apache / tvm

Open deep learning compiler stack for cpu, gpu and specialized accelerators
Apache License 2.0
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[RFC][Tracking Issue] DietCode #11516

Open ArmageddonKnight opened 2 years ago

ArmageddonKnight commented 2 years ago

This issue is to track progress for DietCode.

TODO Items


flowchart TB
    subgraph CodeGen[Code Generation]
    CodeGen1[Local Padding]
    CodeGen2[Decision-Tree Dispatching]
    subgraph MetaScheduler
    MetaScheduler1[Frontend Interface] --> MetaScheduler2[Sketch Generation + Annotations]
    MetaScheduler2 --> MetaScheduler3[Program Measurer]
    MetaScheduler2 --> MetaScheduler4[Micro-Kernel Cost Model]
    MetaScheduler3 --> MetaScheduler5[Evolutionary Search]
    MetaScheduler4 --> MetaScheduler5
    MetaScheduler5 --> MetaScheduler6[Performance Verification]
    CodeGen1 --> MetaScheduler3
    MetaScheduler --> CodeGen2

    AlgoFinetuning[Algroithm Fine-tuning]
    MetaScheduler2 --> AlgoFinetuning
    MetaScheduler3 --> AlgoFinetuning
    style CodeGen1 stroke-width:4px
    style MetaScheduler1 stroke-width:4px
    style WIP stroke-width:4px
    style Completed stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
effrey-liu commented 6 months ago

Excuse me, i'm wondering how can i track this process? or where can i find dietcode in current tvm github rep?