Closed srkreddy1238 closed 5 years ago
I hope we can have a healthy discussion on what high-level API that goes beyond C FFI style API can be provided. Specifically, if we look at tvm runtime API of java, js, python, we have specific object class for Module, Array, and Function which automatically manages their lifecycle and when necessary overloads the ops. I know little about go but from what I learnt, this should be possible
Some things I think that are related. In python and js we use variadic interface to implement function invocation, it seems to be possible to implement a dynamically dispatched variadic function via
func function_name(a ...interface{})
Point2: ideally we want to remove Free functions and automatically manage the objects, and always use Finalizer to trigger the free of the objects
Point3: from user's point of view, we may not need to have a TVMFunction object at all, the handle can be captured, but module.GetFunction can directly return a closure with signature:
func function_name(a ...interface{})
This way the function returned by module.GetFunction can be directly invoked as a function
Please update the examples accordingly, once we have a clear interface proposal, we can proceed on implementation again
Updated the interface and example code above. This version is based on
The PR #1470 also updated accordingly for review.
Three things:
mod = gotvm.LoadModuleFromFile("xx.dso");
@tqchen Sorry, I forgot to submit the edited sample code and final API interface above :)
Have a look now.
ret, err
. Optional second return value is golang style of reporting error. Here I am returning TVMGetLastErr as golang error object.maybe @yzhliu can also chime in to comment on api design
Addressed above changes.
@srkreddy1238 can you please also update the sample code on the first post?
Updated the sample code.
Some of the suggestions to make it more consistent with existing APIs in other languages(js, java)
and gotvm.GPU(0)
as helper constructors. The example now looks good to me.We still need to flesh out the details of the PackedFunc system, specifically
Please create a simple example to demonstrate cases in
Ref below from complex.go example
// Call function
graphrt, err := funp(jsonStr, modp, (int64)(gotvm.KDLCPU), (int64)(0))
if err != nil {
graphmod := graphrt.(*gotvm.TVMModule)
fmt.Printf("Graph runtime Created\n")
Packed Function return is handled and it return an interface holding the value based on the ret_type_code from TVM runtime.
according to java's wrapping, we can introduce TVMValue object as an intermediate variant type, and use AsXX function to do the explicit conversion with type checking, and the call will look like
graphrt, err:= ..
graphmod = graphrt.AsModule()
Sure, I will refer java wrappers and add them in golang too.
Please update the examples once you have an updated API and I will check again
Updated API interface above with wrappers on TVMValue
and TVMContext
wrappers API.
Please find below complex example which use these wrappers.
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \brief Sample golang application deployment over tvm.
* \file complex.go
package main
import (
// NNVM compiled model paths.
const (
modLib = "./"
modJSON = "./mobilenet.json"
modParams = "./mobilenet.params"
// main
func main() {
defer runtime.GC()
// Welcome
fmt.Printf("TVM Go Interface : v%v\n", gotvm.GoTVMVersion)
fmt.Printf("TVM Version : v%v\n", gotvm.TVMVersion)
fmt.Printf("DLPACK Version: v%v\n\n", gotvm.DLPackVersion)
// Query global functions available
funcNames, err := gotvm.FuncListGlobalNames()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Global Functions:%v\n", funcNames)
// Import tvm module (so)
modp, err := gotvm.LoadModuleFromFile(modLib)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Please copy tvm compiled modules here and update the sample.go accordingly.\n")
fmt.Printf("You may need to update modLib, modJSON, modParams, tshapeIn, tshapeOut\n")
fmt.Printf("Module Imported:%p\n", modp)
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(modJSON)
if err != nil {
jsonStr := string(bytes)
// Load module on tvm runtime - call tvm.graph_runtime.create
funp, err := gotvm.GetGlobalFunction("tvm.graph_runtime.create")
if err != nil {
// Call function
graphrt, err := funp(jsonStr, modp, (int64)(gotvm.KDLCPU), (int64)(0))
if err != nil {
graphmod := graphrt.AsModule()
fmt.Printf("Graph runtime Created\n")
// Array allocation attributes
tshapeIn := []int64{1, 224, 224, 3}
tshapeOut := []int64{1, 1001}
// Allocate input Array
inX, err := gotvm.Empty(tshapeIn, "float32", gotvm.CPU(0))
if err != nil {
// Allocate output Array
out, err := gotvm.Empty(tshapeOut)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Input and Output Arrays allocated\n")
// Get module function from graph runtime : load_params
// Read params
bytes, err = ioutil.ReadFile(modParams)
if err != nil {
paramsByteArray := gotvm.NewByteArray(bytes)
// Load Params
funp, err = graphmod.GetFunction("load_params")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Func load_params:%p\n", funp)
// Call function
_, err = funp(paramsByteArray)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Module params loaded\n")
// Set some data in input Array
inSlice := make([]float32, (244 * 244 * 3))
rand.Shuffle(len(inSlice), func(i, j int) {inSlice[i],
inSlice[j] = rand.Float32(),
rand.Float32() })
// Set Input
funp, err = graphmod.GetFunction("set_input")
if err != nil {
// Call function
_, err = funp("input", inX)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Module input is set\n")
// Run
funp, err = graphmod.GetFunction("run")
if err != nil {
// Call function
_, err = funp()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Module Executed \n")
// Call runtime function get_output
funp, err = graphmod.GetFunction("get_output")
if err != nil {
// Call function
_, err = funp(int64(0), out)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Got Module Output \n")
// Print results
outIntf, _ := out.AsSlice()
outSlice := outIntf.([]float32)
fmt.Printf("Result:%v\n", outSlice[:10])
The API looks good, please also include examples for how can we use callbacks
One situation while designing function callbacks for discussion.
The function closure is defined as func (args ...interface{}) (*Value, error)
which takes golang types as variadic args and packs them as TVMValue array internally. The return value is TVMValue and AsXXX wrappers are provided to access the underlying values.
I am looking at function callbacks definition as func (args ...interface{}) (interface{})
which takes variadic args and returns an interface.
The signature should be same for both cases.
Reason behind proposing interface{}
instead of TVMValue
is user don't' need to explicitly embed golang types into TVMValue
with wrappers.
// Call function
graphrt, err := funp(jsonStr, modp, (int64)(gotvm.KDLCPU), (int64)(0))
if err != nil {
graphmod := graphrt.(*gotvm.TVMModule)
else user need to handle embedding jsonStr, modp ..etc. into TVMValue with functions.
Please advice.
OK, I think it is fine to use the interface if go users are familiar with that. One second thought on the callbacks, we do need a way to convert functions into handles and pass PackedFunc handle back when there is a function argument. We can do it either by attaching a field to the closure(if go permit that, as in, or we do need a customized Function struct, and use a special method Call to call the function
Here is the final sample with packed function system support for golang.
Please comment on the //TODO
below to finalize.
Also the API above is updated with addition of RegisterFunction
, ConvertFunction
and Invoke
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \brief Sample golang application to demonstrate function callbacks in go
* \file funccb.go
package main
import (
// sampleCb is a simple golang callback function like C = A + B.
func sampleCb(args ...interface{}) (retVal interface{}, err error) {
for i, v := range args {
fmt.Printf("ARGS:%T: %v --- %T : %v\n",i, i, v, v)
val1 := args[0].(int64)
val2 := args[1].(int64)
retVal = int64(val1+val2)
// sampleErrorCb is a callback function which returns a golang error.
func sampleErrorCb(args ...interface{}) (retVal interface{}, err error) {
err = fmt.Errorf("Callback function returns an error\n")
// sampleFunctionCb returns a function closure which is embed as packed function in TVMValue.
func sampleFunctionCb(args ...interface{}) (retVal interface{}, err error) {
funccall := func (cargs ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return sampleCb(cargs...)
retVal = funccall
// main
func main() {
// Welcome
defer runtime.GC()
fmt.Printf("TVM Go Interface : v%v\n", gotvm.GoTVMVersion)
fmt.Printf("TVM Version : v%v\n", gotvm.TVMVersion)
fmt.Printf("DLPACK Version: v%v\n\n", gotvm.DLPackVersion)
// Verify callback function by direct call.
fmt.Printf("\n\n ------ Direct call Test ------ \n")
retVal, err := sampleCb(int64(10), int64(20))
fmt.Printf("simpleCb: %v\n", retVal)
_, err = sampleErrorCb()
if err == nil {
fmt.Printf("Expected err but not received\n")
retVal, err = sampleFunctionCb(int64(15), int64(25))
fmt.Printf("sampleFunctionCb:%v", retVal)
fmt.Printf("\n\n ------ Register Function With TVM ------ \n")
// Register sampleCb with TVM packed function system and call and check Global Function List.
gotvm.RegisterFunction(sampleCb, "sampleCb");
// Query global functions available
funcNames, err := gotvm.FuncListGlobalNames()
if err != nil {
found := 0
for ii := range (funcNames) {
if strings.Compare(funcNames[ii], "sampleCb") == 0 {
found = 1
if found == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Function registerd but, not listed\n")
// Get "sampleCb" and verify the call.
funp, err := gotvm.GetGlobalFunction("sampleCb")
if err != nil {
//TODO: funp here is a function closure.
// Do we convert this to Function handle to keep it common across.
// New method Invoke can be used to call.
// Call function
result, err := funp((int64)(10), (int64)(20))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("sampleCb result: %v\n", result.AsInt64())
//TODO: Do we still need AsXXX wrappers?
// As packed function is defined to return interface{} instead.
fmt.Printf("\n\n ------ Convert Function With TVM ------ \n")
// Simple convert to a packed function
fhandle, err := gotvm.ConvertFunction(sampleErrorCb)
retVal, err = fhandle.Invoke()
if err == nil {
fmt.Printf("Expected err but not received via packed function\n")
fmt.Printf("Error received as expected as :###%v###\n ", err.Error())
fmt.Printf("\n\n ------ Function Closure Return Type With TVM ------ \n")
// Check function closure through packed function system.
// Not passing a function name implicitely
// picks the name from reflection as "main.sampleDunctionCb"
funp, err = gotvm.GetGlobalFunction("main.sampleFunctionCb")
if err != nil {
// Call function
result, err = funp()
if err != nil {
pfunc := result.AsFunction()
pfuncRet, err := pfunc.Invoke((int64)(30), (int64)(40))
fmt.Printf("sampleFunctionCb result:%v\n", pfuncRet.AsInt64())
One possible problem of the current callback interface is that the value types seem to be pretty strict, for example, we do pfunc.Invoke((int64)(0))
, but ideally, we want to support pfunc.Invoke(0)
One option is to Value as a signature for the implementation of callback could be helpful. So callback's signature takes in Value and call AsXXX during to get the argument and construct Value during return.
The invoke expose the signature (args ...interface{}) Value
, and we allow user to directly pass in int/closure/Value/float/Array etc and do the automated conversion to Value under the hood
To summarize the TODO
GetGlobalFunction should return TVMFunction (Packed Function) which will be called via Invoke method to be consistent across.
Packed function implementation signature would be (args ...Value) (interface{})
where AsXXX functions will be helpful to receive arguments and user can return any type.
Packed Function invoke signature would be (args ...interface{}) (*Value)
where user can pass any types as arguments and receives Value where AsXXX helpers will be helpful.
in above example demonstrate go-closure turning into PackedFunc under the hood automatically. I will add more samples for the same.
One thing to keep in mind is that in the cases where interface{} is used, we also need to support Value as a argument/return
Yes, Value is handled.
Also covering []Value
which is possible when a callback function calling another callback function with slice of it's own arguments
Here briefing the golang interface design aspects.
Few golang concepts
golang packages to go across golang boundary while accessing functions, types and pointer ..etc.slice of string
instead of argument pair containingargc, argv
Please refer to golang tutorials for details of
which is wrapped over TVMc_runtime_api
This initial version expected to cover the below API
Sample Code
@dmlc/tvm-team welcome to comment on this info.
Please refer to #1470 to have a look at initial effort.