apache / whimsy

Apache Whimsy
Apache License 2.0
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need to search harder for private@ subscriptions #45

Closed gstein closed 6 years ago

gstein commented 6 years ago

On the roster/committer/$availid page, I'm listed in several committees, but they have a (*) warning attached to them, with the note: (*) could not find a subscription to the private@ mailing list for this committee

The reason this happened is because I'm subscribed as foo+apache@gmail.com.

I suggest that the email parsing/matching ignore the +apache part. It would then match the foo@gmail address that is associated with my availid.

sebbASF commented 6 years ago

AFAIK this syntax is not universal, so it would have to be specific to each provider. GMail also allows f.o.o. instead of foo - should Whimsy allow for that too?

A work-round is to add the email as an alias to your LDAP record. It can then be used by the auto-subscribe feature of Whimsy.

gstein commented 6 years ago

Oh, I thought it was pretty universal. Alrighty. It would be interesting to even see if it is used much. If only a few instances occur, then it may not be worth the coding/maintenance. (and certainly, nothing is broken beyond a little bit of wonkiness in the display)

And yeah, knew about the gmail '.' thing. Hadn't thought about that one, in this context. Maybe a few of the most common email providers could have a "canonicalize" step applied before matching.

sebbASF commented 6 years ago

GMail uses '+'; qmail uses '-' (if enabled).

Freeserve and Demon mail (sadly both now withdrawn) used to allow anything as the name part. The user id was the first part of the domain, e.g. anything@userid.etc... and other@userid... would go to the same mailbox.

If you want to raise an enhancement request, I suggest using the WHIMSY JIRA.

gstein commented 6 years ago

Oh, darnit. Right. I forgot about the Jira. ... I'll try to remember that next time. I was "here" reviewing some code, and just went and opened an issue.

And concur: email address parsing/matching is all over the map. I won't re-open this one.

Thanks for the discussion!