDNOT_ABORT,
      port_attribute = HttpProxyPort::TRANSPORT_DEFAULT,
      is_transparent = false
    source = HttpTransact::SOURCE_HTTP_ORIGIN_SERVER,
    pre_transform_source = HttpTransact::SOURCE_NONE,
    req_flavor = HttpTransact::REQ_FLAVOR_REVPROXY,
    current = {
      mode = HttpTransact::TUNNELLING_PROXY,
      request_to = HttpTransact::ORIGIN_SERVER,
      server = 0x6070006387e0,
      now = 1538963192,
      state = HttpTransact::CONNECTION_ALIVE,
      attempts = 1,
      simple_retry_attempts = 0,
      unavailable_server_retry_attempts = 0,
      retry_type = PARENT_RETRY_NONE
    hdr_info = {
      client_request = {
        <MIMEHdr> = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of MIMEHdr:
          m_mime = 0x6052164d0738
        members of HTTPHdr:
        m_http = 0x6052164d0708,
        m_url_cached = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x6052164d0680
          members of URL:
          m_url_impl = 0x6052164d0988
        m_host_mime = 0x0,
        m_host_length = 41,
        m_port = 12170,
        m_target_cached = true,
        m_target_in_url = true,
        m_port_in_header = true,
        static USE_HDR_HEAP_MAGIC = 0x1
      client_response = {
        <MIMEHdr> = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of MIMEHdr:
          m_mime = 0x605218bb5d38
        members of HTTPHdr:
        m_http = 0x605218bb5d08,
        m_url_cached = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of URL:
          m_url_impl = 0x0
        m_host_mime = 0x0,
        m_host_length = 0,
        m_port = 0,
        m_target_cached = false,
        m_target_in_url = false,
        m_port_in_header = false,
        static USE_HDR_HEAP_MAGIC = 0x1
      server_request = {
        <MIMEHdr> = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of MIMEHdr:
          m_mime = 0x605211999838
        members of HTTPHdr:
        m_http = 0x605211999808,
        m_url_cached = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x605211999780
          members of URL:
          m_url_impl = 0x605211999a88
        m_host_mime = 0x0,
        m_host_length = 0,
        m_port = 0,
        m_target_cached = false,
        m_target_in_url = false,
        m_port_in_header = false,
        static USE_HDR_HEAP_MAGIC = 0x1
      server_response = {
        <MIMEHdr> = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of MIMEHdr:
          m_mime = 0x605217d9a938
        members of HTTPHdr:
        m_http = 0x605217d9a908,
        m_url_cached = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of URL:
          m_url_impl = 0x0
        m_host_mime = 0x0,
        m_host_length = 0,
        m_port = 0,
        m_target_cached = false,
        m_target_in_url = false,
        m_port_in_header = false,
        static USE_HDR_HEAP_MAGIC = 0x1
      transform_response = {
        <MIMEHdr> = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of MIMEHdr:
          m_mime = 0x0
        members of HTTPHdr:
        m_http = 0x0,
        m_url_cached = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of URL:
          m_url_impl = 0x0
        m_host_mime = 0x0,
        m_host_length = 0,
        m_port = 0,
        m_target_cached = false,
        m_target_in_url = false,
        m_port_in_header = false,
        static USE_HDR_HEAP_MAGIC = 0x1
      cache_response = {
        <MIMEHdr> = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of MIMEHdr:
          m_mime = 0x0
        members of HTTPHdr:
        m_http = 0x0,
        m_url_cached = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of URL:
          m_url_impl = 0x0
        m_host_mime = 0x0,
        m_host_length = 0,
        m_port = 0,
        m_target_cached = false,
        m_target_in_url = false,
        m_port_in_header = false,
        static USE_HDR_HEAP_MAGIC = 0x1
      request_content_length = 0,
      response_content_length = 58,
      transform_request_cl = -1,
      transform_response_cl = -1,
      client_req_is_server_style = false,
      trust_response_cl = true,
      response_error = HttpTransact::NO_RESPONSE_HEADER_ERROR,
      extension_method = false
    squid_codes = {
      log_code = SQUID_LOG_TCP_MISS,
      hier_code = SQUID_HIER_DIRECT,
      hit_miss_code = SQUID_MISS_NONE
    api_info = {
      parent_proxy_name = 0x0,
      parent_proxy_port = -1,
      cache_untransformed = false,
      cache_transformed = true,
      logging_enabled = true,
      retry_intercept_failures = false
    pending_work = 0x0,
    cdn_saved_next_action = HttpTransact::SM_ACTION_ORIGIN_SERVER_OPEN,
    cdn_saved_transact_return_point = 0x0,
    cdn_remap_complete = false,
    first_dns_lookup = true,
    backdoor_request = false,
    cop_test_page = false,
    request_data = {
      <RequestData> = {
        _vptr.RequestData = 0xcd14b0 <vtable for HttpRequestData+16>
      members of HttpRequestData:
      hdr = 0x607000638888,
      hostname_str = 0x6042010ecfc4 "xx",
      api_info = 0x607000638a48,
      xact_start = 1538963191,
      src_ip = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 10,
          sa_data = "\224\222\000\000\000\000&\000\020\024\260aY+"
        sin = {
          sin_family = 10,
          sin_port = 37524,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "&\000\020\024\260aY+"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 10,
          sin6_port = 37524,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = "&\000\020\024\260aY+A\362\202\370\313\266\217/",
              __u6_addr16 = {38, 5136, 25008, 11097, 62017, 63618, 46795, 12175},
              __u6_addr32 = {336592934, 727278000, 4169331265, 797947595}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      dest_ip = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 2,
          sa_data = "/\212\n\225`\"\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin = {
          sin_family = 2,
          sin_port = 35375,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 576754954
          sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 2,
          sin6_port = 35375,
          sin6_flowinfo = 576754954,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
              __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
              __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      incoming_port = 443,
      tag = 0x0,
      internal_txn = false
    parent_params = 0x0,
    parent_result = {
      result = PARENT_DIRECT,
      hostname = 0x0,
      port = 0,
      retry = false,
      line_number = -1,
      epoch = 0x0,
      rec = 0x0,
      last_parent = 0,
      start_parent = 0,
      wrap_around = false,
      last_lookup = 0,
      chashIter = {<error reading variable>
    cache_control = {
      revalidate_after = -1,
      pin_in_cache_for = -1,
      ttl_in_cache = -1,
      never_cache = false,
      cluster_cache_local = false,
      ignore_client_no_cache = true,
      ignore_server_no_cache = false,
      ignore_client_cc_max_age = false,
      cache_responses_to_cookies = -1,
      reval_line = -1,
      never_line = -1,
      pin_line = -1,
      ttl_line = -1,
      cluster_cache_local_line = -1,
      ignore_client_line = -1,
      ignore_server_line = -1
    cache_lookup_result = HttpTransact::CACHE_LOOKUP_SKIPPED,
    next_action = HttpTransact::SM_ACTION_SERVER_READ,
    api_next_action = HttpTransact::SM_ACTION_API_SM_SHUTDOWN,
    transact_return_point = 0x783550 <HttpTransact::HandleResponse(HttpTransact::State*)>,
    post_remap_upgrade_return_point = 0x0,
    upgrade_token_wks = 0x0,
    is_upgrade_request = false,
    is_websocket = false,
    did_upgrade_succeed = false,
    origin_request_queued = false,
    internal_msg_buffer = 0x0,
    internal_msg_buffer_type = 0x0,
    internal_msg_buffer_size = 0,
    internal_msg_buffer_fast_allocator_size = -1,
    icp_ip_result = {
      sin_family = 0,
      sin_port = 0,
      sin_addr = {
        s_addr = 0
      sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
    icp_lookup_success = false,
    scheme = 99,
    next_hop_scheme = 99,
    orig_scheme = 98,
    method = 117,
    cause_of_death_errno = -19999,
    hostdb_entry = {
      m_ptr = 0x0
    host_db_info = {
      <RefCountObj> = {
        <ForceVFPTToTop> = {
          _vptr.ForceVFPTToTop = 0x0
        members of RefCountObj:
        m_refcount = 0
      members of HostDBInfo:
      iobuffer_index = 0,
      key = 0,
      app = {
        allotment = {
          application1 = 0,
          application2 = 0
        http_data = {
          http_version = 0,
          pipeline_max = 0,
          keepalive_timeout = 0,
          fail_count = 0,
          unused1 = 0,
          last_failure = 0
        rr = {
          offset = 0
      data = {
        ip = {
          sa = {
            sa_family = 2,
            sa_data = "\000\000\n\225`\"\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
          sin = {
            sin_family = 2,
            sin_port = 0,
            sin_addr = {
              s_addr = 576754954
            sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
          sin6 = {
            sin6_family = 2,
            sin6_port = 0,
            sin6_flowinfo = 576754954,
            sin6_addr = {
              __in6_u = {
                __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
                __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
                __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
            sin6_scope_id = 0
        hostname_offset = 2,
        srv = {
          srv_offset = 2,
          srv_weight = 0,
          srv_priority = 38154,
          srv_port = 8800,
          key = 0
      hostname_offset = 0,
      ip_timestamp = 0,
      ip_timeout_interval = 0,
      is_srv = 0,
      reverse_dns = 0,
      round_robin = 0,
      round_robin_elt = 1,
      consistent_hash = 0,
      consistent_hash_node = 0x0
    client_request_time = 1538963191,
    request_sent_time = 1538963191,
    response_received_time = 1538963192,
    plugin_set_expire_time = 0,
    via_string = "uSc sSf pSeN:tOc  i p sS",
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    negative_caching = false,
    www_auth_content = HttpTransact::CACHE_AUTH_NONE,
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    user_args = {0x0 <repeats 15 times>, 0x600401459390},
    fp_tsremap_os_response = 0x0,
    http_return_code = HTTP_STATUS_NONE,
    api_txn_active_timeout_value = -1,
    api_txn_connect_timeout_value = -1,
    api_txn_dns_timeout_value = -1,
    api_txn_no_activity_timeout_value = -1,
    cache_req_hdr_heap_handle = 0x0,
    cache_resp_hdr_heap_handle = 0x0,
    api_cleanup_cache_read = false,
    api_server_response_no_store = false,
    api_server_response_ignore = false,
    api_http_sm_shutdown = false,
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    api_server_request_body_set = false,
    api_req_cacheable = false,
    api_resp_cacheable = false,
    api_server_addr_set = false,
    stale_icp_lookup = false,
    api_update_cached_object = HttpTransact::UPDATE_CACHED_OBJECT_NONE,
    api_lock_url = HttpTransact::LOCK_URL_FIRST,
    saved_update_next_action = HttpTransact::SM_ACTION_UNDEFINED,
    saved_update_cache_action = HttpTransact::CACHE_DO_UNDEFINED,
    url_map = {
      _mapping = 0x0,
      _toURLPtr = 0x0,
      _toURL = {
        <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
          m_heap = 0x0
        members of URL:
        m_url_impl = 0x0
      _heap = 0x0
    hh_info = {
      request_host = 0x0,
      host_len = 0,
      request_port = 0
    pCongestionEntry = 0x0,
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    congestion_control_crat = 0,
    congestion_congested_or_failed = 0,
    congestion_connection_opened = 0,
    filter_mask = 0,
    remap_redirect = 0x0,
    reverse_proxy = true,
    url_remap_success = true,
    api_skip_all_remapping = false,
    already_downgraded = false,
    pristine_url = {
      <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
        m_heap = 0x0
      members of URL:
      m_url_impl = 0x0
    range_setup = HttpTransact::RANGE_NONE,
    num_range_fields = 0,
    range_output_cl = 0,
    ranges = 0x0,
    txn_conf = 0x60420001f578,
    my_txn_conf = {
      maintain_pristine_host_hdr = 1 '\001',
      chunking_enabled = 1 '\001',
      negative_caching_enabled = 0 '\000',
      negative_revalidating_enabled = 0 '\000',
      cache_when_to_revalidate = 0 '\000',
      keep_alive_enabled_in = 1 '\001',
      keep_alive_enabled_out = 1 '\001',
      keep_alive_post_out = 1 '\001',
      server_session_sharing_match = 1 '\001',
      auth_server_session_private = 1 '\001',
      fwd_proxy_auth_to_parent = 0 '\000',
      uncacheable_requests_bypass_parent = 1 '\001',
      insert_age_in_response = 1 '\001',
      anonymize_remove_from = 0 '\000',
      anonymize_remove_referer = 0 '\000',
      anonymize_remove_user_agent = 0 '\000',
      anonymize_remove_cookie = 0 '\000',
      anonymize_remove_client_ip = 0 '\000',
      anonymize_insert_client_ip = 1 '\001',
      proxy_response_server_enabled = 1 '\001',
      proxy_response_hsts_max_age = -1,
      proxy_response_hsts_include_subdomains = 0 '\000',
      insert_squid_x_forwarded_for = 1 '\001',
      send_http11_requests = 1 '\001',
      cache_http = 1 '\001',
      cache_cluster_cache_local = 0 '\000',
      cache_ignore_client_no_cache = 1 '\001',
      cache_ignore_client_cc_max_age = 0 '\000',
      cache_ims_on_client_no_cache = 1 '\001',
      cache_ignore_server_no_cache = 0 '\000',
      cache_responses_to_cookies = 1 '\001',
      cache_ignore_auth = 0 '\000',
      cache_urls_that_look_dynamic = 1 '\001',
      cache_required_headers = 2 '\002',
      cache_range_lookup = 1 '\001',
      cache_range_write = 0 '\000',
      insert_request_via_string = 1 '\001',
      insert_response_via_string = 0 '\000',
      doc_in_cache_skip_dns = 1 '\001',
      flow_control_enabled = 0 '\000',
      accept_encoding_filter_enabled = 0 '\000',
      normalize_ae_gzip = 0 '\000',
      negative_caching_lifetime = 1800,
      negative_revalidating_lifetime = 1800,
      sock_recv_buffer_size_out = 0,
      sock_send_buffer_size_out = 0,
      sock_option_flag_out = 0,
      sock_packet_mark_out = 0,
      sock_packet_tos_out = 0,
      server_tcp_init_cwnd = 0,
      request_hdr_max_size = 131072,
      response_hdr_max_size = 131072,
      post_check_content_length_enabled = 1 '\001',
      cache_heuristic_min_lifetime = 3600,
      cache_heuristic_max_lifetime = 86400,
      cache_guaranteed_min_lifetime = 0,
      cache_guaranteed_max_lifetime = 31536000,
      cache_max_stale_age = 604800,
      srv_enabled = 0,
      allow_half_open = 1 '\001',
      keep_alive_no_activity_timeout_in = 115,
      keep_alive_no_activity_timeout_out = 120,
      transaction_no_activity_timeout_in = 30,
      transaction_no_activity_timeout_out = 30,
      transaction_active_timeout_out = 0,
      transaction_active_timeout_in = 900,
      websocket_active_timeout = 3600,
      websocket_inactive_timeout = 600,
      origin_max_connections = 0,
      origin_max_connections_queue = 0,
      attach_server_session_to_client = 0,
      connect_attempts_max_retries = 0,
      connect_attempts_max_retries_dead_server = 3,
      connect_attempts_rr_retries = 3,
      connect_attempts_timeout = 30,
      post_connect_attempts_timeout = 1800,
      parent_connect_attempts = 4,
      down_server_timeout = 300,
      client_abort_threshold = 10,
      freshness_fuzz_time = 240,
      freshness_fuzz_min_time = 0,
      max_cache_open_read_retries = -1,
      cache_open_read_retry_time = 10,
      cache_generation_number = -1,
      max_cache_open_write_retries = 1,
      background_fill_active_timeout = 60,
      http_chunking_size = 4096,
      flow_high_water_mark = 0,
      flow_low_water_mark = 0,
      default_buffer_size_index = 8,
      default_buffer_water_mark = 32768,
      slow_log_threshold = 0,
      hostdb_strict_round_robin = 0,
      hostdb_timed_round_robin = 0,
      hostdb_consistent_hash = 0,
      hostdb_robust_consistent_hash = 0,
      hostdb_consistent_hash_str = 0x0,
      body_factory_template_base = 0x0,
      body_factory_template_base_len = 0,
      proxy_response_server_string = 0x0,
      proxy_response_server_string_len = 0,
      global_user_agent_header = 0x0,
      global_user_agent_header_size = 0,
      cache_heuristic_lm_factor = 0.100000001,
      freshness_fuzz_prob = 0.00499999989,
      background_fill_threshold = 0.5,
      cache_open_write_fail_action = 0,
      redirection_enabled = 0 '\000',
      redirect_use_orig_cache_key = 0 '\000',
      number_of_redirections = 1,
      client_cert_filename = 0x0,
      client_cert_filepath = 0x0
    transparent_passthrough = false,
    range_in_cache = false
  reentrancy_count = 0,
  history = {{
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    }, {
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd37700 "HttpSM.cc:3231",
      event = 2302,
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      event = 103,
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      event = 2301,
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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    }, {
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    }, {
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      reentrancy = 7
    }, {
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    }, {
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 9
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 9
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 10
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 10
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 11
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
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      reentrancy = 11
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 12
    }, {
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      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 12
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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      reentrancy = 13
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
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    }, {
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      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 14
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      reentrancy = 14
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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      reentrancy = 15
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 15
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 16
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
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      reentrancy = 16
    }, {
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    }, {
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      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 17
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 18
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 18
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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      reentrancy = 19
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 19
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 20
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 21
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3e2a0 "HttpSM.cc:7471",
      event = 65535,
      reentrancy = 21
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3e3a0 "HttpSM.cc:7497",
      event = 65535,
      reentrancy = 21
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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    }, {
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      reentrancy = 22
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 23
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 23
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3da60 "HttpSM.cc:2152",
      event = 103,
      reentrancy = 1
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3d880 "HttpSM.cc:1978",
      event = 100,
      reentrancy = 1
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 2
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 2
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 3
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 3
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 4
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 4
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 5
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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      reentrancy = 6
    }, {
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      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 6
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 7
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 7
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 8
  history_pos = 77,
  tunnel = {
    <Continuation> = {
      <force_VFPT_to_top> = {
        _vptr.force_VFPT_to_top = 0xd42e70 <vtable for HttpTunnel+16>
      members of Continuation:
      handler = (int (Continuation::*)(Continuation * const, int, void *)) 0x7bc560 <HttpTunnel::main_handler(int, void*)>,
      mutex = {
        m_ptr = 0x0
      link = {
        <SLink<Continuation>> = {
          next = 0x0
        members of Link<Continuation>:
        prev = 0x0
      control_flags = {
        raw_flags = 0
    members of HttpTunnel:
    num_producers = 0,
    num_consumers = 0,
    consumers = {{
        link = {
          <SLink<HttpTunnelConsumer>> = {
            next = 0x0
          members of Link<HttpTunnelConsumer>:
          prev = 0x0
        producer = 0x0,
        self_producer = 0x0,
        vc_type = HT_HTTP_SERVER,
        vc = 0x0,
        buffer_reader = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        skip_bytes = 0,
        bytes_written = 0,
        handler_state = 0,
        alive = false,
        write_success = false,
        name = 0x0
      }, {
        link = {
          <SLink<HttpTunnelConsumer>> = {
            next = 0x0
          members of Link<HttpTunnelConsumer>:
          prev = 0x0
        producer = 0x0,
        self_producer = 0x0,
        vc_type = HT_HTTP_SERVER,
        vc = 0x0,
        buffer_reader = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        skip_bytes = 0,
        bytes_written = 0,
        handler_state = 0,
        alive = false,
        write_success = false,
        name = 0x0
      }, {
        link = {
          <SLink<HttpTunnelConsumer>> = {
            next = 0x0
          members of Link<HttpTunnelConsumer>:
          prev = 0x0
        producer = 0x0,
        self_producer = 0x0,
        vc_type = HT_HTTP_SERVER,
        vc = 0x0,
        buffer_reader = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        skip_bytes = 0,
        bytes_written = 0,
        handler_state = 0,
        alive = false,
        write_success = false,
        name = 0x0
      }, {
        link = {
          <SLink<HttpTunnelConsumer>> = {
            next = 0x0
          members of Link<HttpTunnelConsumer>:
          prev = 0x0
        producer = 0x0,
        self_producer = 0x0,
        vc_type = HT_HTTP_SERVER,
        vc = 0x0,
        buffer_reader = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        skip_bytes = 0,
        bytes_written = 0,
        handler_state = 0,
        alive = false,
        write_success = false,
        name = 0x0
    producers = {{
        consumer_list = {
          head = 0x0
        self_consumer = 0x0,
        vc = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        read_vio = 0x0,
        read_buffer = 0x0,
        buffer_start = 0x0,
        vc_type = HT_HTTP_SERVER,
        chunked_handler = {
          static DEFAULT_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 4096,
          action = ChunkedHandler::ACTION_DOCHUNK,
          chunked_reader = 0x0,
          dechunked_buffer = 0x0,
          dechunked_size = 0,
          dechunked_reader = 0x0,
          chunked_buffer = 0x0,
          chunked_size = 0,
          truncation = false,
          skip_bytes = 0,
          state = ChunkedHandler::CHUNK_READ_CHUNK,
          cur_chunk_size = 0,
          bytes_left = 0,
          last_server_event = 0,
          running_sum = 0,
          num_digits = 0,
          max_chunk_size = 0,
          max_chunk_header = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
          max_chunk_header_len = 0
        chunking_action = TCA_CHUNK_CONTENT,
        do_chunking = false,
        do_dechunking = false,
        do_chunked_passthru = false,
        init_bytes_done = 0,
        nbytes = 0,
        ntodo = 0,
        bytes_read = 0,
        handler_state = 0,
        last_event = 0,
        num_consumers = 0,
        alive = false,
        read_success = false,
        flow_control_source = 0x0,
        name = 0x0
      }, {
        consumer_list = {
          head = 0x0
        self_consumer = 0x0,
        vc = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        read_vio = 0x0,
        read_buffer = 0x0,
        buffer_start = 0x0,
        vc_type = HT_HTTP_SERVER,
        chunked_handler = {
          static DEFAULT_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 4096,
          action = ChunkedHandler::ACTION_DOCHUNK,
          chunked_reader = 0x0,
          dechunked_buffer = 0x0,
          dechunked_size = 0,
          dechunked_reader = 0x0,
          chunked_buffer = 0x0,
          chunked_size = 0,
          truncation = false,
          skip_bytes = 0,
          state = ChunkedHandler::CHUNK_READ_CHUNK,
          cur_chunk_size = 0,
          bytes_left = 0,
          last_server_event = 0,
          running_sum = 0,
          num_digits = 0,
          max_chunk_size = 0,
          max_chunk_header = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
          max_chunk_header_len = 0
        chunking_action = TCA_CHUNK_CONTENT,
        do_chunking = false,
        do_dechunking = false,
        do_chunked_passthru = false,
        init_bytes_done = 0,
        nbytes = 0,
        ntodo = 0,
        bytes_read = 0,
        handler_state = 0,
        last_event = 0,
        num_consumers = 0,
        alive = false,
        read_success = false,
        flow_control_source = 0x0,
        name = 0x0
    sm = 0x607000638100,
    active = false,
    flow_state = {
      static DEFAULT_WATER_MARK = 65536,
      high_water = 65536,
      low_water = 65536,
      enabled_p = false
    postbuf = 0x0,
    reentrancy_count = 0,
    call_sm = false
  vc_table = {
    static vc_table_max_entries = 4,
    vc_table = {{
        vc = 0x0,
        read_buffer = 0x0,
        write_buffer = 0x0,
        read_vio = 0x0,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        vc_type = HTTP_UNKNOWN,
        eos = false,
        in_tunnel = false
      }, {
        vc = 0x0,
        read_buffer = 0x0,
        write_buffer = 0x0,
        read_vio = 0x0,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        vc_type = HTTP_UNKNOWN,
        eos = false,
        in_tunnel = false
      }, {
        vc = 0x0,
        read_buffer = 0x0,
        write_buffer = 0x0,
        read_vio = 0x0,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        vc_type = HTTP_UNKNOWN,
        eos = false,
        in_tunnel = false
      }, {
        vc = 0x0,
        read_buffer = 0x0,
        write_buffer = 0x0,
        read_vio = 0x0,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        vc_type = HTTP_UNKNOWN,
        eos = false,
        in_tunnel = false
  ua_entry = 0x607000639900,
  ua_session = 0x604600571f00,
  background_fill = BACKGROUND_FILL_NONE,
  ua_buffer_reader = 0x0,
  ua_raw_buffer_reader = 0x0,
  server_entry = 0x607000639940,
  server_session = 0x0,
  will_be_private_ss = false,
  shared_session_retries = 0,
  server_buffer_reader = 0x6024001f4698,
  transform_info = {
    entry = 0x0,
    vc = 0x0
  post_transform_info = {
    entry = 0x0,
    vc = 0x0
  has_active_plugin_agents = false,
  cache_sm = {
    <Continuation> = {
      <force_VFPT_to_top> = {
        _vptr.force_VFPT_to_top = 0xd24630 <vtable for HttpCacheSM+16>
      members of Continuation:
      handler = NULL,
      mutex = {
        m_ptr = 0x0
      link = {
        <SLink<Continuation>> = {
          next = 0x0
        members of Link<Continuation>:
        prev = 0x0
      control_flags = {
        raw_flags = 0
    members of HttpCacheSM:
    cache_read_vc = 0x0,
    cache_write_vc = 0x0,
    read_locked = false,
    write_locked = false,
    readwhilewrite_inprogress = false,
    master_sm = 0x607000638100,
    pending_action = 0x0,
    captive_action = {
      <Action> = {
        _vptr.Action = 0xd24650 <vtable for HttpCacheAction+16>,
        continuation = 0x0,
        mutex = {
          m_ptr = 0x0
        cancelled = 0
      members of HttpCacheAction:
      sm = 0x607000639a70
    open_read_cb = false,
    open_write_cb = false,
    open_read_tries = 0,
    read_request_hdr = 0x0,
    read_config = 0x0,
    read_pin_in_cache = 0,
    retry_write = true,
    open_write_tries = 0,
    lookup_url = 0x0,
    cache_key = {
      hostlen = 0,
      hostname = 0x0,
      hash = {
        b = {0, 0},
        u64 = {0, 0},
        u32 = {0, 0, 0, 0},
        u8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>
    lookup_max_recursive = 0,
    current_lookup_level = 0
  transform_cache_sm = {
    <Continuation> = {
      <force_VFPT_to_top> = {
        _vptr.force_VFPT_to_top = 0xd24630 <vtable for HttpCacheSM+16>
      members of Continuation:
      handler = NULL,
      mutex = {
        m_ptr = 0x0
      link = {
        <SLink<Continuation>> = {
          next = 0x0
        members of Link<Continuation>:
        prev = 0x0
      control_flags = {
        raw_flags = 0
    members of HttpCacheSM:
    cache_read_vc = 0x0,
    cache_write_vc = 0x0,
    read_locked = false,
    write_locked = false,
    readwhilewrite_inprogress = false,
    master_sm = 0x607000638100,
    pending_action = 0x0,
    captive_action = {
      <Action> = {
        _vptr.Action = 0xd24650 <vtable for HttpCacheAction+16>,
        continuation = 0x0,
        mutex = {
          m_ptr = 0x0
        cancelled = 0
      members of HttpCacheAction:
      sm = 0x607000639b50
    open_read_cb = false,
    open_write_cb = false,
    open_read_tries = 0,
    read_request_hdr = 0x0,
    read_config = 0x0,
    read_pin_in_cache = 0,
    retry_write = true,
    open_write_tries = 0,
    lookup_url = 0x0,
    cache_key = {
      hostlen = 0,
      hostname = 0x0,
      hash = {
        b = {0, 0},
        u64 = {0, 0},
        u32 = {0, 0, 0, 0},
        u8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>
    lookup_max_recursive = 0,
    current_lookup_level = 0
  second_cache_sm = 0x0,
  default_handler = NULL,
  pending_action = 0x0,
  historical_action = 0x0,
  schedule_cont = 0x0,
  http_parser = {
    m_parsing_http = true,
    m_allow_non_http = true,
    m_mime_parser = {
      m_scanner = {
        m_line = 0x0,
        m_line_length = 0,
        m_line_size = 0,
        m_state = MIME_PARSE_BEFORE
      m_field = 0,
      m_field_flags = 0,
      m_value = -1
  last_action = HttpTransact::SM_ACTION_ORIGIN_SERVER_OPEN,
  m_last_state = NULL,
  client_request_hdr_bytes = 1461,
  client_request_body_bytes = 0,
  server_request_hdr_bytes = 3458,
  server_request_body_bytes = 0,
  server_response_hdr_bytes = 1972,
  server_response_body_bytes = 0,
  client_response_hdr_bytes = 1591,
  client_response_body_bytes = 0,
  cache_response_hdr_bytes = 0,
  cache_response_body_bytes = 0,
  pushed_response_hdr_bytes = 0,
  pushed_response_body_bytes = 0,
  client_tcp_reused = true,
  client_ssl_reused = false,
  client_connection_is_ssl = true,
  client_sec_protocol = 0x7ffff400b178 "TLSv1.2",
  client_cipher_suite = 0x7ffff400a34b "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256",
  server_transact_count = 14,
  server_connection_is_ssl = false,
  milestones = {
    milestones = {1538963191514424914, 1538963191575368668, 1538963191575368668, 1538963192078959693, 1538963192081928031, 1538963191601082075, 1538963191601082075, 0, 1538963191601191778, 1538963192078715881, 1538963192078715881, 1538963192079526284, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1538963191601012052, 1538963191601012052, 1538963191514424914, 1538963192082231017, 1538963191540421804, 1538963191540421804}
  api_timer = 0,
  plugin_tag = 0xd60a80 "http/2",
  plugin_id = 0,
  hooks_set = true,
  error_is_set = false,
  cur_hook_id = TS_HTTP_TXN_CLOSE_HOOK,
  cur_hook = 0x0,
  plugin_hook = 0x6008009d4c50,
  prev_hook_start_time = 0,
  cur_hooks = 3,
  callout_state = HTTP_API_NO_CALLOUT,
  api_hooks = {
    <FeatureAPIHooks<TSHttpHookID, (TSHttpHookID)22>> = {
      hooks_p = false,
      m_hooks = {{
          m_hooks = {
            <DLL<APIHook, APIHook::Link_m_link>> = {
              head = 0x0
            members of Queue<APIHook, APIHook::Link_m_link>:
            tail = 0x0
        } <repeats 22 times>}
    }, <No data fields>},
  terminate_sm = true,
  kill_this_async_done = true,
  parse_range_done = false,
  debug_link = {
    <SLink<HttpSM>> = {
      next = 0x0
    members of Link<HttpSM>:
    prev = 0x0
$7 = {
  <Continuation> = {
    <force_VFPT_to_top> = {
      _vptr.force_VFPT_to_top = 0xd42e90 <vtable for HttpSM+16>
    members of Continuation:
    handler = (int (Continuation::*)(Continuation * const, int, void *)) 0x738000e0,
    mutex = {
      m_ptr = 0x0
    link = {
      <SLink<Continuation>> = {
        next = 0x0
      members of Link<Continuation>:
      prev = 0x0
    control_flags = {
      raw_flags = 0
  members of HttpSM:
  sm_id = 3387119,
  magic = 3735944941,
  enable_redirection = false,
  redirect_url = 0x0,
  redirect_url_len = 0,
  redirection_tries = 0,
  transfered_bytes = 0,
  post_failed = false,
  debug_on = false,
  post_fully_received = false,
  plugin_tunnel_type = HTTP_NO_PLUGIN_TUNNEL,
  plugin_tunnel = 0x0,
  t_state = {
    m_magic = HttpTransact::HTTP_TRANSACT_MAGIC_DEAD,
    state_machine = 0x607000638100,
    arena = {
      m_blocks = 0x0
    http_config_param = 0x60420001f400,
    cache_info = {
      action = HttpTransact::CACHE_DO_NO_ACTION,
      transform_action = HttpTransact::CACHE_DO_UNDEFINED,
      write_status = HttpTransact::NO_CACHE_WRITE,
      transform_write_status = HttpTransact::NO_CACHE_WRITE,
      lookup_url = 0x0,
      lookup_url_storage = {
        <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
          m_heap = 0x0
        members of URL:
        m_url_impl = 0x0
      original_url = {
        <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
          m_heap = 0x0
        members of URL:
        m_url_impl = 0x0
      object_read = 0x0,
      second_object_read = 0x0,
      object_store = {
        m_alt = 0x0
      transform_store = {
        m_alt = 0x0
      config = {
        cache_global_user_agent_header = false,
        cache_enable_default_vary_headers = false,
        ignore_accept_mismatch = 2,
        ignore_accept_language_mismatch = 2,
        ignore_accept_encoding_mismatch = 2,
        ignore_accept_charset_mismatch = 2,
        cache_vary_default_text = 0x0,
        cache_vary_default_images = 0x0,
        cache_vary_default_other = 0x0
      directives = {
        does_client_permit_lookup = true,
        does_client_permit_storing = true,
        does_client_permit_dns_storing = true,
        does_config_permit_lookup = true,
        does_config_permit_storing = true,
        does_server_permit_lookup = true,
        does_server_permit_storing = false
      open_read_retries = 0,
      open_write_retries = 0,
      write_lock_state = HttpTransact::CACHE_WL_INIT,
      lookup_count = 0,
      hit_miss_code = SQUID_MISS_NONE
    dns_info = {
      attempts = 0,
      os_addr_style = HttpTransact::_DNSLookupInfo::OS_ADDR_TRY_DEFAULT,
      lookup_success = true,
      lookup_name = 0x6042010ecf99 "xx",
      srv_hostname = '\000' <repeats 1024 times>,
      looking_up = HttpTransact::ORIGIN_SERVER,
      srv_lookup_success = false,
      srv_port = 0,
      srv_app = {
        allotment = {
          application1 = 0,
          application2 = 0
        http_data = {
          http_version = 0,
          pipeline_max = 0,
          keepalive_timeout = 0,
          fail_count = 0,
          unused1 = 0,
          last_failure = 0
        rr = {
          offset = 0
      lookup_validated = true
    force_dns = true,
    redirect_info = {
      redirect_in_process = false,
      original_url = {
        <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
          m_heap = 0x0
        members of URL:
        m_url_impl = 0x0
      redirect_url = {
        <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
          m_heap = 0x0
        members of URL:
        m_url_impl = 0x0
    updated_server_version = 0,
    cache_open_write_fail_action = 0,
    is_revalidation_necessary = false,
    request_will_not_selfloop = true,
    client_info = {
      http_version = {
        m_version = 65537
      keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE,
      receive_chunked_response = false,
      pipeline_possible = true,
      proxy_connect_hdr = false,
      connect_result = 0,
      name = 0x0,
      transfer_encoding = HttpTransact::NO_TRANSFER_ENCODING,
      src_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 10,
          sa_data = "\224\222\000\000\000\000&\000\020\024\260aY+"
        sin = {
          sin_family = 10,
          sin_port = 37524,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "&\000\020\024\260aY+"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 10,
          sin6_port = 37524,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = "&\000\020\024\260aY+A\362\202\370\313\266\217/",
              __u6_addr16 = {38, 5136, 25008, 11097, 62017, 63618, 46795, 12175},
              __u6_addr32 = {336592934, 727278000, 4169331265, 797947595}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      dst_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 10,
          sa_data = "\273\001\000\000\000\000& \001\t\300\004\001\005"
        sin = {
          sin_family = 10,
          sin_port = 443,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "& \001\t\300\004\001\005"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 10,
          sin6_port = 443,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = "& \001\t\300\004\001\005\000\000\000\000l\256\v\001",
              __u6_addr16 = {8230, 2305, 1216, 1281, 0, 0, 44652, 267},
              __u6_addr32 = {151068710, 83952832, 0, 17542764}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      state = HttpTransact::STATE_UNDEFINED,
      abort = HttpTransact::DIDNOT_ABORT,
      port_attribute = HttpProxyPort::TRANSPORT_SSL,
      is_transparent = false
    icp_info = {
      http_version = {
        m_version = 65536
      keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE_UNDEFINED,
      receive_chunked_response = false,
      pipeline_possible = false,
      proxy_connect_hdr = false,
      connect_result = 0,
      name = 0x0,
      transfer_encoding = HttpTransact::NO_TRANSFER_ENCODING,
      src_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 0,
          sa_data = '\000' <repeats 13 times>
        sin = {
          sin_family = 0,
          sin_port = 0,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 0,
          sin6_port = 0,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
              __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
              __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      dst_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 0,
          sa_data = '\000' <repeats 13 times>
        sin = {
          sin_family = 0,
          sin_port = 0,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 0,
          sin6_port = 0,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
              __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
              __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      state = HttpTransact::STATE_UNDEFINED,
      abort = HttpTransact::ABORT_UNDEFINED,
      port_attribute = HttpProxyPort::TRANSPORT_DEFAULT,
      is_transparent = false
    parent_info = {
      http_version = {
        m_version = 65536
      keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE_UNDEFINED,
      receive_chunked_response = false,
      pipeline_possible = false,
      proxy_connect_hdr = false,
      connect_result = 0,
      name = 0x0,
      transfer_encoding = HttpTransact::NO_TRANSFER_ENCODING,
      src_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 0,
          sa_data = '\000' <repeats 13 times>
        sin = {
          sin_family = 0,
          sin_port = 0,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 0,
          sin6_port = 0,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
              __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
              __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      dst_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 0,
          sa_data = '\000' <repeats 13 times>
        sin = {
          sin_family = 0,
          sin_port = 0,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 0,
          sin6_port = 0,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
              __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
              __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      state = HttpTransact::STATE_UNDEFINED,
      abort = HttpTransact::ABORT_UNDEFINED,
      port_attribute = HttpProxyPort::TRANSPORT_DEFAULT,
      is_transparent = false
    server_info = {
      http_version = {
        m_version = 65537
      keep_alive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE,
      receive_chunked_response = false,
      pipeline_possible = false,
      proxy_connect_hdr = false,
      connect_result = 0,
      name = 0x6042010ecf99 "xx",
      transfer_encoding = HttpTransact::NO_TRANSFER_ENCODING,
      src_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 0,
          sa_data = '\000' <repeats 13 times>
        sin = {
          sin_family = 0,
          sin_port = 0,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 0,
          sin6_port = 0,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
              __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
              __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      dst_addr = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 2,
          sa_data = "/\212\n\225`\"\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin = {
          sin_family = 2,
          sin_port = 35375,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 576754954
          sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 2,
          sin6_port = 35375,
          sin6_flowinfo = 576754954,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
              __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
              __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      state = HttpTransact::TRANSACTION_COMPLETE,
      abort = HttpTransact::DIDNOT_ABORT,
      port_attribute = HttpProxyPort::TRANSPORT_DEFAULT,
      is_transparent = false
    source = HttpTransact::SOURCE_HTTP_ORIGIN_SERVER,
    pre_transform_source = HttpTransact::SOURCE_NONE,
    req_flavor = HttpTransact::REQ_FLAVOR_REVPROXY,
    current = {
      mode = HttpTransact::TUNNELLING_PROXY,
      request_to = HttpTransact::ORIGIN_SERVER,
      server = 0x6070006387e0,
      now = 1538963192,
      state = HttpTransact::CONNECTION_ALIVE,
      attempts = 1,
      simple_retry_attempts = 0,
      unavailable_server_retry_attempts = 0,
      retry_type = PARENT_RETRY_NONE
    hdr_info = {
      client_request = {
        <MIMEHdr> = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of MIMEHdr:
          m_mime = 0x6052164d0738
        members of HTTPHdr:
        m_http = 0x6052164d0708,
        m_url_cached = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x6052164d0680
          members of URL:
          m_url_impl = 0x6052164d0988
        m_host_mime = 0x0,
        m_host_length = 41,
        m_port = 12170,
        m_target_cached = true,
        m_target_in_url = true,
        m_port_in_header = true,
        static USE_HDR_HEAP_MAGIC = 0x1
      client_response = {
        <MIMEHdr> = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of MIMEHdr:
          m_mime = 0x605218bb5d38
        members of HTTPHdr:
        m_http = 0x605218bb5d08,
        m_url_cached = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of URL:
          m_url_impl = 0x0
        m_host_mime = 0x0,
        m_host_length = 0,
        m_port = 0,
        m_target_cached = false,
        m_target_in_url = false,
        m_port_in_header = false,
        static USE_HDR_HEAP_MAGIC = 0x1
      server_request = {
        <MIMEHdr> = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of MIMEHdr:
          m_mime = 0x605211999838
        members of HTTPHdr:
        m_http = 0x605211999808,
        m_url_cached = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x605211999780
          members of URL:
          m_url_impl = 0x605211999a88
        m_host_mime = 0x0,
        m_host_length = 0,
        m_port = 0,
        m_target_cached = false,
        m_target_in_url = false,
        m_port_in_header = false,
        static USE_HDR_HEAP_MAGIC = 0x1
      server_response = {
        <MIMEHdr> = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of MIMEHdr:
          m_mime = 0x605217d9a938
        members of HTTPHdr:
        m_http = 0x605217d9a908,
        m_url_cached = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of URL:
          m_url_impl = 0x0
        m_host_mime = 0x0,
        m_host_length = 0,
        m_port = 0,
        m_target_cached = false,
        m_target_in_url = false,
        m_port_in_header = false,
        static USE_HDR_HEAP_MAGIC = 0x1
      transform_response = {
        <MIMEHdr> = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of MIMEHdr:
          m_mime = 0x0
        members of HTTPHdr:
        m_http = 0x0,
        m_url_cached = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of URL:
          m_url_impl = 0x0
        m_host_mime = 0x0,
        m_host_length = 0,
        m_port = 0,
        m_target_cached = false,
        m_target_in_url = false,
        m_port_in_header = false,
        static USE_HDR_HEAP_MAGIC = 0x1
      cache_response = {
        <MIMEHdr> = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of MIMEHdr:
          m_mime = 0x0
        members of HTTPHdr:
        m_http = 0x0,
        m_url_cached = {
          <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
            m_heap = 0x0
          members of URL:
          m_url_impl = 0x0
        m_host_mime = 0x0,
        m_host_length = 0,
        m_port = 0,
        m_target_cached = false,
        m_target_in_url = false,
        m_port_in_header = false,
        static USE_HDR_HEAP_MAGIC = 0x1
      request_content_length = 0,
      response_content_length = 58,
      transform_request_cl = -1,
      transform_response_cl = -1,
      client_req_is_server_style = false,
      trust_response_cl = true,
      response_error = HttpTransact::NO_RESPONSE_HEADER_ERROR,
      extension_method = false
    squid_codes = {
      log_code = SQUID_LOG_TCP_MISS,
      hier_code = SQUID_HIER_DIRECT,
      hit_miss_code = SQUID_MISS_NONE
    api_info = {
      parent_proxy_name = 0x0,
      parent_proxy_port = -1,
      cache_untransformed = false,
      cache_transformed = true,
      logging_enabled = true,
      retry_intercept_failures = false
    pending_work = 0x0,
    cdn_saved_next_action = HttpTransact::SM_ACTION_ORIGIN_SERVER_OPEN,
    cdn_saved_transact_return_point = 0x0,
    cdn_remap_complete = false,
    first_dns_lookup = true,
    backdoor_request = false,
    cop_test_page = false,
    request_data = {
      <RequestData> = {
        _vptr.RequestData = 0xcd14b0 <vtable for HttpRequestData+16>
      members of HttpRequestData:
      hdr = 0x607000638888,
      hostname_str = 0x6042010ecfc4 "xx",
      api_info = 0x607000638a48,
      xact_start = 1538963191,
      src_ip = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 10,
          sa_data = "\224\222\000\000\000\000&\000\020\024\260aY+"
        sin = {
          sin_family = 10,
          sin_port = 37524,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 0
          sin_zero = "&\000\020\024\260aY+"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 10,
          sin6_port = 37524,
          sin6_flowinfo = 0,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = "&\000\020\024\260aY+A\362\202\370\313\266\217/",
              __u6_addr16 = {38, 5136, 25008, 11097, 62017, 63618, 46795, 12175},
              __u6_addr32 = {336592934, 727278000, 4169331265, 797947595}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      dest_ip = {
        sa = {
          sa_family = 2,
          sa_data = "/\212\n\225`\"\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin = {
          sin_family = 2,
          sin_port = 35375,
          sin_addr = {
            s_addr = 576754954
          sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        sin6 = {
          sin6_family = 2,
          sin6_port = 35375,
          sin6_flowinfo = 576754954,
          sin6_addr = {
            __in6_u = {
              __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
              __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
              __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
          sin6_scope_id = 0
      incoming_port = 443,
      tag = 0x0,
      internal_txn = false
    parent_params = 0x0,
    parent_result = {
      result = PARENT_DIRECT,
      hostname = 0x0,
      port = 0,
      retry = false,
      line_number = -1,
      epoch = 0x0,
      rec = 0x0,
      last_parent = 0,
      start_parent = 0,
      wrap_around = false,
      last_lookup = 0,
      chashIter = {<error reading variable>
    cache_control = {
      revalidate_after = -1,
      pin_in_cache_for = -1,
      ttl_in_cache = -1,
      never_cache = false,
      cluster_cache_local = false,
      ignore_client_no_cache = true,
      ignore_server_no_cache = false,
      ignore_client_cc_max_age = false,
      cache_responses_to_cookies = -1,
      reval_line = -1,
      never_line = -1,
      pin_line = -1,
      ttl_line = -1,
      cluster_cache_local_line = -1,
      ignore_client_line = -1,
      ignore_server_line = -1
    cache_lookup_result = HttpTransact::CACHE_LOOKUP_SKIPPED,
    next_action = HttpTransact::SM_ACTION_SERVER_READ,
    api_next_action = HttpTransact::SM_ACTION_API_SM_SHUTDOWN,
    transact_return_point = 0x783550 <HttpTransact::HandleResponse(HttpTransact::State*)>,
    post_remap_upgrade_return_point = 0x0,
    upgrade_token_wks = 0x0,
    is_upgrade_request = false,
    is_websocket = false,
    did_upgrade_succeed = false,
    origin_request_queued = false,
    internal_msg_buffer = 0x0,
    internal_msg_buffer_type = 0x0,
    internal_msg_buffer_size = 0,
    internal_msg_buffer_fast_allocator_size = -1,
    icp_ip_result = {
      sin_family = 0,
      sin_port = 0,
      sin_addr = {
        s_addr = 0
      sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
    icp_lookup_success = false,
    scheme = 99,
    next_hop_scheme = 99,
    orig_scheme = 98,
    method = 117,
    cause_of_death_errno = -19999,
    hostdb_entry = {
      m_ptr = 0x0
    host_db_info = {
      <RefCountObj> = {
        <ForceVFPTToTop> = {
          _vptr.ForceVFPTToTop = 0x0
        members of RefCountObj:
        m_refcount = 0
      members of HostDBInfo:
      iobuffer_index = 0,
      key = 0,
      app = {
        allotment = {
          application1 = 0,
          application2 = 0
        http_data = {
          http_version = 0,
          pipeline_max = 0,
          keepalive_timeout = 0,
          fail_count = 0,
          unused1 = 0,
          last_failure = 0
        rr = {
          offset = 0
      data = {
        ip = {
          sa = {
            sa_family = 2,
            sa_data = "\000\000\n\225`\"\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
          sin = {
            sin_family = 2,
            sin_port = 0,
            sin_addr = {
              s_addr = 576754954
            sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
          sin6 = {
            sin6_family = 2,
            sin6_port = 0,
            sin6_flowinfo = 576754954,
            sin6_addr = {
              __in6_u = {
                __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
                __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
                __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
            sin6_scope_id = 0
        hostname_offset = 2,
        srv = {
          srv_offset = 2,
          srv_weight = 0,
          srv_priority = 38154,
          srv_port = 8800,
          key = 0
      hostname_offset = 0,
      ip_timestamp = 0,
      ip_timeout_interval = 0,
      is_srv = 0,
      reverse_dns = 0,
      round_robin = 0,
      round_robin_elt = 1,
      consistent_hash = 0,
      consistent_hash_node = 0x0
    client_request_time = 1538963191,
    request_sent_time = 1538963191,
    response_received_time = 1538963192,
    plugin_set_expire_time = 0,
    via_string = "uSc sSf pSeN:tOc  i p sS",
    state_machine_id = 3387119,
    client_connection_enabled = true,
    acl_filtering_performed = true,
    negative_caching = false,
    www_auth_content = HttpTransact::CACHE_AUTH_NONE,
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    user_args = {0x0 <repeats 15 times>, 0x600401459390},
    fp_tsremap_os_response = 0x0,
    http_return_code = HTTP_STATUS_NONE,
    api_txn_active_timeout_value = -1,
    api_txn_connect_timeout_value = -1,
    api_txn_dns_timeout_value = -1,
    api_txn_no_activity_timeout_value = -1,
    cache_req_hdr_heap_handle = 0x0,
    cache_resp_hdr_heap_handle = 0x0,
    api_cleanup_cache_read = false,
    api_server_response_no_store = false,
    api_server_response_ignore = false,
    api_http_sm_shutdown = false,
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    api_server_request_body_set = false,
    api_req_cacheable = false,
    api_resp_cacheable = false,
    api_server_addr_set = false,
    stale_icp_lookup = false,
    api_update_cached_object = HttpTransact::UPDATE_CACHED_OBJECT_NONE,
    api_lock_url = HttpTransact::LOCK_URL_FIRST,
    saved_update_next_action = HttpTransact::SM_ACTION_UNDEFINED,
    saved_update_cache_action = HttpTransact::CACHE_DO_UNDEFINED,
    url_map = {
      _mapping = 0x0,
      _toURLPtr = 0x0,
      _toURL = {
        <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
          m_heap = 0x0
        members of URL:
        m_url_impl = 0x0
      _heap = 0x0
    hh_info = {
      request_host = 0x0,
      host_len = 0,
      request_port = 0
    pCongestionEntry = 0x0,
    congest_saved_next_action = HttpTransact::SM_ACTION_UNDEFINED,
    congestion_control_crat = 0,
    congestion_congested_or_failed = 0,
    congestion_connection_opened = 0,
    filter_mask = 0,
    remap_redirect = 0x0,
    reverse_proxy = true,
    url_remap_success = true,
    api_skip_all_remapping = false,
    already_downgraded = false,
    pristine_url = {
      <HdrHeapSDKHandle> = {
        m_heap = 0x0
      members of URL:
      m_url_impl = 0x0
    range_setup = HttpTransact::RANGE_NONE,
    num_range_fields = 0,
    range_output_cl = 0,
    ranges = 0x0,
    txn_conf = 0x60420001f578,
    my_txn_conf = {
      maintain_pristine_host_hdr = 1 '\001',
      chunking_enabled = 1 '\001',
      negative_caching_enabled = 0 '\000',
      negative_revalidating_enabled = 0 '\000',
      cache_when_to_revalidate = 0 '\000',
      keep_alive_enabled_in = 1 '\001',
      keep_alive_enabled_out = 1 '\001',
      keep_alive_post_out = 1 '\001',
      server_session_sharing_match = 1 '\001',
      auth_server_session_private = 1 '\001',
      fwd_proxy_auth_to_parent = 0 '\000',
      uncacheable_requests_bypass_parent = 1 '\001',
      insert_age_in_response = 1 '\001',
      anonymize_remove_from = 0 '\000',
      anonymize_remove_referer = 0 '\000',
      anonymize_remove_user_agent = 0 '\000',
      anonymize_remove_cookie = 0 '\000',
      anonymize_remove_client_ip = 0 '\000',
      anonymize_insert_client_ip = 1 '\001',
      proxy_response_server_enabled = 1 '\001',
      proxy_response_hsts_max_age = -1,
      proxy_response_hsts_include_subdomains = 0 '\000',
      insert_squid_x_forwarded_for = 1 '\001',
      send_http11_requests = 1 '\001',
      cache_http = 1 '\001',
      cache_cluster_cache_local = 0 '\000',
      cache_ignore_client_no_cache = 1 '\001',
      cache_ignore_client_cc_max_age = 0 '\000',
      cache_ims_on_client_no_cache = 1 '\001',
      cache_ignore_server_no_cache = 0 '\000',
      cache_responses_to_cookies = 1 '\001',
      cache_ignore_auth = 0 '\000',
      cache_urls_that_look_dynamic = 1 '\001',
      cache_required_headers = 2 '\002',
      cache_range_lookup = 1 '\001',
      cache_range_write = 0 '\000',
      insert_request_via_string = 1 '\001',
      insert_response_via_string = 0 '\000',
      doc_in_cache_skip_dns = 1 '\001',
      flow_control_enabled = 0 '\000',
      accept_encoding_filter_enabled = 0 '\000',
      normalize_ae_gzip = 0 '\000',
      negative_caching_lifetime = 1800,
      negative_revalidating_lifetime = 1800,
      sock_recv_buffer_size_out = 0,
      sock_send_buffer_size_out = 0,
      sock_option_flag_out = 0,
      sock_packet_mark_out = 0,
      sock_packet_tos_out = 0,
      server_tcp_init_cwnd = 0,
      request_hdr_max_size = 131072,
      response_hdr_max_size = 131072,
      post_check_content_length_enabled = 1 '\001',
      cache_heuristic_min_lifetime = 3600,
      cache_heuristic_max_lifetime = 86400,
      cache_guaranteed_min_lifetime = 0,
      cache_guaranteed_max_lifetime = 31536000,
      cache_max_stale_age = 604800,
      srv_enabled = 0,
      allow_half_open = 1 '\001',
      keep_alive_no_activity_timeout_in = 115,
      keep_alive_no_activity_timeout_out = 120,
      transaction_no_activity_timeout_in = 30,
      transaction_no_activity_timeout_out = 30,
      transaction_active_timeout_out = 0,
      transaction_active_timeout_in = 900,
      websocket_active_timeout = 3600,
      websocket_inactive_timeout = 600,
      origin_max_connections = 0,
      origin_max_connections_queue = 0,
      attach_server_session_to_client = 0,
      connect_attempts_max_retries = 0,
      connect_attempts_max_retries_dead_server = 3,
      connect_attempts_rr_retries = 3,
      connect_attempts_timeout = 30,
      post_connect_attempts_timeout = 1800,
      parent_connect_attempts = 4,
      down_server_timeout = 300,
      client_abort_threshold = 10,
      freshness_fuzz_time = 240,
      freshness_fuzz_min_time = 0,
      max_cache_open_read_retries = -1,
      cache_open_read_retry_time = 10,
      cache_generation_number = -1,
      max_cache_open_write_retries = 1,
      background_fill_active_timeout = 60,
      http_chunking_size = 4096,
      flow_high_water_mark = 0,
      flow_low_water_mark = 0,
      default_buffer_size_index = 8,
      default_buffer_water_mark = 32768,
      slow_log_threshold = 0,
      hostdb_strict_round_robin = 0,
      hostdb_timed_round_robin = 0,
      hostdb_consistent_hash = 0,
      hostdb_robust_consistent_hash = 0,
      hostdb_consistent_hash_str = 0x0,
      body_factory_template_base = 0x0,
      body_factory_template_base_len = 0,
      proxy_response_server_string = 0x0,
      proxy_response_server_string_len = 0,
      global_user_agent_header = 0x0,
      global_user_agent_header_size = 0,
      cache_heuristic_lm_factor = 0.100000001,
      freshness_fuzz_prob = 0.00499999989,
      background_fill_threshold = 0.5,
      cache_open_write_fail_action = 0,
      redirection_enabled = 0 '\000',
      redirect_use_orig_cache_key = 0 '\000',
      number_of_redirections = 1,
      client_cert_filename = 0x0,
      client_cert_filepath = 0x0
    transparent_passthrough = false,
    range_in_cache = false
  reentrancy_count = 0,
  history = {{
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      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 8
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3b3e0 "HttpSM.cc:6761",
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      fileline = 0xd37700 "HttpSM.cc:3231",
      event = 2302,
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      fileline = 0xd37920 "HttpSM.cc:3473",
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      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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      reentrancy = 9
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
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      reentrancy = 10
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      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
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    }, {
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      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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      reentrancy = 13
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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    }, {
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 18
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 19
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 19
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 20
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
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      reentrancy = 20
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 21
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3e2a0 "HttpSM.cc:7471",
      event = 65535,
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3e3a0 "HttpSM.cc:7497",
      event = 65535,
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      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 23
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
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      fileline = 0xd3da60 "HttpSM.cc:2152",
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      event = 100,
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
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    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 3
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 3
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 4
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 4
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 5
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 5
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 6
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 6
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 7
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3cae0 "HttpSM.cc:1538",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 7
    }, {
      fileline = 0xd3eb00 "HttpSM.cc:1498",
      event = 60000,
      reentrancy = 8
  history_pos = 77,
  tunnel = {
    <Continuation> = {
      <force_VFPT_to_top> = {
        _vptr.force_VFPT_to_top = 0xd42e70 <vtable for HttpTunnel+16>
      members of Continuation:
      handler = (int (Continuation::*)(Continuation * const, int, void *)) 0x7bc560 <HttpTunnel::main_handler(int, void*)>,
      mutex = {
        m_ptr = 0x0
      link = {
        <SLink<Continuation>> = {
          next = 0x0
        members of Link<Continuation>:
        prev = 0x0
      control_flags = {
        raw_flags = 0
    members of HttpTunnel:
    num_producers = 0,
    num_consumers = 0,
    consumers = {{
        link = {
          <SLink<HttpTunnelConsumer>> = {
            next = 0x0
          members of Link<HttpTunnelConsumer>:
          prev = 0x0
        producer = 0x0,
        self_producer = 0x0,
        vc_type = HT_HTTP_SERVER,
        vc = 0x0,
        buffer_reader = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        skip_bytes = 0,
        bytes_written = 0,
        handler_state = 0,
        alive = false,
        write_success = false,
        name = 0x0
      }, {
        link = {
          <SLink<HttpTunnelConsumer>> = {
            next = 0x0
          members of Link<HttpTunnelConsumer>:
          prev = 0x0
        producer = 0x0,
        self_producer = 0x0,
        vc_type = HT_HTTP_SERVER,
        vc = 0x0,
        buffer_reader = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        skip_bytes = 0,
        bytes_written = 0,
        handler_state = 0,
        alive = false,
        write_success = false,
        name = 0x0
      }, {
        link = {
          <SLink<HttpTunnelConsumer>> = {
            next = 0x0
          members of Link<HttpTunnelConsumer>:
          prev = 0x0
        producer = 0x0,
        self_producer = 0x0,
        vc_type = HT_HTTP_SERVER,
        vc = 0x0,
        buffer_reader = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        skip_bytes = 0,
        bytes_written = 0,
        handler_state = 0,
        alive = false,
        write_success = false,
        name = 0x0
      }, {
        link = {
          <SLink<HttpTunnelConsumer>> = {
            next = 0x0
          members of Link<HttpTunnelConsumer>:
          prev = 0x0
        producer = 0x0,
        self_producer = 0x0,
        vc_type = HT_HTTP_SERVER,
        vc = 0x0,
        buffer_reader = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        skip_bytes = 0,
        bytes_written = 0,
        handler_state = 0,
        alive = false,
        write_success = false,
        name = 0x0
    producers = {{
        consumer_list = {
          head = 0x0
        self_consumer = 0x0,
        vc = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        read_vio = 0x0,
        read_buffer = 0x0,
        buffer_start = 0x0,
        vc_type = HT_HTTP_SERVER,
        chunked_handler = {
          static DEFAULT_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 4096,
          action = ChunkedHandler::ACTION_DOCHUNK,
          chunked_reader = 0x0,
          dechunked_buffer = 0x0,
          dechunked_size = 0,
          dechunked_reader = 0x0,
          chunked_buffer = 0x0,
          chunked_size = 0,
          truncation = false,
          skip_bytes = 0,
          state = ChunkedHandler::CHUNK_READ_CHUNK,
          cur_chunk_size = 0,
          bytes_left = 0,
          last_server_event = 0,
          running_sum = 0,
          num_digits = 0,
          max_chunk_size = 0,
          max_chunk_header = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
          max_chunk_header_len = 0
        chunking_action = TCA_CHUNK_CONTENT,
        do_chunking = false,
        do_dechunking = false,
        do_chunked_passthru = false,
        init_bytes_done = 0,
        nbytes = 0,
        ntodo = 0,
        bytes_read = 0,
        handler_state = 0,
        last_event = 0,
        num_consumers = 0,
        alive = false,
        read_success = false,
        flow_control_source = 0x0,
        name = 0x0
      }, {
        consumer_list = {
          head = 0x0
        self_consumer = 0x0,
        vc = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        read_vio = 0x0,
        read_buffer = 0x0,
        buffer_start = 0x0,
        vc_type = HT_HTTP_SERVER,
        chunked_handler = {
          static DEFAULT_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 4096,
          action = ChunkedHandler::ACTION_DOCHUNK,
          chunked_reader = 0x0,
          dechunked_buffer = 0x0,
          dechunked_size = 0,
          dechunked_reader = 0x0,
          chunked_buffer = 0x0,
          chunked_size = 0,
          truncation = false,
          skip_bytes = 0,
          state = ChunkedHandler::CHUNK_READ_CHUNK,
          cur_chunk_size = 0,
          bytes_left = 0,
          last_server_event = 0,
          running_sum = 0,
          num_digits = 0,
          max_chunk_size = 0,
          max_chunk_header = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,
          max_chunk_header_len = 0
        chunking_action = TCA_CHUNK_CONTENT,
        do_chunking = false,
        do_dechunking = false,
        do_chunked_passthru = false,
        init_bytes_done = 0,
        nbytes = 0,
        ntodo = 0,
        bytes_read = 0,
        handler_state = 0,
        last_event = 0,
        num_consumers = 0,
        alive = false,
        read_success = false,
        flow_control_source = 0x0,
        name = 0x0
    sm = 0x607000638100,
    active = false,
    flow_state = {
      static DEFAULT_WATER_MARK = 65536,
      high_water = 65536,
      low_water = 65536,
      enabled_p = false
    postbuf = 0x0,
    reentrancy_count = 0,
    call_sm = false
  vc_table = {
    static vc_table_max_entries = 4,
    vc_table = {{
        vc = 0x0,
        read_buffer = 0x0,
        write_buffer = 0x0,
        read_vio = 0x0,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        vc_type = HTTP_UNKNOWN,
        eos = false,
        in_tunnel = false
      }, {
        vc = 0x0,
        read_buffer = 0x0,
        write_buffer = 0x0,
        read_vio = 0x0,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        vc_type = HTTP_UNKNOWN,
        eos = false,
        in_tunnel = false
      }, {
        vc = 0x0,
        read_buffer = 0x0,
        write_buffer = 0x0,
        read_vio = 0x0,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        vc_type = HTTP_UNKNOWN,
        eos = false,
        in_tunnel = false
      }, {
        vc = 0x0,
        read_buffer = 0x0,
        write_buffer = 0x0,
        read_vio = 0x0,
        write_vio = 0x0,
        vc_handler = NULL,
        vc_type = HTTP_UNKNOWN,
        eos = false,
        in_tunnel = false
  ua_entry = 0x607000639900,
  ua_session = 0x604600571f00,
  background_fill = BACKGROUND_FILL_NONE,
  ua_buffer_reader = 0x0,
  ua_raw_buffer_reader = 0x0,
  server_entry = 0x607000639940,
  server_session = 0x0,
  will_be_private_ss = false,
  shared_session_retries = 0,
  server_buffer_reader = 0x6024001f4698,
  transform_info = {
    entry = 0x0,
    vc = 0x0
  post_transform_info = {
    entry = 0x0,
    vc = 0x0
  has_active_plugin_agents = false,
  cache_sm = {
    <Continuation> = {
      <force_VFPT_to_top> = {
        _vptr.force_VFPT_to_top = 0xd24630 <vtable for HttpCacheSM+16>
      members of Continuation:
      handler = NULL,
      mutex = {
        m_ptr = 0x0
      link = {
        <SLink<Continuation>> = {
          next = 0x0
        members of Link<Continuation>:
        prev = 0x0
      control_flags = {
        raw_flags = 0
    members of HttpCacheSM:
    cache_read_vc = 0x0,
    cache_write_vc = 0x0,
    read_locked = false,
    write_locked = false,
    readwhilewrite_inprogress = false,
    master_sm = 0x607000638100,
    pending_action = 0x0,
    captive_action = {
      <Action> = {
        _vptr.Action = 0xd24650 <vtable for HttpCacheAction+16>,
        continuation = 0x0,
        mutex = {
          m_ptr = 0x0
        cancelled = 0
      members of HttpCacheAction:
      sm = 0x607000639a70
    open_read_cb = false,
    open_write_cb = false,
    open_read_tries = 0,
    read_request_hdr = 0x0,
    read_config = 0x0,
    read_pin_in_cache = 0,
    retry_write = true,
    open_write_tries = 0,
    lookup_url = 0x0,
    cache_key = {
      hostlen = 0,
      hostname = 0x0,
      hash = {
        b = {0, 0},
        u64 = {0, 0},
        u32 = {0, 0, 0, 0},
        u8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>
    lookup_max_recursive = 0,
    current_lookup_level = 0
  transform_cache_sm = {
    <Continuation> = {
      <force_VFPT_to_top> = {
        _vptr.force_VFPT_to_top = 0xd24630 <vtable for HttpCacheSM+16>
      members of Continuation:
      handler = NULL,
      mutex = {
        m_ptr = 0x0
      link = {
        <SLink<Continuation>> = {
          next = 0x0
        members of Link<Continuation>:
        prev = 0x0
      control_flags = {
        raw_flags = 0
    members of HttpCacheSM:
    cache_read_vc = 0x0,
    cache_write_vc = 0x0,
    read_locked = false,
    write_locked = false,
    readwhilewrite_inprogress = false,
    master_sm = 0x607000638100,
    pending_action = 0x0,
    captive_action = {
      <Action> = {
        _vptr.Action = 0xd24650 <vtable for HttpCacheAction+16>,
        continuation = 0x0,
        mutex = {
          m_ptr = 0x0
        cancelled = 0
      members of HttpCacheAction:
      sm = 0x607000639b50
    open_read_cb = false,
    open_write_cb = false,
    open_read_tries = 0,
    read_request_hdr = 0x0,
    read_config = 0x0,
    read_pin_in_cache = 0,
    retry_write = true,
    open_write_tries = 0,
    lookup_url = 0x0,
    cache_key = {
      hostlen = 0,
      hostname = 0x0,
      hash = {
        b = {0, 0},
        u64 = {0, 0},
        u32 = {0, 0, 0, 0},
        u8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>
    lookup_max_recursive = 0,
    current_lookup_level = 0
  second_cache_sm = 0x0,
  default_handler = NULL,
  pending_action = 0x0,
  historical_action = 0x0,
  schedule_cont = 0x0,
  http_parser = {
    m_parsing_http = true,
    m_allow_non_http = true,
    m_mime_parser = {
      m_scanner = {
        m_line = 0x0,
        m_line_length = 0,
        m_line_size = 0,
        m_state = MIME_PARSE_BEFORE
      m_field = 0,
      m_field_flags = 0,
      m_value = -1
  last_action = HttpTransact::SM_ACTION_ORIGIN_SERVER_OPEN,
  m_last_state = NULL,
  client_request_hdr_bytes = 1461,
  client_request_body_bytes = 0,
  server_request_hdr_bytes = 3458,
  server_request_body_bytes = 0,
  server_response_hdr_bytes = 1972,
  server_response_body_bytes = 0,
  client_response_hdr_bytes = 1591,
  client_response_body_bytes = 0,
  cache_response_hdr_bytes = 0,
  cache_response_body_bytes = 0,
  pushed_response_hdr_bytes = 0,
  pushed_response_body_bytes = 0,
  client_tcp_reused = true,
  client_ssl_reused = false,
  client_connection_is_ssl = true,
  client_sec_protocol = 0x7ffff400b178 "TLSv1.2",
  client_cipher_suite = 0x7ffff400a34b "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256",
  server_transact_count = 14,
  server_connection_is_ssl = false,
  milestones = {
    milestones = {1538963191514424914, 1538963191575368668, 1538963191575368668, 1538963192078959693, 1538963192081928031, 1538963191601082075, 1538963191601082075, 0, 1538963191601191778, 1538963192078715881, 1538963192078715881, 1538963192079526284, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1538963191601012052, 1538963191601012052, 1538963191514424914, 1538963192082231017, 1538963191540421804, 1538963191540421804}
  api_timer = 0,
  plugin_tag = 0xd60a80 "http/2",
  plugin_id = 0,
  hooks_set = true,
  error_is_set = false,
  cur_hook_id = TS_HTTP_TXN_CLOSE_HOOK,
  cur_hook = 0x0,
  plugin_hook = 0x6008009d4c50,
  prev_hook_start_time = 0,
  cur_hooks = 3,
  callout_state = HTTP_API_NO_CALLOUT,
  api_hooks = {
    <FeatureAPIHooks<TSHttpHookID, (TSHttpHookID)22>> = {
      hooks_p = false,
      m_hooks = {{
          m_hooks = {
            <DLL<APIHook, APIHook::Link_m_link>> = {
              head = 0x0
            members of Queue<APIHook, APIHook::Link_m_link>:
            tail = 0x0
        } <repeats 22 times>}
    }, <No data fields>},
  terminate_sm = true,
  kill_this_async_done = true,
  parse_range_done = false,
  debug_link = {
    <SLink<HttpSM>> = {
      next = 0x0
    members of Link<HttpSM>:
    prev = 0x0

(gdb) c
==32365== ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x607000638118 at pc 0xc460aa bp 0x7fffe508f5c0 sp 0x7fffe508f5b8
READ of size 8 at 0x607000638118 thread T33 ([ET_NET 32])
    #0 0xc460a9 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xc460a9)
    #1 0xc2661f (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xc2661f)
    #2 0xcc126d (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcc126d)
    #3 0xcc37b5 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcc37b5)
    #4 0xcbfc88 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcbfc88)
    #5 0x7ffff4e66c27 (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0x18c27)
    #6 0x7ffff308fdc4 (/lib64/libpthread-2.17.so+0x7dc4)
    #7 0x7ffff203076c (/lib64/libc-2.17.so+0xf776c)
0x607000638118 is located 24 bytes inside of 7840-byte region [0x607000638100,0x607000639fa0)
freed by thread T7 ([ET_NET 6]) here:
    #0 0x7ffff4e6349a (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0x1549a)
    #1 0x7ffff4c1c491 (/lib64/libtsutil.so.6+0x65491)
    #2 0x7064be (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x7064be)
    #3 0x7096e7 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x7096e7)
    #4 0x7bca66 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x7bca66)
    #5 0x7e7e6d (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x7e7e6d)
    #6 0xcc126d (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcc126d)
    #7 0xcc3484 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcc3484)
    #8 0xcbfc88 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcbfc88)
    #9 0x7ffff4e66c27 (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0x18c27)
previously allocated by thread T7 ([ET_NET 6]) here:
    #0 0x7ffff4e63859 (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0x15859)
    #1 0x7ffff4c1a917 (/lib64/libtsutil.so.6+0x63917)
    #2 0x7ffff4c1c414 (/lib64/libtsutil.so.6+0x65414)
    #3 0x5ac139 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x5ac139)
    #4 0x81eb6d (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x81eb6d)
    #5 0x8266a4 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x8266a4)
    #6 0x8001d9 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x8001d9)
    #7 0x804b72 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x804b72)
    #8 0x805450 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x805450)
    #9 0x800cfd (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x800cfd)
    #10 0xc47b6c (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xc47b6c)
    #11 0xbf8544 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xbf8544)
    #12 0xc19f54 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xc19f54)
    #13 0xcc436b (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcc436b)
    #14 0xcbfc88 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcbfc88)
    #15 0x7ffff4e66c27 (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0x18c27)
Thread T33 ([ET_NET 32]) created by T0 ([ET_NET 0]) here:
    #0 0x7ffff4e58c9b (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0xac9b)
    #1 0xcbfe4b (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcbfe4b)
    #2 0xcca1c9 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcca1c9)
    #3 0x49a48f (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x49a48f)
    #4 0x7ffff1f5ab34 (/lib64/libc-2.17.so+0x21b34)
Thread T7 ([ET_NET 6]) created by T0 ([ET_NET 0]) here:
    #0 0x7ffff4e58c9b (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0xac9b)
    #1 0xcbfe4b (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcbfe4b)
    #2 0xcca1c9 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcca1c9)
    #3 0x49a48f (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x49a48f)
    #4 0x7ffff1f5ab34 (/lib64/libc-2.17.so+0x21b34)
Shadow bytes around the buggy address:
  0x0c0e800befd0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c0e800befe0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c0e800beff0: 00 00 00 00 fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
  0x0c0e800bf000: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
  0x0c0e800bf010: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
=>0x0c0e800bf020: 00 00 00[00]00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c0e800bf030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c0e800bf040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c0e800bf050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c0e800bf060: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c0e800bf070: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Shadow byte legend (one shadow byte represents 8 application bytes):
  Addressable:           00
  Partially addressable: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
  Heap left redzone:     fa
  Heap righ redzone:     fb
  Freed Heap region:     fd
  Stack left redzone:    f1
  Stack mid redzone:     f2
  Stack right redzone:   f3
  Stack partial redzone: f4
  Stack after return:    f5
  Stack use after scope: f8
  Global redzone:        f9
  Global init order:     f6
  Poisoned by user:      f7
  ASan internal:         fe
==32365== ABORTING
[Thread 0x7fffcdca8700 (LWP 32420) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffce1b2700 (LWP 32419) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffce5b9700 (LWP 32418) exited]
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[Thread 0x7fffcf0d0700 (LWP 32416) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffcf5da700 (LWP 32415) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffcfae4700 (LWP 32414) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffcffee700 (LWP 32413) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffd04f8700 (LWP 32412) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffd0a02700 (LWP 32411) exited]
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[Thread 0x7fffe2366700 (LWP 32407) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffe2871700 (LWP 32406) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffe4478700 (LWP 32405) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffe4880700 (LWP 32404) exited]
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[Thread 0x7fffe5090700 (LWP 32402) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffe5498700 (LWP 32401) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffe58a0700 (LWP 32400) exited]
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  hread 0x7fffe70d0700 (LWP 32394) exited]
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[Thread 0x7fffe9920700 (LWP 32384) exited]
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[Thread 0x7fffea130700 (LWP 32382) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffea538700 (LWP 32381) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffea940700 (LWP 32380) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffead48700 (LWP 32379) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffeb150700 (LWP 32378) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffeb558700 (LWP 32377) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffeb960700 (LWP 32376) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffebd68700 (LWP 32375) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffec170700 (LWP 32374) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffec578700 (LWP 32373) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffec980700 (LWP 32372) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffecd88700 (LWP 32371) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffeffff700 (LWP 32370) exited]
[Inferior 1 (process 32365) exited with code 01]
(gdb) q
bash-4.2# ls
appname      bin               etc      lib64     nohup.out  setup-asan.sh   usr
appsConfig     boot              export   lidenv.json   opt        srv         var
asan_report.txt    chroot-exec             home     logs      proc       symbolize.py
asan_report.txt.1  data              hooks    logs.syminfo  root       sys
asan_report.txt.2  dev               include  media     run        tier-spec.json
asan_start_ATS.sh  ea8d1c2c4f8337122497d13c79bfbada6d5352ff  lib      mnt     sbin       tmp
bash-4.2# vim asan_report.txt.105
Thread T7 ([ET_NET 6]) created by T0 ([ET_NET 0]) here:
    #0 0x7ffff4e58c9b (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0xac9b)
    #1 0xcbfe4b (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcbfe4b)
    #2 0xcca1c9 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcca1c9)
    #3 0x49a48f (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x49a48f)
    #4 0x7ffff1f5ab34 (/lib64/libc-2.17.so+0x21b34)
Shadow bytes around the buggy address:
  0x0c0e800befd0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c0e800befe0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c0e800beff0: 00 00 00 00 fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
  0x0c0e800bf000: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
  0x0c0e800bf010: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
=>0x0c0e800bf020: 00 00 00[00]00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c0e800bf030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c0e800bf040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c0e800bf050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c0e800bf060: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c0e800bf070: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Shadow byte legend (one shadow byte represents 8 application bytes):
  Addressable:           00
  Partially addressable: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
  Heap left redzone:     fa
  Heap righ redzone:     fb
  Freed Heap region:     fd
  Stack left redzone:    f1
  Stack mid redzone:     f2
  Stack right redzone:   f3
  Stack partial redzone: f4
  Stack after return:    f5
  Stack use after scope: f8
  Global redzone:        f9
  Global init order:     f6
  Poisoned by user:      f7
  ASan internal:         fe
==32365== ABORTING
"asan_report.txt.105" [New] 81L, 4119C written
bash-4.2# python symbolize.py asan_report.txt.105
['symbolize.py', 'asan_report.txt.105']
==32365== ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x607000638118 at pc 0xc460aa bp 0x7fffe508f5c0 sp 0x7fffe508f5b8
READ of size 8 at 0x607000638118 thread T33 ([ET_NET 32])
    #0 0xc460a9 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xc460a9)

Ptr<ProxyMutex>::operator==(Ptr<ProxyMutex> const&) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/net/../../lib/ts/Ptr.h:328
    #1 0xc2661f (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xc2661f)

Continuation::handleEvent(int, void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/net/../../iocore/eventsystem/I_Continuation.h:153
    #2 0xcc126d (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcc126d)

Continuation::handleEvent(int, void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/eventsystem/I_Continuation.h:153
    #3 0xcc37b5 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcc37b5)

EThread::execute() at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/eventsystem/UnixEThread.cc:230
    #4 0xcbfc88 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcbfc88)

spawn_thread_internal(void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/eventsystem/Thread.cc:86
    #5 0x7ffff4e66c27 (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0x18c27)

__asan::AsanThread::ThreadStart() at /export/home/tester/hudson/data/workspace/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/gcc_d4ebd89d4696534dc578b6e07497c0341e11bb44/gcc/src/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libsanitizer/asan/../../.././libsanitizer/asan/asan_thread.cc:99
    #6 0x7ffff308fdc4 (/lib64/libpthread-2.17.so+0x7dc4)

start_thread at pthread_create.c:?
    #7 0x7ffff203076c (/lib64/libc-2.17.so+0xf776c)

__clone at ??:?
0x607000638118 is located 24 bytes inside of 7840-byte region [0x607000638100,0x607000639fa0)
freed by thread T7 ([ET_NET 6]) here:
    #0 0x7ffff4e6349a (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0x1549a)

__interceptor_free at /export/home/tester/hudson/data/workspace/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/gcc_d4ebd89d4696534dc578b6e07497c0341e11bb44/gcc/src/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libsanitizer/asan/../../.././libsanitizer/asan/asan_malloc_linux.cc:61
    #1 0x7ffff4c1c491 (/lib64/libtsutil.so.6+0x65491)

ink_freelist_free at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/lib/ts/ink_queue.cc:270
    #2 0x7064be (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x7064be)

HttpSM::kill_this() at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/proxy/http/HttpSM.cc:7091 (discriminator 3)
    #3 0x7096e7 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x7096e7)

HttpSM::main_handler(int, void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/proxy/http/HttpSM.cc:2948
    #4 0x7bca66 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x7bca66)

Continuation::handleEvent(int, void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/proxy/http/../../iocore/eventsystem/I_Continuation.h:153
    #5 0x7e7e6d (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x7e7e6d)

Http2Stream::main_event_handler(int, void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/proxy/http2/Http2Stream.cc:88
    #6 0xcc126d (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcc126d)

Continuation::handleEvent(int, void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/eventsystem/I_Continuation.h:153
    #7 0xcc3484 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcc3484)

EThread::execute() at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/eventsystem/UnixEThread.cc:202
    #8 0xcbfc88 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcbfc88)

spawn_thread_internal(void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/eventsystem/Thread.cc:86
    #9 0x7ffff4e66c27 (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0x18c27)

__asan::AsanThread::ThreadStart() at /export/home/tester/hudson/data/workspace/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/gcc_d4ebd89d4696534dc578b6e07497c0341e11bb44/gcc/src/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libsanitizer/asan/../../.././libsanitizer/asan/asan_thread.cc:99
previously allocated by thread T7 ([ET_NET 6]) here:
    #0 0x7ffff4e63859 (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0x15859)

__interceptor_posix_memalign at /export/home/tester/hudson/data/workspace/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/gcc_d4ebd89d4696534dc578b6e07497c0341e11bb44/gcc/src/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libsanitizer/asan/../../.././libsanitizer/asan/asan_malloc_linux.cc:128
    #1 0x7ffff4c1a917 (/lib64/libtsutil.so.6+0x63917)

ats_memalign at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/lib/ts/ink_memory.cc:105
    #2 0x7ffff4c1c414 (/lib64/libtsutil.so.6+0x65414)

ink_freelist_new at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/lib/ts/ink_queue.cc:183
    #3 0x5ac139 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x5ac139)

ClassAllocator<HttpSM>::alloc() at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/proxy/../lib/ts/Allocator.h:121
    #4 0x81eb6d (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x81eb6d)

rcv_headers_frame(Http2ConnectionState&, Http2Frame const&) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/proxy/http2/Http2ConnectionState.cc:318
    #5 0x8266a4 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x8266a4)

Http2ConnectionState::main_event_handler(int, void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/proxy/http2/Http2ConnectionState.cc:837
    #6 0x8001d9 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x8001d9)

Continuation::handleEvent(int, void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/proxy/http2/../../iocore/eventsystem/I_Continuation.h:153
    #7 0x804b72 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x804b72)

Http2ClientSession::do_complete_frame_read() at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/proxy/http2/Http2ClientSession.cc:497
    #8 0x805450 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x805450)

Http2ClientSession::state_process_frame_read(int, VIO*, bool) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/proxy/http2/Http2ClientSession.cc:534
    #9 0x800cfd (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x800cfd)

Http2ClientSession::main_event_handler(int, void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/proxy/http2/Http2ClientSession.cc:318 (discriminator 3)
    #10 0xc47b6c (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xc47b6c)

Continuation::handleEvent(int, void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/net/../../iocore/eventsystem/I_Continuation.h:153
    #11 0xbf8544 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xbf8544)

SSLNetVConnection::net_read_io(NetHandler*, EThread*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/net/SSLNetVConnection.cc:593
    #12 0xc19f54 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xc19f54)

NetHandler::mainNetEvent(int, Event*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/net/UnixNet.cc:513
    #13 0xcc436b (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcc436b)

Continuation::handleEvent(int, void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/eventsystem/I_Continuation.h:153
    #14 0xcbfc88 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcbfc88)

spawn_thread_internal(void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/eventsystem/Thread.cc:86
    #15 0x7ffff4e66c27 (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0x18c27)

__asan::AsanThread::ThreadStart() at /export/home/tester/hudson/data/workspace/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/gcc_d4ebd89d4696534dc578b6e07497c0341e11bb44/gcc/src/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libsanitizer/asan/../../.././libsanitizer/asan/asan_thread.cc:99
Thread T33 ([ET_NET 32]) created by T0 ([ET_NET 0]) here:
    #0 0x7ffff4e58c9b (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0xac9b)

__interceptor_pthread_create at /export/home/tester/hudson/data/workspace/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/gcc_d4ebd89d4696534dc578b6e07497c0341e11bb44/gcc/src/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libsanitizer/asan/../../.././libsanitizer/asan/asan_interceptors.cc:122
    #1 0xcbfe4b (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcbfe4b)

Thread::start(char const*, unsigned long, void* (*)(void*), void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/eventsystem/../../lib/ts/ink_thread.h:147
    #2 0xcca1c9 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcca1c9)

EventProcessor::start(int, unsigned long) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/eventsystem/UnixEventProcessor.cc:141
    #3 0x49a48f (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x49a48f)

main at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/proxy/Main.cc:1761
    #4 0x7ffff1f5ab34 (/lib64/libc-2.17.so+0x21b34)

__libc_start_main at ??:?
Thread T7 ([ET_NET 6]) created by T0 ([ET_NET 0]) here:
    #0 0x7ffff4e58c9b (/lib64/libasan.so.0+0xac9b)

__interceptor_pthread_create at /export/home/tester/hudson/data/workspace/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/gcc_d4ebd89d4696534dc578b6e07497c0341e11bb44/gcc/src/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libsanitizer/asan/../../.././libsanitizer/asan/asan_interceptors.cc:122
    #1 0xcbfe4b (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcbfe4b)

Thread::start(char const*, unsigned long, void* (*)(void*), void*) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/eventsystem/../../lib/ts/ink_thread.h:147
    #2 0xcca1c9 (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0xcca1c9)

EventProcessor::start(int, unsigned long) at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/iocore/eventsystem/UnixEventProcessor.cc:141
    #3 0x49a48f (/usr/bin/traffic_server+0x49a48f)

main at /export/home/tester/orca/MP_TRUNKDEV_POSTCOMMIT/workspace/ats-core_9ec60fa463bb02045d6cfcbea1d24d1bcedc5d75/ats6/src/proxy/Main.cc:1761
    #4 0x7ffff1f5ab34 (/lib64/libc-2.17.so+0x21b34)

__libc_start_main at ??:?
Shadow bytes around the buggy address:
0x0c0e800befd0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x0c0e800befe0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x0c0e800beff0: 00 00 00 00 fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
0x0c0e800bf000: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
0x0c0e800bf010: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
=>0x0c0e800bf020: 00 00 00[00]00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x0c0e800bf030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x0c0e800bf040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x0c0e800bf050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x0c0e800bf060: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x0c0e800bf070: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Shadow byte legend (one shadow byte represents 8 application bytes):
Addressable:           00
Partially addressable: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Heap left redzone:     fa
Heap righ redzone:     fb
Freed Heap region:     fd
Stack left redzone:    f1
Stack mid redzone:     f2
Stack right redzone:   f3
Stack partial redzone: f4
Stack after return:    f5
Stack use after scope: f8
Global redzone:        f9
Global init order:     f6
Poisoned by user:      f7
ASan internal:         fe
==32365== ABORTING
zizhong commented 5 years ago

@maskit @masaori335 Would be greatly appreciated if you have any insightful ideas.

bryancall commented 5 years ago

@zizhong What version of ATS is this for? Are you still seeing this issue?

zizhong commented 5 years ago

Didn't see this issue happening for a while.